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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. "All we got on this team are a buncha Jews, spics, !@#$s, pansies, and a booger-eatin' moron!" -- Tanner Boyle
  2. "Look, it tells time simultaneously in Monte Carlo, Beverly Hills, London, Paris, Rome, and Gstaad!!!"
  3. Hey PBILLS YOU MORON... Why dont you look up "THIS DAY IN HISTORY" and try to learn that Unions at one point were more than organized crime fronts trying to do a bit more than earning an extra two years on a retirement plan?
  4. This is such an easy discussion. The Japanese are civilized. Except those stupid masks piss me off. Why only women? And I get wearing them while standing gnext to the plant. But then they show the same broads wearing them in sterile environments. In Japan, mishandling chopsticks is considered an insult to the chef cooking your meal. But wearing a mask to talk to someone isnt. That makes sense. Back on point..... yes, the Japanese have class. The others? Well................
  5. His overproduced videos and media tour (complete with book!!!!!) makes it clear his image has clearly been run through some slick PR machine and it looks that way. Lady Gaga is less tacky and less phony. PASS.
  6. Dexter you sould like the moron who has been stting in front of a local car dealership for TWENTY YEARS with a sandwich sign complaing that they screwed him over.
  7. And here we go... In Washington, Navy Vice Adm. William E. Gortney told reporters the cruise missiles were fired from several American destroyers and submarines and one British sub. He said they hit more than 20 air defense sites along the Mediterranean coast, many in the western half of the country that is Gadhafi's stronghold. The U.S. vessels involved in launching the Tomahawks were two destroyers — USS Barry and USS Stout — and three submarines — USS Providence, USS Scranton and USS Florida. One British sub, the Westminster, also launched missiles.
  8. So basically what we have learned is that according to the UN, a legitimate, recognized goverment has no recourse against a violent uprising within its own borders. Nice precedent, that.
  9. I dont understand why this is even an issue at all. These rebels brought the fight, not the other way around. Ghadaffyyiiii was sitting in a tent wearing a funny hat and drinking tea before this insurgency started. Last I checked, the Libyan govt is legit.
  10. I looked up this "boycott" thing. Turns out the union demanded M&I back them in this fight, but the bank stated they prefer to remain neutral in the situation, not taking either side. But because the bank didnt side with the union, the union goes ahead and boycotts them...and any other business that doesnt go along. Union thuggery at its finest. Here is the statement: "M&I has not taken, and will not take, a position either for or against the budget repair bill. As M&I has publicly stated before: M&I has not contributed to any candidate and did not contribute to Governor Walker or Mayor Barrett in the last gubernatorial election. M&I has over 6,000 employees in Wisconsin, and, in the great tradition of political freedom in this country, those employees have the right to contribute to the candidate of their choice. M&I employees contributed to both Wisconsin gubernatorial candidates in the last election. M&I is proud of our tradition of standing with teachers, nurses, police officers, fire fighters, and other dedicated public employees to support, improve, and grow Wisconsin communities. M&I has 188 branches in cities, towns, and villages throughout Wisconsin, and M&I employees work side-by-side with these dedicated public employees in civic endeavors across the state.”
  11. They gave a grand total of $25,000 to Gov. Walker. What rue did they change by doing that?
  12. Im against the continuation of wars in the other two sand-pits Bush started, if that helps. Beofre the resolution passed, we were days away from seeing this crisis ended and the price of oil dropping. Now...who knows how long it will go on and Im pretty sure oil trading tomorrow AM will be at new highs or close to them. !@#$.
  13. Oh good...another A-rab shithole we're going to dump billions into and get nothing out of. And even though the USis taking a back seat in this...within a WEEK the lion's share of flight ops will be by the USN. And not for nothing...these rebels went after their government on their own. Ghadaffy was sitting in tents just jerking his own meat before they started acting up. Its their own fault if they get their asses kicked.
  14. I actually DO listen to Limbaugh, but consider myself smart enough to tell the difference between his goading of media matters and the left and when he's serious. If you got even TWO brain cells to rub together and youve listened to him for rmore than a weekend, its pretty easy to tell the difference. You think he manages to ride that razor thin line between pissing off the left and getting into newscasts, yet NEVER pulling an "Imus" and losing sponsors and getting kicked off the air all by accident?
  15. "Rush Limbaugh Bad!!!!!" [This message brought to you by MSNBC...the network that brings you Ed Schultz & Lawrence O'Donnell and put Keith Olbermann on the map]
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