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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Yeah, but when "we" do it, "its OK." So there.
  2. Green Bay is a revered franchise and the extra curricular stuff for the players is slim to none, that was my point.
  3. OK, did everyone dip into their stashes last night? Had just a bit of that Pappy's neat while cruising the 'tube. (good bourbon and victoria's secret models....yippeee!!) Too expensive to be my "every day" bourbon, but damn, am I happy I have a liquor store close by that carries it!!!!!!! http://www.oldripvanwinkle.com/newbs/vw/website3.nsf/docsbykey/HNEY-5FFM32?opendocument
  4. I think Buffalo's a bit UNDERrated as far as a place to play. No, its not Miami or NY, but there is a bar scene, casinos close by and of course, the ballet. And when the team is even HALFway decent, the gameday experience and vibe in the Stadium is second to none. Players DO like that. Anyone remember TO and how blown away he was by it when he first played here? TO was the epitome of the type of athelete would raise his nose and would think Buffalo's a one horse town and once he got to see what Sunday at 1 is like in Orchard Park, he loved it. Plus..most athletes die to play in places like.....Green Bay. Ever been to Green Bay? Ive heard the bar scene consists of the local Elks Lodge and....the local Elks Lodge. And any other bars there look like....your local Elks Lodge. Plus, the weather makes Buffalo look like...Miami!
  5. Speaking of which, the bottle of Pappy's I have right now has by far and away the best nose of any bourbon ive ever come across. I took a long whiff of the bottle last night and soaked it in. For kicks, I then took a long whiff from my bottle of Dickel "barrel select" and then one from some Maker's 46 I have and nether had half the nose of the Pappy's. As far as ice watering down the drink, IMO thats part of the experience. You start with your drink ice cold and strong and as the ice melts you get some dilution and a different taste and feel to your drink.
  6. No expert here, but I would think that any code or procedure that has to do with housing of troops would have to be reviewed and changes possibly made. Then issues dealing with health and retirement benefits of those gay members who are in a domestic partnership would need to be looked at and changed. Im sure there is losts of stuff like that I would assume needs to be reviewed and changed.
  7. Yeah, they are really giving the current president a good ear.....I think the South Koreans actually said "Really, Barry? Really??" when he tried to get them to agree to that trade deal a few weeks back. And what nut would vote for an inexperienced person who relies on cult of personality to win the day in the first place?
  8. Excuse me for injecting that pesky little thing called "REALITY" into the discussion. Seriously, you think that the actual logistics of the DADT repeal and its impact should just be ignored? Seriously? Thats ignorant, shortsighted and downright stupid, especially when you consider the review and implementation process Im discussing is already underway and the timeframe for its completion is a mere few months! Really...how quick do you need it? If you "need it you way now", go to friggin Burger King.
  9. Got it.... I dont think you can look at stats/win losses and other numerical figures to judge Gaileys job this year, especially given what he has to work with. What I think we are looking for is overall tone, direction and attitutude of the club. How Gailey is shaping and running his Program. Are players working hard, is their attitude good, and is talent and level of play progressing, staying stagnant or regressing? Judging on those criteria, hes done an excellent job, IMO.
  10. Wait a second....if the team did what is was supposed to do, how can you spin that negatively? If they didnt get to Ben, that would be bad. But they did...and thats not big deal? Eh?
  11. "You" as in the left. Jesus, cant you keep up?
  12. This is where I want this discussion to go! Thanks for some good suggestions. I like Woodford, too. Its funny, for all these different bourbons of very good to high quality, I can still pour some good old Jack Daniels and enjoy it just the same. I guess that could be considered the Budweiser of whiskeys.
  13. I thought that backdrops were useless props used to fool the public. At least thats what you retards said when Bush used them. Too !@#$ing easy.
  14. My bro-in law kindly left me a bottle a Pappy Van Winkle he brought over for Thanksgiving. That stuff is like candy. Usually a Maker's or Dickel (not true bourbon, I know) man, myself. He also picked up a bottle of George Stagg. 140 proof. Woof. Discuss.
  15. Speeches arent given to the media, you walking abortion. Those are called press conferences.
  16. So you say "verbal gaffes can be overlooked"....and then list verbal gaffes as the reason why shes considered "dumb" and a Jay Leno gag to back it all up. You are indeed the gift that keeps on giving, conner. Needing a teleprompter for every word uttered is the sign of a saavy politician, but having a few notes scribbled in pen is the sign of an idiot, huh? Wow.
  17. "We" dont have our panties in a bunch....we're just making fun of your lack of grey matter. Beleive me...this is just pure entertainment for the moments between shuffling work emails.
  18. Please tell us WHY she is a moron, besides making a few verbal gaffes. Becuase if verbal gaffes are the "standard" by which to judge, the guy who ACTUALLY WON the VP spot is a really really BIG moron.
  19. Im not ready to compare him to Lombardi, but I am VERY pleased with how Gailey has put together the Program and has managed the team on Game Day.
  20. Any way we can get this !@#$ Assange?
  21. Not to nitpick, but its actually NOT called "freedom of speech" as defined by Article I. Carry on.
  22. I just want to make it clear that if *I* was running that ball back I wouldnt have tripped. Thank you.
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