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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Of course they need a new one. They dont have every single method of ass-raping the fans out of every dime they have and charging obscene prices for the "pleasure" of watching a game live down there. I swear I get more turned off by pro-sports by the day.
  2. Someone smarter than me (everybody) explain how cutting the mortgage interest deduction doesnt kill "the American Dream" of home ownership deader than Dillinger. Becuase getting that deduction is the ONLY way most can afford a home where I live.
  3. I hate the Conan loyalists who said he got "screwed over." His departure from NBC was ugly, yes. But he walked away with something like $40 Million. *I* should be so 'screwed over.'
  4. Well, then if those are the criteria then of course Countries like Luxembourg and Belgium will come out on top. Becuase all the press writes about there are stories about the Schleck brothers, Tom Boonen's latest cocaine binges, and beer.
  5. Define "freer." Because so far all youre insinuating is that its defined by the ability to get a story picked up, not whether stories are beign suppressed by a government or other regulating body. Thats wrong.
  6. "People will suffer.'??? Its a football team, you megamaniacal clown.
  7. Wow an NFL all pro, assuming he does well, doesnt want to resign with a crappy team with a questionable ownership situation. What a shock.
  8. Im trying to get him to off himself....I got you BOTH beat. BTW...conner.....its November....PLEASE go hiking in a brown fur coat with antlers.
  9. Lurch lurches This week is shaping up to be a right wing hacks dream. First Tuesday, then Keithy gets outed, now Flopenstein gets exposed again.
  10. This is obviously a right wing LIE, put up there by those biased clowns at Fox News [/conner]
  11. You read Levin's book too, huh? I just finished it...brilliant.
  12. A guy I had dinner with last night, when challenged by me that MSNBC has their biases just like Fox does, told me...straight face....that "MSNBC has no bias becuase they tell the truth."
  13. Clinton didnt go on Rock the Vote every other day like Obama does, you idiot. Way to miss the point.
  14. Even liberals have to be embarrassed at this point. Who's next, Barack? Stern?
  15. Meanwhile, in NYC, Kevin Gilbride has a Super Bowl ring and his Giants are 5-2.
  16. All they need to do is change the DC and its SUPER BOWL, BAYBEE!!!! Who loves ya?
  17. Im pretty damn good with movie references, but I admit I got nothing here. I saw thinking about this today: Nice car, Father. Thank you, !@#$.
  18. Im gonna be in Seattle next Tues on business and meeting an ULTRA lib friend of mineand his wife for dinner and to watch the World Series (hopefully). I already told him his favorite teabagger is coming to town (me). Even better, he lives in Ballard with is second only to Berkeley on the lib scale Should be a fun night.
  19. I am...usually driven by a trucknut hanging redneck, toothless sister !@#$ing dolt. See...the "target" there is white. So such a feeling is OK.
  20. Well...that ends it now, doesnt it? Good work.
  21. The thing is, thats not what Williams said. He said that his fear WAS irrational based on the probability of "b". But NOBODY is focused on that.
  22. You "profile" every single person you meet and talk to who you do not already know. You realize that, right?
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