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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. No..he (we) are saying youre a !@#$ing idiot who should rent himself out as a drug mule, but without the baloons. !@#$ing Yeager....another day...another flight past the 'worp' speed of idiocy. No we CANT, Chuck. Please make your next flight without a chute.
  2. Holy !@#$...and I thought the FNC/Babes discussion was funny. Well done, sir.
  3. Its too bad the condom broke with whatever john your mother was with in the back of a 92 Ford in Hunt's Point.
  4. Even better than that, they are now going after people in the media and on twitter who SAY BAD THINGS about wikileaks and Assmange (credit: DCT). All in the name of....ya know...."internet freedom."
  5. Is the irony that all these clowns who are !@#$ing with mastercard and twitter and anyone else who dare say a bad word about Assmange (credit: DCT) and wikileaks are all using anonymous internet names?
  6. They are going after Sarah Palin now becuase she criticised wikileaks. And all the corporations that decided...freely....not to "support" them anymore, all in the name of "internet freedom." But whose? Not anyone who even says a bad word about wikileaks Not any freely operating business who decides to not work with them They have become, essentially what they despise and are turning basicallyy EVERYONE, except these anarchist hackers, against wikileaks. If I was Assange, Id call off these dogs, but he wont, being the egotistical megalomaniac that he is.
  7. I dunno....Id love to see a hungry SEC team go up against these Bills. It would be fun to watch.
  8. And what does this have to do with your idiotic comment about Senator McConnell?
  9. Thats nott what he said, simpleton. But hey...Rush Limbaugh BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. How dare a congressman comment on the possible need to write a new law. I dont think youre stupid anymore. Youre !@#$ing flat out insane.
  11. You never failt to disappoint. Yup....trying to keep secrets.....secret....is "censorship." Lick a third rail already.
  12. !@#$, youre right. CONNER...may I have access to your PC for a few hours? I need to copy some Lady Gaga CDs. Im a big fan, ya know.
  13. I assume any mintue now you'll post your real name and SSN. Transparency, right?
  14. Not to be a dumb populist (which I am, I know) but I love how the gubmit is looking to take MY tax breaks away and make it harder to realize the American Dream, yet are also prepared to give a bunch of !@#$ing border jumpers a free education and citizenry, just for registering at (not even attending!) a !@#$ing Community College.
  15. That is true. But still....not every player is created equally. I will NOT argue about the double standard in the NFL. My fave...besides the whole pink uniform thing...is how they want to be "America's Game", yet Goodell has a huge hardon to do a Super Bowl outside the US.
  16. As well they should. Who is buying tickets to see Terrell Suggs? Listen to O+A? This reminds me of how every time Anthony Cumia (the star of the show) talks about maybe doing something risky, Jim Norton (bit player on the show) goes "Listen up, 'Paycheck'..Id rather you didnt do that." Suggs needs to be reminded WHY the league favors some players.
  17. I was always amazed that the one guy in the band with the name Beard....doesnt have one
  18. I will go on record here and now that while Christie was lining up to kick it off, and a bunch of people around me high-fiving...I repeated "ITS NOT OVER" at least five times. People on this board who bore witness to this (but proabably dont want to admit they know me personally) could back me up.
  19. The NFL is draped in hypocrisy. A player cant wear one sock too high, but the league draped the entire damn game in pink FOR A MONTH...which I know was for a good cause....but was STILL executed as tacky as hell. I mean...pink mouthguards? Come on. More to the issue at hand....defensive players have become glorified missles. Its not even "tackling" anymore. Its LUNGING, head first in the hopes NOT of wrapping up the player and bringing him to the ground, but hitting him full speed and knocking him to the ground by impact. Its killing the game and is leading to a loss in football fundamentals that could kill the NFL the way the loss of basketball fundamentals killed the NBA. Here, I applaud the league for trying to put "the tackling" back into tackle football.
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