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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. How does some guy on Wall Street getting a big compensation package affect YOU? More to the point, what affects you and your quality of life more? A Wall Street guy getting a big bonus, or a cop getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for unused sick and vacation time? http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/12/opinion/12brooks.html?_r=2
  2. Dear Unions: The 50s are over. Get a 401K like everyone else. Signed, Everybody
  3. Not only all the other stuff mentioned above, but the Obama campaign had millions in financing from sources not disclosed that was reported on. Plus theres that George Soros guy. Its like Devid Lee Roth bitching about Lady Gaga's sense of decorum.
  4. The US military pulled out of the Muslim Holy Lands, which was bin Laden's primary beef. Yet their terrorism continues. Whats your next excuse for their behavior? MTV? Really, Jim? Youre going for the "its really the eeevil US' fault all those poor poor Moslems have to blow themselves up" line of bull ****? Really?
  5. I stopped reading at "stud of a running back." Maybe in Div II college he is.
  6. You could also go back to the mid 80s and Im pretty damn sure find great picks made in rounds 4 on.
  7. They are both batschitt nuts, just in different ways.
  8. Three rich guys walk into a bar...the guy from Detroit says "Hey! Lets put a football team in Buffalo!!" Ba bum pum!
  9. Yes....he lives in California. And wears a headband and gloves.
  10. Being outed, especially as a kid or losing your job due to bad performance, as is the case in that other suicide out in CA are both heavy, heavy stressful events. No doubt. Terrible and tough to deal with. But such events leading to suicide, especially in the immediate aftermath of these events leads me to believe that these poor folks had a lot of other deep deep mental issues and were NOT just struggling with sexual identity or not being able to get 2/3 of your class to pass an exam. And "Kill the guy with the Ball" as we called it, is as FAR from "bullying" as one could get. In our school(s), it was the ONE game where EVERYONE, from EVERY clique played and punishment was doled out in equal portions! Same for it's second brother, the Jr. high school equivalent we called..."suicide."
  11. Um...correct me if Im wrong, but last I checked, and as was we were ALL reminded this week, length of contract means NOTHING in the NFL. So why is everyone up in arms over the four years thing? No way Kelsay sees the end of this deal. He knew it when he signed, his agent did, and the Bills did. Im not defending the Kelsay deal, mind you.....just trying to understand why contract lenght is whats getting so many upset.
  12. Its bad form to call someone an idiot when you purposely put an incorrect statement in your post. Kelsaty NO WAY IN HELL sees the end of this contract. He knows it, the Bills know it, Kelsay's agent knows it. Length of a deal means ZIP in the NFL, when players can get cut at any time, as we all well know. And that is the saving grace in this deal.
  13. What the heck is it with Bills fans and QB's haircuts?
  14. Hey....on the bright side, I can continue to watch and wait for Kelsay's talent to be "realized." Pathetic move.
  15. Fire the DC becuase he doesnt blitz enough. GONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Roads in Europe were designed for cars, huh? You just buried yourself with that comment. Nothing you can say can make up for that. Go take your jumped-the-shark-three-years-ago schtick to another thread you little, little man.
  17. That's Jens Voigt. He makes Chuck Norris look like a kitty.
  18. Jan Wenner just nominated Donna !@#$ing Summer to the R+R Hall of Fame. Thats all you need to know about Rolling Stone.
  19. IMO, a lot of poeple are. A lot of fans, a lot of columnists, etc. It seems no matter what goes down at OBD, its met with a huge huge amount of second guessing and critique. They couldnt change the type of paint they use for the field lines without a scathing review and 'analysis' oif the decision making process. But as annoying as that can be, its the lay of the land when youve been bad for so long.
  20. Using the Milloy example again, Bellichick didnt exactly have Ronnie Lott circa 1988 waiting in the wings to replace him. And this "they should have released him in {August, July...March(!!??!!)"} would have drawn out the same hyper critical whiners that are here now, except they would be going on about ":not giving TE a chance."
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