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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Maybe if you lazy beer-guts DID SOMETHING after work besides sit around and get fatter, you wouldnt mind the extra hour.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWwl8JldQOA&feature=related
  3. Which is the state's rights to do such things. Minnesota dont want it....others might. That whole pesky Federalism thing at work.
  4. Yup...and go ask Europe how thats working out for them.
  5. Goodell is a whore. Hed have the Super Bowl played in Afghanistan if it meant he could squeeze an extra three bucks out of the game.
  6. EEEEVVVVVILLLLLL Pete King made poor Keith Ellison cry!!! EEEEEEEEEVIL PETE KING!!!!!!! I liked the idiot Senator who said that these hearing will rile up the extremists and cause more terrorism, thus proving Pete King correct and the hearings necessary and valid.
  7. You still said: Breaking into buildings = yelling at people. So youre STILL a !@#$ing moron. But Im sure all this time on TSW will ensure you have to work tomorrow and collect that OT.
  8. Shouting down someone = breaking into government buildings and death threats. Youre a !@#$ing idiot.
  9. Cops also work for Counties, dummy. When they perform their jobs in such a manner so that they can pad their overtime, they most certainly are gaming the system.
  10. Then your father....whatever. Care to comment on the activities I disclosed by this "poor abused" Union worker? The FACT is that Unions fenagle their sick days, their overtime and their paid vacation time (which NEVER expires...must be nice) to GAME THE SYSTEM and take advantage of it. ALL the Unions do it....most notably the "hero" cops and firemen. Funny...you and your ilk B word about "Wall Street bonuses." Yet when some cop who just finished his "20 year nap" bascially robs $250,000 from the County in the form of a check for "unused sick days" from back when Bush the elder was President, thats somehow OK.
  11. Yeah...and how many times during "regular" work hours did you and your buddies PURPOSELY IGNORE the work to be done so that you then had to do it in an overtime scenario? And dont you !@#$ing DARE claim that such tactics arent used. My old neighbor was a foreman at a LIRR maintainence shop and ADMITTED to me this little move was practiced ON A DAILY. He used to roll up to his house at about 230 every M-F and then laugh about how he and his buddies blew off their deadline work and would get it all done over the weekend to pad their OT checks.
  12. Becuase Im lazy. Maybe I should get myself a nice Union job...... No room for such a story......Pete King made a muslim cry today. Thats huge news!!!!!
  13. Youre an idiot. The piece I cut out and posted was factual information and a quote from a state commission member. It was not her opinion.
  14. No problem: Because of the insane union contracts in Wisconsin, one Madison bus driver, John E. Nelson, was able to make $159,000 in 2009 -- about $100,000 of which in overtime pay. Jackie Gleason didn't make that much playing bus driver Ralph Kramden on "The Honeymooners." Seven bus drivers took home more than $100,000 that year. When asked about the outrageous overtime pay for bus drivers -- totaling $1.94 million in 2009 alone -- Transit and Parking Commission Chairman Gary Poulson said: "That's the contract." www.anncoulter.com
  15. Your neighbor's kid cant pay soccer because some lame-ass lazy fat douchebag who drives a streetsweeper for two hours a day no longer has the ability to have someone have a totally one sided negotiation to get a completely FREE pension oh his behalf?
  16. Eight grand in damage thanks to the NYSDOT trucks and their wing plows. One minute Im sipping coffee on my way to the worker....the next Im covered in glass and the mother focker is driving away. Had to chase after him for a half mile before he pulled over. Ugh.
  17. Just got my car back from the body shop after a snow plow had its way with it. Everything is fine, except the driver door handle is tight from both the inside and outside handles. Feels like its an issue at with the striker mechanism. Is there an adjustment for this? Wait......wrong forum.
  18. "We need the Goverment to MAKE jobs." And this !@#$'s an Ivy League scholar.
  19. Last time we saw the Libyan people, they were cheering the return of al-Megrahani. They should paint every !@#$ing bomb that drops white and blue, with a big PAN AM logo on the side of it. And when thats done, drop the next wave of bombs painted with the name of that German Disco on it. We cant bomb them ENOUGH, as far as Im concerned. And Joe...you stupid ass....unless youre willing to give up EVERYTHING you use that consumes oil, shut the !@#$ up with the "no blood for oil" nonsense.
  20. I know what I saw, mmmmkay? All minorities, being shown as downtrodden victims of the corporate monolith Verizon. And Vonage coming to the "rescue" to save them. Totally racist. Racist, teabagging birthers. Probably all Vonage management types. Who own stock in Koch Industries.
  21. If I get into an altercation with a homosexual and during the course of the fight I utter the word "fag" I will get prosecuted for a hate crime. But these !@#$s can get away with their bull ****. Makes perfect sense, that.
  22. Oh, he DEFINTIELY got what was coming to him, Volpe did. Im more trying to illustrate how people when all in a righteous rage dont stop to think what these punishments really entail.
  23. I recall when Jusin Volpe got thirty years in the state pen for the Abner Luima assault and the mindless were screaming "that isnt punishment enough!!!!!" YOU go sit in solitary (becuase hes a cop, he wont be in gen pop) for thirty !@#$ing years. Nooooot exactly a weekend at Disney.
  24. Sheen starts the day on Stern, exchanges emails with Hannity, then joins twitter and get the ENTIRE interwebs twisted in a knot, he then makes the headlines of every entertainment show and essentially puts the enitire media world on the tip of his finger....and ends his day by banging Bree Olson nine ways from Sunday. Crazy????? The guy is a !@#$ing genius.
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