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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Funny how if I dare even question Obama's policies Im and "intolerant disrespectful RACIST", but liberals can come up with garbage like this, right from the get go. Stay classy, libs.
  2. Exactly. HUGE difference between a $30K Acura and maybe a nice TV in the living room (me) and a $80K Bimmer, a home theater room, having tons of "!@#$ You Money" laying around, a membership at the Friar's Club and a beach house in the Hamptons (NOT me). God !@#$ing Damn you, I was just queing that AC article up to post here. Nice work.
  3. Thank God! Chuck Dickerson and his minions will be very happy someone got canned.
  4. "They may get DUIs and sexually harrass women, but they do it as a team." Quote of the !@#$ing year so far.
  5. The 90s Yankees had a TEAM FULL of "average smart guys" and ONE (maybe two if you count Jeter) all time greats (Rivera). How many rings? The 90s Bills had a team full of "ALL TIME GREATS", but werent the smartest group. How many rings? Of COURSE overall physical talent is hugely important. But at a position where smarts, gusto and leadership are HUGE factors in success, attributes Fitz has in spades and Young SORLELY lacks, they MUST be taken into account in a big way..
  6. ??? The jets have ZERO lockeroom issues. ALL their controversy has been outside of the locker room and they are a VERY tight group that buys what Ryan is selling lock, stock and barell.
  7. Marginal upgrade at best, and comes with the risk of some MAJOR disruptions to team chemisty (the little they DO have). PASS. And personally, Id take a team full of smart, hard playing average talent guys over a team full of of dumb primadonnas with better athletic skills any day.
  8. I wonder if Don Imus and his !@#$ wife are going to admit they were wrong.
  9. Libtard logic at its finest. Wealthy = "More than Im making."
  10. I got into a HUGE facebook dustup with my libtard friends when I dropped the cold reality on them that while 250/yr is a good living, its HARDLY "weathly." Their response? "Well...youre doing better than people in [insert lower income neighborhoods here], so you MUST be wealthy!!!"
  11. The most tiresome trait of Bills fans is the need to ALWAYS have someone to hate. And making it worse, its usually for petty reasons. Even in WEEK ONE, a player or a coach will be targeted and THAT GUY will the labeled "the reason" for ALL the Bills failures. It can be petty and stupid: "We wears a headband!!!!!" "He doesnt wear a headset!!!!" "He had a bad game in a driving blizzard...he sucks!!!" It can have to do with on the field stuff: "He passes on third down too much!!!!" "He runs the 3-4/4-3/Tampa2, etc." And what makes it completely STUPID is the fact that these little petty items people focus on are taken completely out of context and scrutinzed. As if no player or coach has had a bad game in a blizzard...or chose not to wear a headset....or ran the Tampa 2 and won. or rin the case of Edwards, had a tough year coaching a team full of sub-par talent. Facts and context are dismissed. Groupthink rules the day. If many Bills fans dont have someone to burn at the stake, they arent happy. Its a mob-like "Chuck Dickerson" mentality and its boorish, ignorant and lame
  12. VERY telling. Thats now two "hollywood prima donna" types that have come to the Bills and had glowing things to say about the org. TO was the first, now Merriman.
  13. I've always contended that the NY Daily News has a rotation of the following headlines to sell papers: 1. Look at what that white guy did to that black guy!!!!!!! 2. Look at what that white republican on Fox News said!!!!! 3. The NY Yankees! On the other side of town, the NY Post has a rotation of the following: 1. "Naked chicks! See Them Here!" Newspapers play to the LOWEST common denominator in order to move product. Always have.
  14. I give those rules about a week.
  15. "Regardless, don't these big corporations run our government and pull the strings of our manchurian President? They're the ones who got all of the laws passed, corruption rules, Sarbanes-Oxley." Youre an idiot.
  16. More or less the way it goes with every conference call. Oh...and Whitner and Poz are FAR from "solid" players.
  17. Really? You were on the sideline and knew the Bills' approach to the game?
  18. Oh this is rich...companies "pushed" Sarbanes-Oxley" to get passed. Ya know...so they can spend all that money making sure they are in compliance. Nothing does more for a public company's bottom line than spending money and resources to make sure its in compliance with goverment regulations.
  19. Did'nt you know all those line workers in Everett and Renton are rich, greedy slobs? True story....did the Everett plant tour once and caught them on their lunch hour. They were eating $20s and shitting $50s. ****, isnt EVERYONE in Seattle rich? Theres that Gates guy I saw on Fox News once.
  20. Dont be a smartass. Virtually NOBODY on that US Air flight had a CLUE what was really going to happen until Sully yelled "brace for impact" into the Airbus' PA system.
  21. The "quality" of the education they are getting is a very different (and very real) issue from the idea that these kids "dont get any benefit." Some kind of small stipend is a good solution to the problems you describe.
  22. Exactly, Fezmid. I worked my ass off in college, carrying a full time gigs worth of working time, plus a full courseload, and Im STILL paying off my tuition and Im close to 40. And I didnt even go away to school. The athelete full ride types, which is who we are talking about, get EVERYTHING for free, leave school without a DIME in loans, and while IN school, get treated like the President. President CLINTON, that is...with all the female ass in tow. No....I dont begrudge them...they were blessed with the physical size and skills to get those free rides. But regardless.... they get A TON more than most. At worst, they get a free education and room and board at an elite university. At best, they get the free ride AND a draft slot with a pro sports league. So spare me the "oh the poor college athlete" routine. They get plenty.
  23. Seriously...who put PCs in the insane asylum over the last two days?
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