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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Well, if its a deeply ingrained part of human nature, why do you condemn one group for showing it? See, this is why youre annoying. Im devoutly faithful, but I can at least set at least some part of my conscience to the side to say "what if there is no God?" Even though Im faithful, I at least question. You seem incapable of that. For you, its absolute. To you there is no God, PERIOD and the faithful are ALL crazy whackos and you refuse to even question or challenge your reasoning on the issue. Youre a Holy Warrior. A Jihadist. But in reverse. For someone who claims to be enlightened to have this though process is kind of weird. To have it yet condemn others who also have it is hypocritical.
  2. Ever hear of Stalin? Marx? Your "Im right and everyone else is a nutjob" mentality is disturbing and bigoted...almost pathetic. On edit: Not only are you completely intolerant on the subject. You are laughably ignorant. A VERY quick web search on 'Atheism and Violence' led to a trove of material. Im going to just post the wiki link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atheism The French Revolution took atheism and anti-clerical deism outside the salons and into the public sphere. A major goal of the French revolution was a restructuring and subordination of the clergy with respect to the state through the Civil Constitution of the Clergy. Attempts to enforce it led to anti-clerical violence and the expulsion of many clergy from France. The chaotic political events in revolutionary Paris eventually enabled the more radical Jacobins to seize power in 1793, ushering in the Reign of Terror. The Jacobins were deists and introduced the Cult of the Supreme Being as a new French state religion. Some atheists surrounding Jacques Hébert instead sought to establish a Cult of Reason, a form of atheistic pseudo-religion with a goddess personifying reason. Both movements in part contributed to attempts to forcibly de-Christianize France. The Cult of Reason ended after three years when its leadership, including Jacques Hébert was guillotined by the Jacobins. The anti-clerical persecutions ended with the Thermidorian Reaction. ALSO: The 20th century also saw the political advancement of atheism, spurred on by interpretation of the works of Marx and Engels. After the Russian Revolution of 1917, increased religious freedom for minority religions lasted for a few years, before the policies of Stalinism turned towards repression of religion. The Soviet Union and other communist states promoted state atheism and opposed religion, often by violent means.[100]
  3. Yeah, we know. All the faithful are crazy cultist nutjobs that will invitably practice their own form of jihad to take the world over...and all the athiests like yourself are peace-loving folks just minding their own business. On the "conversion" thing...while not on the scale of using violence for sure, I think putting a billboard next to the entrance to the !@#$ing LINCOLN TUNNEL is a pretty strong effort at it, no? As long as your stock in trade is to mock the other side and speak in absolutes about them, you have no claim to ANY moral highground. None.
  4. And pretty much the ONLY Atheist or religious person who practices true integrity in the matter is Chris Hitchens.
  5. I know....Yahoo Answers is like a Wikipedia run by drunk people, but you can find some nuggets of wisdom there from time to time.
  6. If South Korea has a perfectly competent and strong military, and an economy more than capabile of supporting in and expanding it as needed why does the US continue to keep large numbers of troops in the DMZ? On edit...found some answers here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071209231941AAmSh58. But any other feedback from our resident experts on such matters?
  7. Is Chan Gailey, Nix and the coaches going to suddenly have amnesia and forget everything they learned about the roster they inherited last Winter?
  8. Hes put a good football program in place, hes got his team playing hard and "buying what he's selling" and hes restored accountability and credibility. Based purely on the record, he wouldnt get a good grade. But looking a bit deeper...about 3/4 of an freaking INCH deeper.... you can see that Chan Gailey has done a REAL nice job with this team.
  9. Good luck finding a post where I said they should..by law...be prevented from building at GZ. I figured some gay with a complex would prove my point some time in about a year. AD does it in a day. Nice.
  10. Thats kinda the point. They dont. BIG trouble if you get caught having relations, even consensual. But I still think a lawsuit will be brung by the first to get his or her ass kicked out for it. Becuase when youre a member of the victim class and enjoying its benefits, its pretty damn hard to give it up. See: Card, Race. Shame is...serious soldiers, stragith and gay, wil be the ones to suffer from the assclowns who will play the victim card. Bradley Manning, anyone?
  11. I cant wait to see the first gay solider to get kicked out for !@#$ing his buddy sue the US Military on the basis of "discrimination."
  12. Nah nah nah....get RID of that shortbus pic. See those bikes on top? Downhill bikes. If youre on that bus, youre being shuttled to the top of some mountain to rip down at about 40 MPH on one of those bikes.....which takes smarts, skill and balls, none of which that living abortion conner possess in the slightest.
  13. lololol. Well done. So heres the tally... 1, He admits hes going after the US, specifically. There goes his claim of "impartiality." 2. He plead with the Court to NOT DISCLOSE the location of his house arrest. 3. His website is set up to protect the identity of those who submit the "leaks" to it. 4. All the minions who carried out those attacks last week against companies who, based on their own freewill cut ties with wikileaks are in hiding or talking online behind a veil of anonymity. Assange is a fraud and a fake and so are his followers.
  14. Assange is a coward and a fake and so are those who support him.
  15. No they didnt. Beck, O'Reilly and Limbaugh drink babies' blood while leading lambs to slaughter. But when Keith O furrows his brow and pontificates into the camera for 20 minutes straight, when Matthews gets tingly, or when Maddow's rooster gets hard...well...they are just "speaking truth to power"...or "telling it like it is!!!!!"
  16. Its got nothing to do with "heart or spine." The Zadroga Bill....just like the tax cut bill...just like the appropriations bill....just like the DREAM ACT vote....just like the DADT vote.......just like the vote on the START treaty...were all delayed and pushed back to after the Election and to the very, very end of the congressional session just so that the Democrats currently running the show can cry "victim" and point to the "big bad Republicans" who "are saying NO!!! becuase they dont care about innocent poor people, 9/11 first responders, inncoent immigrant children, the gays, the poor cute animals, and Santa Claus." Its a classic demonization tactic. Politics 101. And essentially they are playing you like a fiddle and youre falling for it. The fact is, if it goes to the next session, the bill (or something very similar) will pass before the weather warms. its been almost ten years since 9/11. I dont think another month or two just to make sure all the 'i's are dotted and 't's crossed in this very crititcal bill is going to make a difference. If it doesnt pass by March, you can call me out on it.
  17. A) Dont get ANY of your "politics" from the Daily Show. B) Dont listen to the spin ANY news network is giving you on this issue. C) If you think BOTH parties arent playing political games with this and any every other action that they are taking, youre not following rules A + B. BOTH sides of the aisle dont walk off the floor to take a piss without some kind of political motive behind it.
  18. Yeah...!@#$ that stupid Declaration of Independence and Constitution....who needs them? "Get over yourself." This is not banning salt or a happy meal toy. This mandate is violating one of the primary pillars on which the Country was founded. Why dont you get that? BTW...what else do you think the Government should "require" us to buy....for the public good?
  19. Gavin !@#$ing Newsome vetoed that law. GAVIN !@#$ING NEWSOME!!!! Thats like Hitler vetoing bad moustaches.
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