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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Joe !@#$ing Biden. All of THREE IQ points better than Sarah Palin.
  2. Im like to hear ANYONE explain how repealing the Bush Tax cuts would result in "economic ccatastrophe." Im a supply sider and even Im getting a little skeptical about these claims of how if we take one red cent more from the rich, the economy will plunge into ruin.
  3. Spoken like a guy who works south of Canal Street.
  4. Actually, Mommy Earth would be liable for parking my ass too close/far to the sun.
  5. I hope this goes through. It will be a riot watching "Mother Earth" sue for things like pollution, when in fact its her !@#$ing fault I need to consume about 2,000 gallons of fuel oil per year to heat my house in the first place. And next time I get a sunburn, you can bet your ass she's getting an expense report claim for the aloe I needed to buy from CVS.
  6. Always get a good laugh watching atheists spew the hate they claim to be "above." As far as this guy goes...the world better not end. I just got my new road bike!
  7. Holy !@#$, we agree on something. The idea that everything that you dont agree with (morally or otherwise) should be illegal is moronic. Cheers!
  8. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. And not for nothing...its comical watching the same !@#$s who called Bush's Presidency "illegitimate" now get pissy and twisted out of sorts that the legitimacy of THEIR GUY is being called into question. They !@#$ing picketed his inauguration...right from the get-go said he wasnt legit. But even QUESTION where Barry's birth certificate is and its like you brought up Hitler's name at a Seder dinner. And Bush had that funny thing called a SCOTUS DECISION in his back pocket. Whats Barry got? A !@#$ing newspaper clipping? Trump's the man....making EVERYONE squirm over this issue and hes getting free press in the meantime. Hes like a wealthy Jimmy McMillan. And really...whats the REAL difference between "IF YOU PASS RYANS BUDGET CHILDREN WILL DIEEEEE!!!!!" and "Obama may not be born here?" At least people saying "I dont beleive Obama is born here" or "The Rent is Too High" are true beleviers. Id rather deal with THEM than the bull **** artists currently in charge. They are all clowns in the same circus as far as Im concerned.
  9. You cant tell the difference between a straight political donation and one where the party making the donation THEN sits down with those they helped elect and has DIRECT TALKS to negotiate contracts?
  10. Who are the Koch Brothers "fronting", you !@#$ing imbecile?
  11. They are so "underpaid", arent they?
  12. Dude....you gotta be !@#$ing kidding.
  13. Those greedy, rich, tax dodging, captialist pigs and companies are EEEEVVVVVIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* *except when my constituents are the ones who get jobs from them and when I get fat campaign donations from them. Thats different, you see.
  14. We never WERE discussing specifics in this thread. Ever.
  15. Dude.....there ARE military cuts. Over $80 billion worth of them. And of course he took a right leaning slant on how to fix this. He IS a Republican. But in crafting this, he did so with a lot of Democrats, including members of Bill Clinton's economic team. So this is far from just an effort to throw "red meat" at the GOP faithful.
  16. And if youre going to continue harping on the tax cut without acknowleding that there is material in the plan to make up the difference in total revenue, then...welll.......youre just being pbills about this. And I NEVER said his plan was perfect or even a viable solution. You think Im NOT nervous about the idea of losing my home mortgage interest deduction? I ONLY said I admired Ryan's courage and maturity in trying to fix what ails the Country.
  17. Its dropping taxes....not revenue. Whats lost will be made up by closing loopholes and simplying the tax code.
  18. From what I understand the plan calls for $80 Billion in cuts at the Pentagon. So this is indeed a serious plan. And Peace...it works like this....lower taxes = more private sector spending = more private sector jobs = better economy = more tax revenue for the gubmint. 20 people giving $5 each is better than 10 people giving $8 each.
  19. Saw Paul Ryan making the rounds lately and hes very impressive. He knows the material COLD and has an actual plan to tackle the deficit & spending problems. He created it with good people in a bi-partisan fashion and he has the courage to go after sacred cows like entitlements and tax deductions so many hold dear. He also realistic enough to see there will need to be compromise on many of his points. Hes approaching this calmy and rationally. I applaud him. Gonna be a damned shame when his plan is politicized and demagogued into submission.
  20. [rant] I am so !@#$ing sick of the whole "teachers are underpaid" bull ****. Teachers are valuable...and they should be rewarded for their work..and its certainly a noble profession. But lets STOP this faux outrage about howw they are taken advantage of, shall well? Teachers get a good salary for working 10 months a year. FREE healthcare. FREE pensions...and oh....after working a grand total of three years....a guaranteed job for life. They get rewarded plently.
  21. I liked the other Tanner line better... "Jews, Spics, !@#$s, and now a GIRL???!!!??" "GRAB A BAT, PUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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