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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. If the GOP had any balls whatsoever, they would run a TV ad where an abortion is taking place, up close and personal...with America the Beautiful playing in the background.
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Typical....you post bull **** but when called on it, its THEM who has to lighten up.
  3. You idiot...Rove's job was not SPECIFICALLY to "squash negative stories." he was Bush's campaign manager and became his chief political advisor.
  4. Becuase there are no special interests at work with the libs.
  5. Fox News! James O'Keefe! Breitbart!!!! Teabagging!!!!! Must suck to live like Hedd does.
  6. I say good. Maybe the ragheads (ie terrorists) will now accuse the Chi-Coms of starting a "crusade" and go after them for a change.
  7. Telling Israel to eff off...and this. Hoping all the Jews that voted for this clown are happy.....
  8. You could put that much makeup and airbrishing on DC Tom and he would look as good.
  9. Lyrics generally mean ****. My best case in point.... Go read Slayer's lyrics....and then realize the guy who sings them is a devout Catholic.
  10. Pretty homophobic little rant from someone who preaches "tolerance."
  11. A ****-ton of libtards are going off on the "Republican Family Values" hypocrisy line today. Because...ya know.....Arnold was a true "Family Values" type of guy.
  12. NFL Power Rankings in May. Right above "What Lady Gaga had for lunch" on my list of "**** RkFast cares about right now."
  13. Youre aksing them to prove a negative, which is impossible.
  14. Silly me...I forget only the leftards are "allowed" to say "attack" and "target".....and to demagogue...and when a right winger does it...its "hate."
  15. I was listening to Bruce Dickinson on the way to the worker today...and I can say youre no Bruce Dickinson. Bruce Dickinhishand is more like it.
  16. Hey Bruce....why dont you go find a few truthers and rent yourselves out as crash test dummies.
  17. I wish she invited Mama-Likka-BuBu-Day. "Kill da White Man"
  18. Full ride scholarships = "exploitation" < Mentioning a black man's tweets = racism. Either way, youre on some roll this week.
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