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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. For the most part, you dont retire military weapons systems just becuase they get old. You reitre them becuase their mission goes away. The B52 and A10 are REALLY bad examples of aircraft that should be retired "just becuase they are old." They both continue to serve their mission VERY well. And the SR71 was....um....retired in the 80s, developed in the 50s and was HARDLY a "waste." Thats not just the goverment, thats plenty of businesses in the private sector, too. I have plenty of clients who ask me to "come up with something to finish off the extra money laying around that was set aside for the other project, but not used."
  2. Ya know, its not the dumbest idea Ive ever heard. Would go far to establish "fair and balanced" for real, would bascially END all the Fox bashers gnashing their teeth, would send the liberal establishment into a complete tizzy and would actually give Olbermann a ton more credibility, for going into the "lion's den" like that. And yeah...seeing Hannity and Beck and O'Reilly go head to head with him would be preety good. Wont ever happen.
  3. Tenure? Hello? False. Most teachers unions have negotiated FREE healthcare for its members. And their hard work is different than other's hard work HOW, exactly? I have to buy my own supplies for my job all the time. So what? Who said anything about CUTTING pay? That doesnt matter. Accoring to Obama and the left, $250/yr = "rich." A silly point that is kinda the topic of this thread. Try to keep up.
  4. Teachers get a guaranteed job for life, most get free healthcare and they get three months off per year....yeah....NOT a good example of a labor force thats undercompensated.
  5. HIS? Did you hear the other Congresscritter talk about the Constitution guaranteeing the pursiut of happiness? Or that idiot from Texas talk about how repeal of this health care bill violates the 5th and 14th Amendment?
  6. I love the Left. The working class people who mop floors or are taking their "30 year nap" are those who "arent making enough." But the CEOs and "Captians of Industry" who manage organizations worth billions, with employee numbers in the tens of thousands, and with shareholders all over the world "are making too much." Classic.
  7. Only the Chinese and the rest of the World are "allowed" to do such things. The US and those Jews MUST be held to a "higher standard", however.
  8. Come on...who could possible get "angry" that their Country and perhaps their life is going to be "FUNDAMENTALLY" transformed????!!!???
  9. So Stewarts retort to the nitpicking of the speech was to nitpick the nitpickers...and then criticise those who questioned the pep rally atmosphere with his own cheap attempts at applause? He then picks on Hume who gave a great review of the speech but committed the "new sin" of calling a fifteen miniute long rambling diatribe that even included a shout out "a bit peculiar"??!!!?? And I love the overall implication that in this "new day" of punditry, there is no room for critique. Stewart is a !@#$ing hack. Anyone who has taken a class that starts with a number larger than a "2" or no longer lives in a building that features common bathrooms realizes that.
  10. Continue to keep projecting and putting words in my mouth, you !@#$ing inbred.
  11. Not to Godwin the thread...ok, I DO want to Godwin it, but try telling the Jews what happenned in the past "means nothing." History has no significance and lends no perspective, huh? And I like your argument style...dont post facts of you own....instead change the statement people made to something else, and argue against THAT. Youre BEYOND "idiot."
  12. Oh no? Unions dont use us vs. them rhetoric? Go look up some of Trumka's quotes? Whats a strike, but the ULTIMATE strong-arm tactic? Give us what we want or we will mount a massive bad PR casmpaign against you." And Im sure when I was a kid and my pop got a new job, the nightly calls from the union bosses imploring him to join the union or else were just nice calls. I dont insinuate they are thugs. I outright say it. And Ive used those little things called FACTS AND EXAMPLES to prove my point. Try it sometime. Its called perspective you dummy. Look up the meaning. Heres you answer...I refuse to be told to "tone it down" by the same cretins who made a cottage industry out of tearing down the last Republican president. And like I said...using that stupid little thing called history to provide perspective, the "rhetoric" out there today is outright mild.
  13. Im loving the fact that the guy who is a total tool of labor unions, the ULTIMATE "us vs. them" thugocracy is lecturing people on "tone" and "discourse" and how we carry ourselves.
  14. Now Palin's use of the term "blood libel" is stirring "controversy." And of course....shes being blasted for "not writing that piece." becuase yuou know...politicos never have other people write their speeches.
  15. What "political gain" has the right obtained by conjuring up 9/11? To be honest, I was expecting something far more shrill from Palin. But damn...that was pretty good. I didnt know she had it in her.
  16. WHERE YOU LIVE that might be true. Where I live, it isnt true. Like I said, Im doing OK, and Im not even making 250. But if I was, Id STILL not be "rich." Upper Middle class, at best. Certainly not "wealthy."
  17. Not for nothing, but could it be a ton of peope are REALLY pissed off becuase some political novice and his merry band of children declared they are going to "change" the Country in a way those people want no part of? Hey Barry and you libs...you want a pice of everything I own and to control everything in my life and youre SHOCKED Im pissed off about that? Really?
  18. You mean Fred Phelps is "just crazy" and there is nothing you can do about people like that? How come Loughner isnt "just crazy"? 'splain
  19. !@#$ you, scumbag. Im not the one defiling anything. Its you....you and your sick pathetic losers who are using this tragedy and her death for political gain. Two hours. TWO !@#$ING HOURS after she died....with the Congresswoman still in surgery...was all it took for some leftards to start making this a political issue for your their own gain. Meanwhile, some shitbag murders a ton of people in Fort Hood screaming Alluah Akbar and the SAME Krugman and the limpdicks like you lecture everyone on tolerance and "not rushing to judgment." So go !@#$ yourself. "Oh, Im just getting warmed up..."
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