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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. That Joy Behar is a real rocket scientist.
  2. I bet for every half-assed statement O'Donnell made, I can come up with FIFTEEN that every other politican (and pundit giving her a hard time) has made over the course of their political/public career. Statements as every bit as ignorant and as facutally bankrupt as the "monkey" one. And peace...you pretty much proved my point with the "she's so mental who knows" comment. And one more thing, peace. Although I hate to use the same bullet twice in just one week... PATTY MURRAY. I win.
  3. Im not following where O'Donnell is doing or saying that makes her "a stupid whacko loon." Lets have a list please. And it better NOT include the "witch" stuff or her comments on religion from almosty fifteen years ago. Nor can it include a misinterpreted statment in a debate, especially from a debate where her opponent said something FAR worse (Coons couldnt name the five freedoms guaranteed in the BoR). Lets have some CURRENT statements/actions that make her "stupid."
  4. Im thinking he can tape a few hours of whats on NPR and will have all the "ammo" he needs to file a lawsuit for wrongful termination.
  5. He wouldnt want to come here and RW wouldnt relinquish the control and/or cash to get him here. Might as well see if Santa Claus would get some "play"
  6. So the Gubmit "injecting" money into the private sector is GOOD.....but when they profit on their own....its BAD and those companies become "evil.". Nice laaaagic, Barry.
  7. It means people in glass !@#$ing houses shouldnt throw stones, you half-wit. Actually it means people who are standing outside with no !@#$ing clothes on during a March rainstorn shouldnt throw stones. Half-wit.
  8. Ironic coming from the guy with a picture of the Pres wearing a pimp hat and smoking a dube as his avatar.
  9. He looks....awesome. His website is first rate.
  10. While Im on a roll here, O'Donnell shot back in the debate, asking Coons if he could name the five freedoms guaranteed by the BoR. He could not. Wonder if the media will be reporting on that.
  11. Whats he gonna do? Plunge NY into fiscal ruin and turn Albany into a circus of corruptocrats? On edit...just walked through his website. Im SO voting for this guy. I wont have to vote for that schmuck Paladino, nor will I have to vote for that entitled liberal !@#$ "Andrew 'do you know who my daddy is?/HUD' Cuomo.
  12. I used to get all twisted about being called a teabagger or whatever other stupid name the left thinks up. LET THEM carry on with their snickering, their names, their elitism, etc. Becuase you know what "we" can call them in a few weeks? OUT OF POWER Besides that, no matter how much they throw around their BS, their namecalling and all their other BS,no matter HOW much control of the media they have and force out their message, they are STILL the minority, STILL the lunatic fringe. This is still (and will always be) a center-right Country. People will ALWAYS become Democrats/liberals mainly becuase its cool when youre at keg parties and will ALWAYS turn to the right when they grow up. The ones that stay to the left either get a job in acedemia or just never grow up or get a decent sense of humor. So no matter what happens, we win. And even when we lose like we did a few years ago, we STILL win becuase the American people, whenever they pine for libtard policy and then get a taste of it, ALWAYS rebuke it in short order. Just like we are seeing now.
  13. You have some? You know about buying guns and calling people "idiot." Thats about where it begins and ends.
  14. What do virgins have to do with any of this, conner?
  15. Your response to my post is a 46 minute speech from the 1950s? Yeah...relevant, that. The world wasnt different THEN, was it? But tell me....in your own words....no links......how are the military's procurement policies and cycles motivates STRICTLY for the profit of the defense industry?
  16. Sir, you have not a clue. Get your head out of the liberal blogs and speak to someone in military procurement. Im not saying there arent ELEMENTS of what you describe, but if you think the Pentagon is saddled with TOO MUCH budget and TOO MANY weapons systems "they dont want", and this is all due to profit motives youre nuts. I live on an Island whose economy is STILL trying to recover from the exact OPPOSITE of what you describe above, 20 years after the fact. Ill wait for Tom to set it straight.
  17. Some liberal friend of mine is sayingg the IRAQ WAR is the reason why the STATES are in so much trouble. But Christine O'Donnell is the idiot.
  18. Whoops....wait, what? But on Wednesday, the U.S. Trade Representative released the latest draft of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, or ACTA. And several proposals that had the high-tech sector most worried — including language that some expected to hold Internet service providers and other technology companies responsible for copyright infringement by their users — are missing. In their place are broader, more flexible provisions that expose tech companies to less legal risk and are likely to be more palatable to the industry. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39545679
  19. If you dont like it, dont buy from them. Just admit it...To YOU any kind of profit is "corporate greed", isnt it? Like those EEEEVIIIL oil companies, 'raping' the public to the tune of 8-some-odd cents on the dollar.
  20. "Only a blind guy can't say a trader is not a people who just want big profit and couldn't care less about the company and people." Whoa.
  21. Which, of course is everyone else's fault. You see.....if those eeeevil wall street types didnt "make" the high risk invesments I allocated in my profile tank so bad, Id be rrrrrrrich by now!!!!!!!
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