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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. No, actually we're having a debate. Run along...conner is waiting for you.
  2. And with that last, bolded line you proved Cupp's (and my) point PERFECTLY. Thank you. Ill be praying for you.
  3. Agreed. I should have done a better job differentiating the two (militant/normal).
  4. And thus the reason why most atheists are completely hypocrites and full of ****. They critique the faithful for thier "close-minded intolerance" yet practice it, themselves in spades. Its one thing to blast a religous kook burning a Koran or a holy warrior stapping a bomb on his chest. But no....even the little old lady who minds her own business, prays the Rosary every morning and whose sole "effort to spread her views" is saying "God Bless You" if you do something nice for her is a "nutjob rube" who is to be laughed at and mocked...and worse, outcast by the intelligencia. Id have a SHITLOAD more respect for atheists like Frenkle and thier opinions if they could see this difference and maybe spent more time having an open discussion about their points of view. But no...instead ALLLL the faithful get mocked and cast into the same bucket, while the "enlightened" spend time making pictures of plates of spaghetti with googly eyes and legs.
  5. You have to understand.....in the mindset of the McDonald's/Madden generation youre either a pro bowler star....or worthless. There is no in-between.
  6. Sorry I didnt translate "ranting idiot" properly.
  7. Obama's in Hawaii, whats your point? Christie has done more for Joisey in a few months than most Governors do in their entire tenure. Bad example. Bad.
  8. I wish I could nail SE Cupp, but she does a FINE job of nailing Frenkle and his ilk in this piece: http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/2010/12/29/2010-12-29_the_arrogance_of_the_atheists_they_batter_believers_with_smug_certainty.html
  9. John Bolton has forgotten more about foreign affairs than the heavyweight democrat on the subject, Joe Biden claims he knows. I really dont think you want to go there. Or is Bolton another figure your masters tell you to "hate'?
  10. I still havent gotten my answer....why is a business taking legal steps to protect its brand identity "evil."
  11. Hey Eddie...you cant be in favor of over-legislating and over-regulating everything not nailed down (and some that are) and suck the cocks of every Union chief within a 2,000 mile radius..... and then B word about how other countries can "get stuff done" and we cant. What a !@#$ing phony.
  12. Evidently, you didnt get what I was referring to. Try again. As for your second paragraph, what, exactly does any of that have to do with a corporation (or ANY business for that matter) taking steps (completley legal, I may add) to protect its brand? FDR was so far to the left, he probably went to Stalin's house on weekends for a round of golf.
  13. Id like to add that the above rant does not ignore the fact that right wingers are capable of the same infantile groupthink bull ****. Carry on.
  14. Its called "public relations", you dummy. God, you !@#$ing liberals are dumb. Whatever "evil" your masters tell you to hate, you go right along. Im envoking Godwin's Law early and calling you what you are...youre like the jackbooted minions who listened to the little moutached pied piper, beleiving all the tripe he spewed. "THE JEWS ARE EVIL!!!!" "THE OIL COMPANIES ARE EVIL!!!" "THE HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANIES ARE EVIL!!!!" "SARAH PALIN IS THE DEVIL!!!" "CHRISTINE O'DONNELL IS EEEEVILLL!!!" and now.... "BANK OF AMERICA IS EEEEVVVVILLLLLL!!!!!!!!!" Carry on, good solider...and make sure you have your copy of a Saul Alinsky book on your coffee table for your "visitors" to see.
  15. Ya need to lighten up, buddy. Its a football game. And Jim Kelly and Dan Marino were sitting home watching Trent Dilfer get a ring. Relativity. If all you want is perfect stats, go play Madden.
  16. Oh, you have GOT to be kidding me. Im not the biggest AC fan out there and Kiss I can take or leave but to say they are a joke and minimize their contribution to rock and roll is nuts.
  17. Thats a red herring because the Bills CERTAINLY will pick higher than 13th or 11th this year, no matter WHAT happens next week. This entire argument is based on NOTHING but looking at a possible future scenario based on data forumated through the prism of hindsight of the past. Its moronic. Do you know how many starters, all pros and all time great were drafted AFTER the 4th or 5th pick in the draft? Pretty much ALL of them.
  18. Roethlisberger was selected 11th overall in the 2004 NFL Draft by the Pittsburgh Steelers. :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:
  19. And the other 90,000 years the Lions picked in the top 5 and came away with ca-ca?
  20. You sound like some maroon who would go to the Playboy mansion and B word about the food. Get your nose out of the book. We all know the actual record isnt much to look at. But besides the facts you mention above, the LAST fact is that this team is playing harder, with more energy and with more cohesion than they have in years....YEARS.
  21. Explain this, Kiper. And you BETTER come up with more than "a higher pick gets a better player" becuase you dont drop in to a sports team discussion board with garbage like "a loss helps the franchise" without some kind of backup. I want to see some kind of draft projections and predictions that PROVES your thesis that a win next week "hurts the franchise MUCH more than a loss."
  22. Id replay his stupid clip from Sesame Street with Elmo and tell him to shut the !@#$ up.
  23. I appreciate you taking the time to descibe how you got to where you are, but youre too much of an absolutist for my taste. Its OK though. Enjoy the Holid....er.....your time off
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