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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Thats wasnt the issue or the question. YOU stated that American's fear of Islamists is based on false propaganda and is baseless. I'm challenging you on that. So the question is....Do you think that American's fear of Islamists is baseless? The rhetoric which leads to widespread violence and the killing of thousands?
  2. And UNlike the propaganda bogeymen **** spead bythe Nazi regime, Amercians have real bona fide images to back up their opinions. AND FOR YOU......SOMEONE WHO PHYSICALLY SAW AMERICAN AIRLINES FLIGHT 77 CRASH INTO THE PENTAGON..... to prop up the above blameshifting nonsense is pretty !@#$ing reprehensible and reckless. Youre smarter than that....or so I thought.
  3. Chicot....their mission statement or motto states they want to form a Caliphate and do so THROUGH VIOLENCE. That is their STATED MISSION. Cut the ****. Again, let them have Egypt and whatever pile of sand they want. But go one step towards Israel or !@#$ with the shipping lanes and expect to meet the business end of a JDAM. Deal?
  4. I say let the Islamists take over. Then promply put TWO Carrier Air Wings in the Med off the Egyptian coast, a third in the Red Sea and tell all the ragheads "Just TRY to make a move on Israel or !@#$ with the shipping lanes through the Suez Canal and see what happens." But we dont do such things anymore becuase we can never project power and have become a bunch of pussies. Where the !@#$ is Reagan or JFK when we need them?
  5. If this is all a recent trend, how come all the records being broken are from, like...the 20s or the 40s?
  6. If he's right he is right...if he is wrong....he is STILL right. Must be nice.
  7. I say let the Islamists take over. Then promply put TWO Carrier Air Wings in the Med, a third in the Red Sea and tell all the ragheads "Just TRY to make a move on Israel and see what happens." But we dont do such things anymore becuase we can never project power and have become a bunch of pussies. Where the !@#$ is Reagan or JFK when we need them?
  8. Baseball has a luxury tax to assist with competitive balance, you dummy. The Yanks pay tens of millions in luxury tax and the rest of the team like the Mets and Sox keep their salaries at the tax threshold. Also, baseball's ratings are trending low, but overall high, locally and their ticket sales are through the roof. There is not a SINGLE baseball team that is "out of the mix" due to poor revenues or a competitive inbalance. Baseball is enjoying more or less a complete renaissance recently. As popular as football? No. But HARDLY "suffering" becuase of some false competitive inbalance.
  9. Actually,...if you bothered to read my whole post, its clear I DID wind up reading it. I clearly explained that I watched more less every show of his for over ten years and to you, thats "not listening enough"??!!!?? Again...slowly this time....I HAVE listened to him. I have watched him. I have read him. More or less everything that fell out of his smirking pie-hole since moustaches were still in style. And again...you dont get to choose the responses you want to get. Dont !@#$ing post if you dont want a response. The ideology that "ALL Republicans are evil" is balanced, huh? And wait a second.....now Maher is a "silly symbolic" thing??!!!?? Are you kidding?
  10. Dude...if you dont want responses, then dont !@#$ing post.
  11. I dont have to watch it...becuase I have been watching Bill Maher for over a decade. I was a disciple of his from back when he actually WAS fair to both sides, on Politically Incorrect. Then I followed him to HBO for years. I decided to abandon him when he lectured Americans on its "gluttony" one night. Im sorry, Im NOT going to be lectured about gluttony from a clown who spends every weekend at the !@#$ing BASECAMP of gluttony...the Playboy Mansion and Hollywood, at large. He then lurched HARD left and took a militant "ALL Republicans are eeeviiil!!...ALL the faithful are rubes" tact, while again showing utter hypocrisy on the subject by labeling the right and the faithful "intolerant and bigoted." So yes...insufferable, hypocritical prick. Excuse me for not taking seriously a schumck who ADMITS he got his political religion from celebrity cocktail parties. And by the way....the Pirates ADMITTED they dont put the money back into the club and the Yankees pay the MLB luxury tax. So chalk this as another half-assed commentary by Maher.
  12. God, what an insufferable prick. Yeah, Bill....Im sure your helping all those unwashed masses get into the next Playboy Party youre on the guest list for.
  13. NIFA sat on its hands for eight years while a Democrat was in office. The first Republican is elected County Executive and suddenly they come out of the woodwork? With that said, I had very high hopes for Mangano and to a point still do. But when he was giving speeches about "cutting waste and spending" while at the SAME time erecting HUGE signs at the entrance to every County park that read 'ED MANGANO WELCOMES YOU TO XXXX PARK", I realized we have just another NY political hack on our hands.
  14. Ya know thats not really true at all. Becuase for every "retread" that gets another shot, five "hot coordinators" get their first. Although I must admit the Wade Phillips cycle of going from DC to HC over and over and over again is getting tiresome. Just stay as a DC Wade...your half-assed blank stares as your 12-4 team ***** the bed in the first round of the playoffs is getting old.
  15. The current epidemic of snowstorms is a direct result of the failed policies of the Bush Administration. [/Pelosi]
  16. I love hearing from people on this subject, who if ticketed for 90 in a 55, would be kicking and screaming and going to court trying to get out of it.
  17. Most teams know the draft tendencies of the other teams in the league already. Nix didnt say anything here the other AFC East teams dont already know.
  18. Show US the facts that "its a given that companies all across the board are doing better than they have for the past few years... hell some would say past 6 years."
  19. Yeah, and it was outstanding. They used mostly home movies. They started in the early 30s and ended in the late 40s and covered basically everything except war tactics. It was mostly about the societal aspects of the Nazis' rise and fall.
  20. Not to change the topic....but I spent Sat night watching four hours about the rise and fall of Hitler and the Nazis, on the History Channel.... DAMN, those were some scary !@#$ing people....and you have to be a real ingorant, mindless lump of **** to draw paralells between them and what anybody is doing these days....with anything.
  21. Yeah, this is pretty close to my feelings, too. I think Rex is a GREAT coach...really do. And I have NO ISSUE with the talk...but you MUST back it up or if you fail, man up and take the heat. What he did yesterday was the sign of a bully blowhard. You say "we are the best, we are the best, we are the best".....then lose...and say "nobody has a right to criqitue us?" Thats bush leauge.
  22. Rex is an ass. You cant profess "Super Bowl or bust" then when you fail to get there tell people "they have no right to criticise." Um yes Rex. You failed to deliver what you promised. People have EVERY right to criticise.
  23. NO, but the trophy redesign is a good illustration of Godell's desire to change EVERYTHING about the NFL. How its played, when its played, where its played, on and on. The guy is hell bent on tinkering with every aspect of the game.
  24. ...is how a Conference Championship is played. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I57EZLhJn7g
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