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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. -1 They get paid. Its called "tuition"
  2. You keep trying to "uncover" and "expose" something. But in the end...all you uncover and expose...is your idiocy.
  3. +100000000000000000000 Massively depressed becuase they got blown out by the class of the league in one game and playing the second string in a meanlingless exhibition? Get over yourself. I see lots of good with this team. Fitz proved he can play, while not the stuff of coaching legend Gailey did a nice job and put a good program in place, and some players emerged as bona fide NFL-level producers. The team has got MILES to go before being a competitor, but for the first time in years, Im feeling good going into the offseason. Theres some forward momentum and traction. Something on which to build. Massively optimistic.
  4. Three years later, these women are suddenly offended and hurt?
  5. I think you need to stop smoking the funny stuff.
  6. The only judge of whether a player has talent or not is the Pro Bowl? Really? If so, than that means only 100 some odd (or whatever the # of players who go) players are any good and there are a TON of "talentless" players in the NFL. Sean O'Hara is starting the Pro Bowl at C for the NFC. So there goes your idea on what a Pro Bowl berth is worth.
  7. Thats like a salesman telling you "This is the best Toyota Corolla on the lot." Bills need to use their great draft position for players who are a liiiiiiitle bit more hard to come by (DT,NT, DE, QB, LT, etc.) than wide receivers who cant catch.
  8. I hate the Rooney Rule and affirmative action practices in general, but meh...who cares. The right guy is getting the job and thats what counts.
  9. Of course he wants to stay.....hes got no future anywhere else.
  10. The Bills have a chance to get Peter Luger steak and you people want them to get chopmeat? CBs are a dime a dozen. Find ANY clown who can run fast and you can make him a CB. Teams have won Super Bowls with lousy backfields. Good luck even making the playoffs with a lousy front seven.
  11. Overpaying for players when the chance of a lockout looming?
  12. Should WINNING teams also be upset that they "ran for the bus" with nothing left to play hard for? Lots of em do.
  13. How do the windowlickers reconcile rooting for them lose and then being "embarrassed" when they do? Morons.
  14. Mommy not get you that shiny new toy for Xmas? Sorry, kid.
  15. Youre right...maybe you should shoot yourself because there is no hope. [That's George Dickel talking, not me]
  16. Even a 4-12 team started its second string, in a MEANINGLESS game. THIS gets you all bummed out? Lighten up, Francis...once you get out of Jr. High, youll gain a bit of perspective.
  17. I love how he ended the article..."root for a loss" Id bet my LIFE that if the Bills lose today against the Jets' second string, this jackass will write an article blasting them for THAT. Sullivan is a second...no....THIRD rate hack of a writer. "This move is a clear indication that the Bills are desperate for an outside linebacker who can get after the passer." Really, "lil Jerry"? The Buffalo Bills...a team that has become 'NFL Siberia' is 'desperate' for good players? Wow...thats some good insight there. Only YOU lil Jerry...only YOU could blast the Bills for taking a chance on a former great player (who is 26!!!!) that isnt a sure thing in the hope the player can reclaim their career and the team can benefit......something virtually EVERY team from Pop Warner through Little League, through High School, college and the pro sports UNIVERSE does on a daily. Even the New York Yankees, often considered the "gold standard" of sports francises takes flyers on players. But the Bills do it....and its bad. GOLD....lil Jerry......COMEDY GOLD!!!!!!!! Thats my new name for him...from Seinfeld...."lil Jerry"..becuase he really is a little man.
  18. Whem employees (and thats what the players are...paid employees of the Bills) who work for a poorly performing company and see "new blood" that has performed well elsewhere come in, even when it has some baggage, it can and should ONLY get them excited. They should not then question their own pay, or what it might mean to their future salary and compensation. I speak from experience. Im sure others here do, too. You see that new blood walk in the door, especially when you know it has the inside ability to really improve things, and you get turned on. And know what? If the first thing a player does when a someone of Merriman's pedigree comes in is to think of themselves, selfishly....thats not the kind of player the Bills want.
  19. CBs and safites are NEVER a "need" because they are a dime a dozen. ANY decently fast, thin player can play in the backfield. Name me some teams that people look at and go "wow...if they only could fix that defensive backfield!"
  20. Why thank you, Tom! Wow...I feel so warm inside I acutally saw it coming. I said to myself..."how I can go off on Gene when I harbor the same types of beliefs on a seperate (but somewhat related) subject?" It doesnt jibe.
  21. I will admit...Gene's militancy and views on this have made me look inside and Im softening my stance on Muslims, as was on full display in the NYC Mosque thread. Militant absolutist views suck, regardless of the subject.
  22. Your chosen tactic doesnt make your intolerance and ignorance any less reprehensible. You think youre "better" becuase you dont kill innocent people? Thats a pretty low bar to set.
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