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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. And you see no difference between "mentioning" an event to forward an agenda related to it, like a homeland security bill....and using an event as the focal point of a political campaign thats got NOTHING to do with the event? Youre lost. And again.....a right winger cant get out the word "9" in "9/11" before the leftards go BATCHITT. Meanwhile, that kids body wasnt cold before the left CERTIFIED "the right's rhetoric" as the cause of this. Stunking, no good pathetic hypocrites. Whens the keg party where you drink beer out of her nine year old skull, you !@#$ing cretins?
  2. bull ****. Utter bull ****. The last time 9/11/01 was discussed and analyized and run through the political coals like "right wing talking points" are right now.....was on 9/12/01. Try to keep up....where has 9/11 been used by the right as a central pillar to try and gain political advantage? And even if fyou two nimrods CAN find examples, Ill follow up with examples of the left demonizing and condemning them for it. So either way, I win. The point is MADE that the left are practicing a level of hypocrisy right now that is unprecedented.
  3. Really? When? When has the right used 9/11 to get an upper hand on their political opponents like this?
  4. He ALSO opposed Iraq, Afghanistan Wars and detests Christianity. Who is spreading THAT load of crap in our society?. I sincerely hope you libs, using this for policial game, dont get any red wine on the body of Christina Green, you pathetic POSes.
  5. Dont dodge...... Does Palin's website have any more influence to the right as Daily Kos, a sight where Markos Maloutisas said Rep. Giffords' should be "targeted" for her blue dog ways, have on the left?
  6. Does Palin's website have any more influence to the right as Daily Kos, a sight where Markos Maloutisas said Rep. Giffords' should be "targeted" for her blue dog ways, have on the left? Weak. Sarah Palin is no more of a "leader" nor have more influence than any of the famous people listed on Malkin's page. Shes not in public office. She's nothing more than a pundit on TV and does public speaking for candidates.
  7. I will post it again...... http://michellemalkin.com/2011/01/10/the-progressive-climate-of-hate-an-illustrated-primer-2000-2010/
  8. Il post it again, because she so uttery NAILS it: http://michellemalkin.com/2011/01/10/the-progressive-climate-of-hate-an-illustrated-primer-2000-2010/ SE Cupp follows up the rim shot and slams it home: http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/2011/01/10/2011-01-10_sarah_palin_is_not_to_blame_for_shooting_of_gabrielle_giffords_leftwing_rhetoric.html
  9. Michelle Malkin calls out the left on their utter bull **** hypocrisy on this issue: http://michellemalkin.com/2011/01/10/the-progressive-climate-of-hate-an-illustrated-primer-2000-2010/
  10. He did last night on Geraldo's show on Fox. He DIRECTLY called out Palin and Beck BY NAME.
  11. Im calling bull **** on this. There are MILLIONS of people out there that have absolutely ZERO "hand" or interest in ANYTHING political.
  12. I have to ask...If Fox News and Rush Limbaugh are going to turn me into a killer, does that mean Keith Olbermann and MSNBC are going to turn me into a pansy?
  13. My point is that those who attempt to say this is part of a "new phenomenon" are completely full of **** and ignorant of the history of political discourse and commentary in this Country. ****, 150 years ago, Limbaugh would be considered a lightweight.
  14. ...how come every coupla hours I see a former Bill in the PLAYOFFS making HUGE plays and scoring touchdowns?
  15. That chart had REPUBLICANS listed on it, too. And Daily Kos posted this: http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/6/25/1204/74882/511/54168 "Not all of these people will get or even deserve primaries, but this vote certainly puts a bulls eye on their district" Get a clue.
  16. Mike Daly in the Ny Daily News is saying Sarah Palin has blood on her hands here...ebcuase in some of her political publications, she used the term "target" and crosshairs and this Congresswoamn was one of the targets. While a pretty lowbrow tactic on the part of Palin, its amazing how some are acting as if this is the first time this type of rhetoric is being used in politics. And make no mistake...when you hear the words "modern" "new" or the term "current discourse" when the hacks and pundits discuss this in the coming days...thats code for "Tea Party."
  17. No, but it doesnt make you less of a disingenous retard by saying this "new phenomenon" on the radio is the cause, in order forward your own political agenda.
  18. Wow...that didnt take long. You DO realize that the "vitriol on hate radio" (translation: Rush and Beck...we know) PALES in comparison to what was written in political publications since...oh....the 1700s? Of course you dont..... HE GUNNED DOWN A NINE YEAR OLD GIRL....WHERE IS THE !@#$ING POLITICS IN THAT?????????????????????????
  19. This guy was just bat-schitt crazy..and as my wise wife said tonight...."crazy aint political." This is a National Tragedy and those who try to use it for political gain of any sort in the coming days should be excoriated.
  20. Agreed, but its hard to yell at the neighbor for the garbage on his lawn when your grass is four feet high and full of weeds.
  21. Thats a fair point. People dont gel with their bosses all the time. It happens. MY argument is that the the Bills have positions MUCH more in need of an improvement than QB. While Fitz isnt an All Pro, he is at least a bona fide NFL starter (with A LOT of other great qualities). There are many other players on the Bills that dont even bring that. And those are the positions than need to be addressed. You have a good car in the driveway but the roof on the house leaks like a sieve. You have 20 grand on you. You fixing the roof or buying a better car?
  22. She keeps briging up her Italian heritage. Shes starting to embarrass Snooki.
  23. Big difference between someone calling you a 'tard and writing a slanderous blog about someone. By the way...youre still an idiot, even with a new name.
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