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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. The only people who keep the birther issue alive are the leftists and their media minions who use it to keep the "GOP/teaparty are full of evil racist white people" narrative going.....and Donald Trump.
  2. Yeah that right...out of thin air all the left wing media establishments just happened to follow the same agenda. Personally, I dont care....I just find it funny that you and your media masters think the same wool you pulled over peoples eyes for decades still works.
  3. Shocker of all shockers..this weekend there are a ton of different pieces on the Donald. Coordinited effort by the Democratic Media Complex or just a coincidence?
  4. Breitbart rules if for nothing else than that he is one of the few that takes the liberal media and their snorting hate-filled hordes head on. And does so on their turf. The Conservative movement needs more like him.
  5. What are you? !@#$ing Sam Gerard???!!!??
  6. Ben Jealous...lol. Guy's a !@#$ing lightweight. Another "leader" who when pressed, the best he can do is blame whitey and demagogue.
  7. Spending has gone up. Has revenue gone DOWN? I dont believe it has.
  8. Schools already look and feel like prisons. Just combine the two.
  9. Becuase "its for the children", silly.
  10. I never said they make "too much." I said YOUR claim that they "dont make a lot" is bogus.
  11. A) A $37K STARTING SALARY is about SEVEN TO TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS PER YEAR MORE than the average private sector worker with a similar education. B) Whats the median income in Maryland? And be sure to tack on at least 25K PER YEAR for benefits. C) Whats the top out salary? if 40 is the starting, and 55 is the average, whats the top? $70? So 70K plus another 25 in bennies......and you get.....approx. 100K in salary and benefits. Thanks for playing. You lose.
  12. But what you put forther above is NOT what Ryan proposed. Never once was it ever even implied that the lowering of the tax rate would NOT be married with closing of tax loopholes and simplification of the tax code. Not once. You dont "lie"....you "make up stuff."
  13. Every teacher I know makes at least 100K in combined salary and bennies for nine months work. So either you think six figures in salary and benefits "isnt that much money"...or youre lying. What state do you live in?
  14. Teachers bring in over 100,000/year in combined salary and bennies for 9 months/yr of work. Cut that horsecrap that they "dont make a lot of money." Its an outright LIE.
  15. Oh p-brain-Bills.....a little light reading for you... http://thathero.com/2011/04/18/ohio-afscme-solidarity-for-suckers/
  16. So give that fireman his pension and !@#$ the state and !@#$ the taxpayers who foot the tax bill and can no longer afford the houses those same firemen are dedicating to "saving" in the event of a fire. Real nice, pbills....real nice.
  17. Like rich people and corporations? Practice what ya preach, please. And I dont BLAME teachers. I BLAME their unions. I know plenty of teachers that work their asses off and are dedicated to their kids. Im !@#$ing MARRIED TO ONE. She commutes 40 miles a day to the WORST part of NYC to teach 17 year old gang bangers (in 8th grade!!!) how to read and when shes done they call her "cracker B word." And thats when the school is not on lockdown becuase there is word on the street a drive-by might take place when the bell rings. But thats not what bothers her. You know what does? The Board of Ed and UFT bull **** she has to contend with on a daily that outright PREVENTS her from doing right by those kids 9 times out of 10. So stop....youre barking up the wrong tree.
  18. FOR HIM. And thats fine. But HIS financial vision and goals are not mine. Nor yours. Nor anyone else's. Im glad this guy is happy. But hes not me. And where *I* live (and by that I dont mean a specific neighborhood..... I mean the whole !@#$ing REGION) $71,000 K per year barely affords you a decent RENTAL apartment. And guess what else......school budgets are being cut and the teachers? Refusing to accept a pay adjustment and the districts are once again forced to cut kid's programs. Then the same teachers...with their guaranteed FREE bennies, and pensions, and three months off a year and YEARLY COLA raises....and tenure.....cry "victim." Cute.
  19. You keep going on and on about corporate taxes and loopholes. Unless you take ZERO deductions, yourself......for your house, your kids (assuming you have either) and anything else...then shut the !@#$ up becuase otherwise youre being a total hypocrite.
  20. But what about defense spending OUTside of actual "war" activities? Why do you keep bringing up Limbaugh?
  21. Boeing and Northrop Grumman are "special interest groups", huh? And you DO realize that the Pentagon buys from those companies for military efforts OUTSIDE of Iraq and Afghanistan, too....RIGHT? And *Im* the one on drugs........
  22. You posted a clip about American Defense Contractors making money and titled the thread "America is being hollowed out from the inside." How the !@#$ are people supposed to interpret that, you schmuck?
  23. ooooh.....those American-based companies making money. EEEVILLLLLL!!!!!! I swear...heard some bimbo on the news the other day say how even if costs and care were dead equal for the consumer, private health care (vs public) would be bad because that would mean the Insurance Companies would profit. But dont call them socialists, folks.
  24. So you want to "balance the economy" whatever THAT means by taking money OUT of the private sector for both individuals and corporations. Plus, you want to keep spending where it is, gut defense spending and raise the corporate tax rate. There he is...pbills Hu Jintao.
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