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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. No. Im a teabagger. So I: "dont care about kids" "Want to kill grandma" Im racist Im a "terrorist" I "hate poor people" I "hate the working man" Im "the enemy" What else? Oh yeah... Think Tom's an idiot.
  2. Dude...you think those callouses on your hands came from peforming the act just once? Youre an idiot.
  3. Um, he did several YEARS in jail and lost about $100 Million in salary and other earnings? Whether or not he went on to earn that kind of money again late, still doesnt give back what he lost.
  4. Smokin' Guns in North KC. All you need to know about Arthur Bryants is that the locals make fun of it. Im sure the food aint bad, but its a tourist spot. They sell the sauce in the airports. So nuff said.
  5. One of the league's elite teams over the last decade wipes the floor with one of the league's worst. Youre really on to something there, Einstein.
  6. If Merriman plays a full season, there will be many pissed off Bills fans. If Merriman plays well, there will be many pissed off Bills fans. If Merriman makes the Pro Bowl, there will be many pissed off Bills fans. If Merriman breaks the all time sack record, there will be many pissed off Bills fans. If Merriman helps the Bills win a Super Bowl, there will be many pissed off Bills fans. If Merriman cures cancer while bringing Ford and Xerox and Kodak back to prominence in WNY at at the same time getting Lady Gaga to off herself, there will be many pissed off Bills fans.
  7. Liberals....they want to "ban" french fries, but pot? Toke away, my boy!!!!!!
  8. Go to a local bike shop, first of all. They will steer you in the right direction and fit your noggin properly. Bell, Giro are two popular brands.
  9. I just pulled the ultimate "go !@#$ yourself." Was trying to have a decent discussion on the topic but why do something crazy like THAT, huh? So the thread turned to ****...and I shut it down. Quite satisfying, actually.
  10. The way I see it....he did **** that would get anybody fired. Last I checked...sexting from your office, putting hookers on your expense account, trying to pick up interns are all actions that can and usually will get you fired if "the bosses" find out. The fact that it happens doesnt matter, nor make it right. I dont see a problem with Weiner getting shitcanned for his actions. lolololol. Well done. [i really hate you] Explain, big boy.
  11. Youre the one being morally disingeuous and *I'M* the dipshit???!!!?? You posted your !@#$ing opinion, I countered with my own. If you dont want people to do that, dont !@#$ing post, you dipshit.
  12. No...Tom was. Stupid. Yeah...Im sure if you see rooster shots on your kids Facebook sent from a man twice her age, youll just let it go. Wow...I spelled a word wrong.
  13. I would never argue the point that men and women are motivated by different things. And that stupid little thing that adding 225 some off years of media advancements and twitter to the equasion means Weiner compromised the integrity of the office in real time and what Franklin and Jefferson did were at the time, at best, rumors. SLIGHT difference between rumors and hearsay about being a womanizer and every citizen from LA to Maine seeing an up close picture of your dick.
  14. Are these the same twats who said that "white men dont have any good ideas?"
  15. Text 'rooster shots' while at work and see where that gets you. I love this new "excuse" by the left...that Weiner is caught up in the "new puritanism that the evil Republicans and teabaggers are foisting on us all." bull ****. Youre a sitting congressman...a powerful one.....and one that was very much an up and coming mouthpiece of the Democratic Party. You were sending naked pictures of yourself out at random to single women, some underage, another a porn star.THEN he lied about it and coached others to do the same. Its was creepy, deviant, deceptive and borderline illegal. Its behavior that would get anyone fired from their job, unless you work for Hustler or something. And dont say "he wasnt on Company time" Hes an elected US government official. Hes "working" 24/7. He's NEVER NOT representining the US Government. Ever. ****...thats his JOB TITLE. Come on. A "mediocre scandal" would be him stepping out on his wife with a co-worker and getting caught. And if that happened and he didnt lie about it, this would be a non issue. But on the "scandal" scale, this is AT LEAST an 8 out of a 10. At minimum. The "level headed" thing is for him to go.
  16. Some people dont want to "smell" smoke???? Well I have to put up with "seeing" your fat beer gut (for the ladies, too) and ugly, poorly placed tattoos. IMO, one sensory offense just deserves another. So until you get to Jack LaLanne and in for some laser treatment to remove that "tribal" thing across your neck which you think has meaning but really is Celtic for "idiot", Im going to sit here with my carton of Camels and puff puff puff away.
  17. Smoking Bad.......but drunken morons fighting and spitting on ya? Meh.....shut up and deal. Makes sense.
  18. This notion that Obama is "smart"...what has he done to prove that? Write a book? Snooki wrote a book. Go to an Ivy League school? So did that "idiot" W. Spend lots of time in gubmit and write and pass lots of legislation? Yeah, right. Spend time in the private sector and run a business or act as a political pundit of some sort and do lots of writing? Nope. So?
  19. So now he tweeted with MINORS....and he STILL doesnt have to resign!!!!!!! Again, this is good. Next time a Republican does anything unseemly....short of running over a bunch of children with a Corvette he can tell anyone demanding his resignation to go pound sand.
  20. You tried to insult me for heaping praise on Breitbart to support your arugment, but then go on to say hes OK if he just didnt do certain things like be a media hog, which are the same things I ALSO said I dont like, nor approve of. So essentially you agree with my position on him. .And you wound up insulting YOURSELF becuase how can you try to insult someone for a postion they have.... if its the same one YOU have??!!?? Whoopsee.
  21. I know this district here. One of the best on the Island. In a pretty well to do area. Shes still overpaid, though.
  22. LOL...I thought the same thing about the Neo-Con thing. Nice. And I like your write up about Breitbart. I finished his book recently and youre correct about his mission and how hes going into the fight. Its funny...his detractors call him a weasel, a liar and dishonest when in fact hes brutally honest about who he is, what motivates him and his imperfections. Thats not to say I approve or like how he handles everything. I dont. He better be careful, or his sloppiness is going to kill him.
  23. Lets talk about Charlie Rangel, shall we?
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