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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. He hates the "government is out to get me crap".... not even realizing that with this mandate, the government is LITERALLY coming to get you.
  2. Youre an idiot. You spout this "America is great" stuff, not even realizing that the reason thats true to a HUGE extent, is that this Country was founded on the principle tha tthe people are FREE from such mandates like you pine for. Youre drowning in this argument so bad, its laughable.
  3. Neither Tom, nor I, nor you are REQUIRED TO PURCHASE CAR INSURANCE. EVER. You can live your life, walk the streets,work, eat, sleep, !@#$, jerk off, listen to Slayer or just loaf around and NEVER would you be REQUIRED TO PURCHASE CAR INSURANCE. If Bammy's law sees the light of day, I wont be able to BREATHE, let alone do any any of the other stuff I mentioned without first obtaining a health insurance policy. In essense, I will no longer be a free man as I will no longer be able to live my life as I see fit. This requirements violates EVERYTHING this Country was founded on. Ya know.."life, liberty.." THAT little thing. THERE IS THE DIFFERENCE. DO YOU !@#$ING GET IT YET, YOU CHILD?
  4. So you were trolling? Is there a mod in the house? Nevermind the fact people arent cars (although you have motor oil for brains, evidently) you realize that those companies will not cover you at all or drop your sorry ass from their coverage pool is you show yourself to be a risk? I thought such behavior by insurance companies is "evil" and "unethical" and one of the reasons why we need Obamacare in the first place...to "protect" people from such "greedy" behavior. Youre chasing your own tail now, you imbecile.
  5. Gee...I have great FREE healthcare and access to any doctor I want thanks to my spouse's job and I STILL just dont go running off to the doctor every time I have an ache or get the sniffles. And you know what...most other people dont, either. So there goes THAT argument. pBills....even if I didnt agree with you, if you were at least making some kind of decent point based in fact, it would be OK. But youre getting murdered here. Murdered. Youre wrong and what youre throwing out there to support your wrongness is REALLY REALLY wrong. Just...stop.
  6. But Republicans are "blocking" the Zadroga bill.....Republicans BAD!!!!!! Heard some politico on Imus this AM that his appropriations bill is the FIRST spending bill THIS YEAR thats been brought to the floor. Now. Two weeks before the session ends. Its a !@#$ing disgrace.
  7. Here, pbills....in small words so you can understand: http://hotair.com/archives/2010/12/14/holder-and-sebelius-trot-out-the-auto-insurance-canard/
  8. Dont let GG get to you....hes one of those "NYC is the be-all-end-all types." Truth is, if you skipped Fridays in NYC, youre a lot closer to eating at one of those garbage stands on any corner or at some deli with eight hour old mac and cheese in a salad bar type of thing than you are to eating anything healthy.
  9. Not necessarily true. A 1,500 kcal meal with two 750s thrown in to round out the day is fine for a 230 lb man with isnt sitting at a desk all day. Remember....Its TOTAL caloric input per day you have to watch.
  10. Sorry we enjoy the good things in life, like food and arent self-loathing liberal dolts who starve ourselves.
  11. But if some libtard shows a HINT of emotion s/he's "keeping it real", right? That evil Boehner....working his way up from mopping floors in rural Ohio to becoming the third in line to be leader of the Country.....how DARE he?????
  12. they get a bill and pay it off. Look...nobody is saying the scanrio youre spelling out isnt an issue. But the resoltion does not have to be government mandate. How about some kind of "health credit union" where payments made to cover your care are tax deductable? Im not saying thats a perfect solution, but its an alternative thats certainly possible and one I came up with in about three seconds.
  13. Who is asking care be DENIED? Oh thats right...NOBODY. How do we prevent costs be trickled down to someone else? How about the recipient of the service PAY FOR IT, either up front or on some sort of credit plan? That only works for every other !@#$ing business and service provider in the galaxy. And contrary to your STUPID assertion that "no insurance means no care", you can walk into any doctors office or hospital and PAY COLD CASH for your care...your exam, your procedure, your tests, your hospital stay....anything. They DO take checks and credit cards.
  14. You DO realize that not even 30 years ago, most people DID INDEED PAY OUT OF THEIR OWN POCKET FOR THEIR OWN BASIC CARE MEDICAL EXPENSES....RIGHT?
  15. They drugged them, just to make her look good. Is that what you want to hear? Did you see the lefturds up in arms about "Sarah Palin's hairstylist" who accompanied here to Haiti? "How vain can she be???!!!??" the lefturds screamed! Turns out it was.....BRISTOL PALIN, who just happend to get caught on camera fixing Sarah's hair before she spoke at some event or something.
  16. The idea of someone just getting a bill and paying for their own **** is just so "foreign" to you, isnt it?
  17. Obama fans...calling Palin an empty suit. Thats classic.
  19. Screw the Steelers. For years they played dirty and now they whine? Gregg Lloyd should have been arrested for that cheap shot sideline hit he took on Don Beebe years ago. So eff them!!!! [sorry for the rant]
  20. conner's a homosexual. Who knew? Most homosexuals like other individuals of the same sex of the same species. So conner...shouldnt you be chasing after another vegetable?
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