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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Post em up or shut the !@#$ up. bin Laden had "valid points" Thats the same !@#$ mindset that brings us wonderous bull **** like "Hitler also did a lot of good for Germany."
  2. What is "racial" about this thread? Prove what Dave said had racist overtones. I dare you. Becuase all Dave did was post a few quotes and links to a timely news story thats being widely covered.
  3. I can pretty much say without a shadow of a doubt that Buddy Nix and the "crew" FORGOT more about Professional Football in the last WEEK than you have come to learn in your entire life. How nice of you to elevate YOUR level of knowledge of the game and the NFL and college scouting to men who do it for a living.
  4. Im sorry, the idea that you MUST HAVE that GREAT and elusive FRANCHISE QB to be a winning, contending team is poppycock. You dont need Manning or Marino. You need a GOOD QB. A bona fide starter who can win you ballgames and get the ball where it needs to be. Thats it. You put that kind of player under center, surround him with good talent and a coach with a clue and youll win a ton of ballgames for a long time. Chasing picks, overreaching and doing things like cashing in a whole draft for one player (saw THAT mentioned today) is a fool's errand.
  5. Oh noes!!!!!! Another team in the Bills division drafted a good prospect!!!!! We're doomed.....DOOMED I tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Becuase youd move the Super Bowl to Moscow if it meant an extra eight cents for the League, you whore.
  7. No....you MISquoted me. You took a statement I made and completelty twisted its meaning in order to label me as something Im clearly not (a birther). Ill be sure to pocket this for when you accuse Fox or Andrew Breitbart of doing same.
  8. That was in reference to the overall question to Gene about BOTH sides running with half-assed "reasons" to question a PUSA's legitimacy, you turd.
  9. Hes the !@#$ing President. He cant take a dump without it being questioned. He steps outside the Oval Office to take a puff and six different health and charitable organizations give him **** for it.
  10. By this rationale, Popular Mechanics and all the other people who devoted TONS of time and money to disprove the Truther movement are in effect...Truthers, themselves! !@#$ing morons......
  11. When the did I EVER align myself with and worse, DEFEND, the birthers???!!!?? AT WORST I said I wanted him to produce the damned thing to put the issue to bed and hopefully KILL the birther movement. Hoping a kook conspiracy is disproved is now aligning with it and defending it, huh???? What the !@#$?
  12. Silly piece. She is a marooon. But why is it "racist" (ie bad) for birthers to question Obama's legitimacyto be president based on a document HE purposely did not release, but acceptable for liberals to question Bush's legitimacy based on a SCOTUS decision? Answer the !@#$ing question.
  13. Like I said....for the kooks, no. But for the rest of the human race, especially those who actually started to ask..."yeah...maybe Trumps right....where IS the damned thing?", yes. He never showed it until now becuase he could use the issue to his advantage. Show that there are so many kooks out there and casually link them to his oppostion as a whole. But what Trump did was make the issue mainstream. It became more than a fringe kook conspiracy. Now there were the so-called "independents" who started to ask "yeah...why DOESNT he just show it....MAYBE he IS hiding something." Trump got people to start doubting Obama. And at THAT point, Obama lost his leverage on the issue and had to release it.
  14. I guess Im a birther, too. NOT becuase I didnt believe him...but because I wanted to put the issue to rest. Newsflash for idiots like Peace....there are a TON of OBAMA LOVING LIBERALS out there that ALSO wanted him to show it to put the issue to rest. Are THEY birthers, too?
  15. Credit where credit is due: At least pBiills twice stated he did not condone such actions.
  16. Two hours after you scold me for that video and broad labels you come up with this? So a few Tea Partiers are birthers and the whole movement be damned, but those two professors? To you, those are "the exceptions" and dont represent the union movement. Its not your bull **** opinions that make me want to punch you...... Its your rank, idiotic hypocrisy. TOM...I disagree. I do see your point, but I think Obama has now closed the issue. Kooks or no kooks, the question they raised..."where is it?" was a valid one. The birthers did have a point..."where is it?" Now....thats off the table. He kicked the table leg out from the birthers. Yes, he had to get on his knees to do it.....but its done nonetheless.
  17. For normal people yes. I guess I can be considered a "birther" because I wanted to see him release it just to put the issue to bed once and for all. But for the kooks, nothing will. Im sure they will now say "its a fake!!!!"
  18. If youve sepnt more than a minute on PPP, you would get it. Everyone else sure did. #Itsyounotme
  19. "The Obama Administration: Taking down every successful US business......one at a time."
  20. [idiot] HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! ANDREW BREITBART!!!! GO WATCH MORE FOX NEWS!!!!!![\idiot]
  21. Explain this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4oTooyabyA&feature=player_embedded
  22. You grow up Catholic and dont know that Eater is the most Holy day for one? Interesting........
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