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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Classy.... http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0311/51949.html
  2. pBills....please provide your opinion on Media Matters and their stated mission. Thank you.
  3. pBills.....please provide your opinion on Media Matters. Thank you.
  4. I think Breitbart is an attention whore.... But I ALSO think he IS a God and I LOVE him becuase hes taking a page out of the left's playbook and using it with impunity. He is also teaching the right to grow a sack and FIGHT, instead of whine. Hes teaching the right to call the left on their Alinsky-fed bull **** and fight back.
  5. The only thing Andrew Breitbart is "guilty" of is being an attention hog. But according to pBills, that makes his motives "not clean." Got that? NOT whether or not what he or his 'big" sites reports is true....but what his 'motives' are. By the way, you idiot....Breitbart himself has ADMITTED what his "motives" are. All you need to do is take a peek at the COVER of his !@#$ing book....you dont even have to crack it open.
  6. Why "question" someone when EVERYTHING they have put forth has checked out as bonafide? And why does he have to prove to YOU that his motives are clean. Typical leftard Alinksy tactic.....foist a label (like racism) on your oppoistion and then demand they disprove it, which is impossible. tell ya what....Breitbart will have to "prove" his motives are "just" when Joy Behar has to "prove" she isnt a c-nt. Deal?
  7. This story is great becuase now when a Republican gets caught witgh his pants down...or playing footise...or sending emails...or just giving tribute to an old man at his going away party....and the libtards prep the rocket ship to send him to Mars, there is now solid precedent for that guy to tell the 'tards and their minions to go !@#$ themselves. But they wont...becuase the GOP is a bunch of uptight spineless pussies.
  8. Weiner said he wanted to "thank his friends in the media." At least he admits it.
  9. He's staying put...if I was that guy upstate, id be PISSED http://www.ny1.com/content/top_stories/140451/sources--congressman-weiner-to-remain-in-office-amid-expanding-online-scandal
  10. No thanks...I had strawman for lunch.
  11. Whoop...Presser moved to 4PM today. But this little dick has so much hubris, he will probably try to fight and blame it on Bush or something.
  12. Hugh is a jackass. If I were his supervisor and saw him treating my equipment like that on TV, Id fire him on the spot.
  13. The true MSM is not jumping in yet, but the secondary media is all over it right now. By tonight it should be everywhere and Weiner should be doing the stone-faced resignation press conference thing by Wed.
  14. I know, I know....Im kicking myself for the oversight, too.
  15. While we are on movie lines, I recently discovered Dr. Strangelove. I know, I know...Im late to the party. Holy **** what a great movie. Hilarious.
  16. Drip drip drip...let em bleed slowly. He knows how to get it done.
  17. http://bigjournalism.com/abreitbart/2011/06/06/weinergate-bombshell-new-woman-comes-forward-claiming-cache-of-intimate-photos-and-online-communications-with-beleaguered-congressman/ Breitbart....you !@#$ing genius, you. The Weiner...is cooked.
  18. How dare you suggest our racist, gringo military be deployed and use racist force against those poor, defensless Mexicans just excersising their God...sorry...NATURAL right to a better life????
  19. Everyone in Austin is just pissed off that Juan Pelota is about to get outed.
  20. How dare those racist gringos build a city where those poor, innocent downtrodden Mexicans want to take a ****?
  21. He fought to live to the end....yet convinced the metally weak to off themselves...and worse, doing so using toxins even the US Prison System banned for being inhumane. A true fraud and shyster if there ever was one. If he were alive in 1942 Germany, he would have been Mengele's assistant. Funny how hes a "pioneer" and a "hero", yet those who fight the pro-life fight are "whackos." !@#$ed up priorities we have.
  22. I love hearing from people that this Weinergate thing is juvenile and childish. And by "people" I mean the ones screaming "TEABAGGER!!!!" and giggling the last three years.
  23. I "care" becuase for once Id like to see fair treatment in the media. And becuase Anthony Weiner is a major leage !@#$.
  24. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/05/29/politics/main20067242.shtml
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