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Posts posted by RkFast

  1. Someone pointed this out to me about the two guys dressed alike with backpacks...For the record, if you're at a public event and see two or more guys with short haircuts, wearing military type boots, cargo pocket pants, carrying similar backpacks with military type webbing on them, Punisher logo ballcaps and they're spending a lot of time scanning the crowd, they call those "cops".

  2. Some of that stuff they are trying to point out in the pictures is just ridiculous.


    Internet forensic experts. Who the hell needs the FBI?

    Yes, but the point is if a bunch of schmucks on the web can observe that much stuff in a picture, imagine what trained personnel can. And yes...someone pointed out the girl's azz in yoga pants and wrote "da bomb." OK...I hate to admit it, but I chuckled.

  3. Some will argue that a photo like this is irresponsible sensationalism. But for the reaction it provoked from both you and me, everyone should see it, everyone should have to deal with that man's tragedy. We're too far removed from war and violence 99% of the time. Photos like this remind us what's at stake.

    The next photo of this event I want to see is the perp in front of a firing squad. But yes, I agree with you 100%.

  4. You were the one who claimed it was only a portion of the population -- I merely corrected you. It's not a portion, it's the majority. And that number is growing faster than any other social issue facing this country today.


    Because you don't agree with it doesn't mean the proponents don't have the moral high ground. In fact, in the case of gay marriage it's the opponents to it that are lacking the moral high ground. And now they're lacking the numbers.


    Thems the facts.

    I could really not care less about the issue. My bone of contention with you is that the so-called free press has the "duty" to sway public opinion on the issue.

  5. It's not just the press. It's the citizens themselves who are demanding change on the issue, the press -- like all the politicians who have recently switched their positions on the matter once the poll numbers came out -- is merely servicing the greater good.


    You think the press' hardcore sensationalizing of every single story with the word "gay" in it, often ignoring context completely, and them forwarding their agenda on that issue (and other ones) while also ignoring other stories is "merely servicing the greater good." And *I'm* the mess? And let me remind you that a PORTION of the citizenry is "demanding change" on the issue. You don't have the moral highground here.
  6. Not so fast there buddy. I have seen a wife get into it with the family, in both a hospital and 2 times in SNFs, and I'm just the software guy. I am certain the nurses here can tell you all sorts of stories.


    In the instance of the hospital, it was 3rd shift, the bars were letting out, I almost got arrested, because the cops thought I was the guy who pushed the wife. :lol:

    Yea, but...."gay"...."victim"....."bullying"......"George Bush".....or something.


    Too bad they don't have a similar hard on for anything to do with snipping the spines of botched abortion babies.

    You dummy...you cant make SNL skits, sitcoms, or Lady Gaga songs out of such things.

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