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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Thats fine. But there is nothing "islamophobic" about what Williams was speaking of. What he was talking about was a RATIONAL, innate human reaction, based on a recent real world event and even more, showing how that fear plays out in an already tense situation.
  2. He didnt say he was "truly afraid." This is !@#$ing rich...not even a few months after the left got batshit over some low-level govt worker being taken out of context in a Breitbart clip, they are DELIBERATELY TRYING to take Williams out of context. ANYTHING to help the agenda.....ANYTHING at all.
  3. No you cant. You most certainly cannot use a regional, almost now defunct group like the IRA, a single terror event carried out by a single man and lynchings from the 50's for your "moral equivalency." Pretty much the ONLY thing you can use to justify any "fear of Christians" is that they might force you to get a crazy 80s haircut like Joel Osteen and to speak in tounges. Thats it. And for EVERY SINGLE ONE of your "examples" of Christians using terror, Ill raise you FIVE examples of my own of Muslims using it. So dont even try to go there. Its a big loser for you..
  4. Hows this for "objective data" to support Williams' and pretty much everyone's apprehension about Muslims on airplanes?
  5. Yeah, but theres that brown water at the top and then the murky stuff in the middle. Thats everyone. Then there is the **** at the bottom, so thick it can NEVER be pulled out. Its just a mix of thick, 'industrial-strength' hardened ****, dried puke and used tampons. That's conner.
  6. "Liberals want to be nice to everyone" Shirley, you cannot be serious.
  7. Who asked your parachuting-in ass to comment , anyway? You dont even know what the !@#$ we're talking about.
  8. Thats how liberals work. Even IF Williams is guilty of what this c-nt claims, according to her, he should never be employed in the media again. Tolerant bunch, arent they? Lets hope her husband never finds out who she's fu-king, or her stash of coke isnt found.... and SHE needs to be granted a second chance.
  9. If theres one thing I cannt STAND about Bills fans is their Chuck Dickerson-like NEED to ALWAYS have SOMEONE to have on their absolutely IRRATIONAL "hit list"...the guy that needs to be fired NOW (!!!!!!!!)...and usually goes on to success elsewhere (Gilbride, Henning, Williams ,etc etc etc). And what ALWAYS makes it going from the sublime to the ridiculous is that all these batschitt crazy calls for FIRE HIM NOW!!!!!!!!! ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS come with ZERO acknowledgement given to the players and THEIR role in why the team's performing poorly.
  10. Im pretty much thinking that if this unsuccessful abortion is gonna continue to go this route, he be banned. Lotsa freaks, geeks and weirdos here but to purposely post crap like he does is nothing short of trolling.
  11. Even if you dislike him politically, what kind of a wretch POS does one have to be to hate Bush Sr. the man and dishonor his service to this Country? Holy ****.
  12. Could you PLEASE just lick the third rail, already? This is so beyond stupefying, I dont know where to begin.
  13. Good on you. I wish I could commute by bike, but too risky where I am. I did, however recently clear "Step One" of any new bike purchase. That is, Spouse Approval. http://www.specialized.com/zz/en/bc/SBCProduct.jsp?spid=52904&scid=1001&scname=Road Now I just have to figure out how to pay for the damned thing.
  14. Im not going to argue about how doping, hipsters and recumbents have plunged cycling into a very dark period. Thank God for Jens Voigt.
  15. This is why people like you should be booted off the planet. Youll make a statement like the above and write off whats going on as "showbiz, baybee", but then rail against Fox News for their conservative slant...holding them responsible for death, murders, mayhem, Lady Gaga, etc. And football players wear knickers, whats yer point?
  16. Lose the 'recumbent' and you got it about right.
  17. Thats true. Williams' statement make little sense, taken on its face.
  18. Not to defend Tom...but I think he "gets" the "larger point" that you should rent yourself out as a crash test dummy quite well.
  19. I didnt say you said that, brainiac. For one of those "real smart" liberals, youre pretty dumb.
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