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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Hello? I just responded to your thread about this. He can make that out throw. And a hail mary is not a fair judge of arm strenghth. Any QB have heave it up in the air and downfield.
  2. Fitz can throw the ball outside the numbers 20-30 yards downfield and hit the receiver. Thats the hardest throw to make in the NFL and Fitz can do it. Hes not Manning, but hes got an NFL caliber arm.
  3. Now come no issues with political influence being blatantly bought by misappropriated union dues?
  4. Sometimes the jokes write themselves.... http://dailycaller.com/2011/10/25/obama-defies-base-hires-wall-street-lobbyist-for-re-election-campaign/
  5. BE is cliche schlock compared to the Sopranos. Not even remotely close.
  6. Youre starting to get something out of him, finally and you want to trade him? Thats smart.......
  7. What will kill it dead is when reports that the donations they have received are being mishandled and stolen by the organizers. But knowing the lamestream, they wont report that.
  8. I haave to agree. I thought it was sour grapes on my part, but Revis uses his hands more than a drunk Hugh Hefner in the grotto.
  9. I acutally like Taibbi very much. But the issue I have, like with most things, is the hypocrisy. These clowns will sneer at Fox News as biased. Call the Tea Party dumb rubes and misguided and every name in the book and worse, not for their ideals, which I dont blame left-wingers for hating, but for their acutal practice of making some political noise. People like Ratigan and Taibbi, Matthews and Sarandon and Penn honestly beleive that they "own" the right to make political noise. To say whatever they want to whomever they want. But someone else pipes up with their opinion and they are to be outcast, shut down and marginalized as racists and terrorists. I had a talk with my lib friend one day about Fox, how biased and evil they are and when I said that I actually yagree that they tilt right...just like MSNBC tilts left, he said with a straight face "No they dont....MSNBC is honest and objective!!!!" So thats what Breitbart exposed again....that these people, these champions of "free and open ideas" and "honest journalism" are just as bad as what they claim to despise.
  10. I liked Carlin. Appreciate anyone who can equally piss off p[eople of both political stripes. The big BIG flaw with Carlin, however was that his acts started out funny and brilliant, but by about 15 minutes in they started turning and by 30 minutes in were more of less just the ramblings of a bitter man and he came off sounding small.
  11. http://bigjournalism.com/dloesch/2011/10/16/journolist-2-0-occupydc-emails-show-msm-dylan-ratigan-working-with-protesters-to-craft-message/
  12. Coaching IS a concern. But "change for changes sake" is a bad move, IMO. I strongly believe teams realy HEAVILY on continuity and developing a rythmn week to week. And firing a Coordinator, which would mean massive upeaval to the organiztion, could greatly disturb their rythmn. I would wait.
  13. It wouldnt be a Bills season if there wasnt some goat on the coaching staff. its the 'Chuck Dickinson' mentality. Again.....a staff reorganization on a winning squad, especially one as fragile as a squad that hasnt experienced ANY kind of success in over a decade, is completely mindless. Its like trying to fix a house by setting it on fire. Mindless. You want to re-evaluate the coaching staff later, after the season is over, fine. Now is not the time.
  14. A couple of times they brought pressure, Manning beat it out. But hey...[Dickinson]FIRE EDWARDS NOW!!!![/dickinson]
  15. So word is that they are hiring high priced lawyers, Im sure some of which who will work pro-bono, to go in to the courts and demand that the charges against the arrested get dropped, with the threat of clogging up the courts if charges arent dropped. So essentially, they are looking to "take advantage of the system" for their own gain. Ya know....kinda like what they are protesting against others doing.
  16. Ah, thats his old team...Ill give him a break.
  17. Where are you hearing THAT? Simms is givng the Bills tons of props.
  18. "Nice catch, Hayes...dont ever !@#$ing do it again."
  19. Remember what I said about matchups? Forget it.
  20. I just dont like the matchups, but maybe Im wrong.
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