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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Stop with the platitudes. As KT and I have pointed out, youre talking about a massive change in how the entire military operates. It can and WILL be done, but there is a lot of logistical work to be done first. Let the military brass do their jobs to ensure it gets done correctly, which is EXACTLY the process that is now underway.
  2. I think he was blaming Christoper Hitchens. Anyone read his latest Vanity Fair piece? Drivel!
  3. Yeah, and since getting booted from the bills due to a revolt of know it all fans, Kevin Gilbride has a Super Bowl ring and is still running the offense for one of the leagues elite teams. I swear, it never !@#$ing stops.... "Whaaaaa he throws too much" "Whaaaaa he passes too much" "Whaaaaa hes too conservative" "Whaaaaa he takes too many chances"
  4. Just watched his PC..... Give me 52 guys with HALF the balls and emotion of Stevie and the Bills win the !@#$ing Super Bowl THIS YEAR. YOU DA MAN, STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. You cant cange the brand of peas served in the mess without it taking major planning, let alone something like this which will have an effect on more or less every element of military life. All ANYONE of any sense is asking for is for such a move to be done slowly, carefully and deliberately. DADT WILL be done away with in due time. Let the people who know how to make such changes (ie NOT the courts) do their job to make the change as efficiently and smoothly as posible.
  6. Like I said...lets see SJ stand tall in the post game and to his teammates and learn something from this. If so, then this loss is FAR from a waste.
  7. Meh...whatever. Stevie dropped the damned ball. Had a rough game. It happens. Call it a learning experience, lets see him stand tall with his teammates and the media and learn something from this. If so, this loss wont be a waste.
  8. Ah...Tom goes right to the name calling. For a "smart" guy, to rely on such a tactic...... Lame. The idea that becuase of the fact that any business in lower manhattan can apply for these funds is completely irrelevant. YOU and your ilk stated that "this center isnt part of ground zero, has nothing to do with ground zero, nor has any connection whatsoever to 9/11." YOU said those things and made those points. You cannot say "we arent part of 9/11" and then apply for money set aside to rebuild businesses affected by 9/11. Period. You lose.
  9. Evidently, some dont agree....the developers. Defend it GG and Tom....give it your best shot. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/gz_mosque_in_cash_grab_zgPtEj6W8mPjB9WTTwIxUN
  10. He aint no Peyton....but hes proving more and more every week that you can win with him. There is definitely a place in the NFL for the gunslinging chuck and duck type of passers.
  11. Long Island's King of Wings celebrates the big FIVE OH today.
  12. And he caught a lot of **** for it, too..and struggled internally with it as well. Was actually jamming to this song this AM on the commute to work. Live Version off of ATWAS. Heres some early Rush.....Pre-first album.... At the 1:25 mark, crank the volume and strap in.
  13. 9/11 The thought progression goes from there, but that was the start of it all for me.
  14. ANGELA GOSSOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.c...h?v=bGmVxC49fqI
  15. He's not getting ANY money "back." The money he gave up is lost. Thats gone. Whether or not you think its bull, the fact is his contract was terminated and he was not paid that money. Thats a fact. YOU THINKING its not enough is just your opinion and like I said...if you want to see stricter laws for the crimes Vick committed, write your Congressman. Its not Mike Vick's fault the laws are what they are. yeah, huh? michael milken. Have a nice day.
  16. He did two years in jail and lost close to $100 Million. What the !@#$ do you mean "he hasnt paid"? And yes...if youre talented and good at what you do, you also will be given a job again. If you dont like the sentence, than write your congressman and do something about that. Vick did the time and paid the fines the State demanded he do. What? YOU get convicted of something, youre gonna ask for MORE time? To pay a HIGHER fine? No? Then dont ask others to do the same. "Ya know, judge...that $150 fine for speeding is too light...could you please make it $250?" If you dont like that Vick is playing, dont watch him play. Dont support the league, dont tune in. Nobody is FORCING you or anyone else to like and support him. But he DOES have the right to get a job and earn a paycheck. IMO, Vick's OK becuase hes owned up to his sins, paid for them in both time and treasure, and is making the most of his second opportunity with humility. Thats all I can ask of anyone.
  17. Why do we even need a "face of the franchise?" More Jim Kelly envy. Stop it.
  18. Classic "but when WE DO IT, its different" mentality. Way to be part of the problem.
  19. Rushing the field, harrassing people who want to park.....very nice.
  20. Man, you get cranky sometimes! I was just makin sure you saw it becuase this board still doesnt render pictures properly...sheesh.
  21. Yes...this. Used to be a HUGE baseball fan. Went to a good 30 games/yr. Then the Mets decided to build a new stadium and raise the cost of going to a game from about $40 (wth food/parking) to about double that. And for worse seats. The model is true....you CAN price out the fans.
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