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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. You ALWAYS want to make it into the playoff tournament. ALWAYS. PERIOD. END OF STORY.
  2. Im sure its just conicidence that the minute that Perry, Cain and Gingrich sniffed the top spot in polling, these stories came to light. PLACE YOU BETS NOW..... How long after Romney takes the top spot does another flood of stories titled "Concerns about Romney's Mormonism" hit the beach? I say two days.
  3. These nitwits can now threaten to "shut down Wall Street" tomorrow, disrupt the subways and roads, littely standand in front of police en masse and DARE them to do something and then the second the police DO take action and do as little as TOUCH one of these guys, they drop to the ground, go into the fetal postion and cry "VICTIM!!!!! ABUSE!!!!!"
  4. Stop. Just.....STOP. The rap sheet for OWS is a mile long. The rap sheet against the Tea Party is a sole accusation of someone getting spittle on a Congressman as he walked by.
  5. I think this is what enrages me more than anything. I so much as park my car crooked on 6th Ave or ride my bike the wrong way down the street in NYC and Im collared like a criminal. But these OWS people can just do whatever the !@#$ they want? But the OWS clowns want special treatment so they can bend the laws in their favor. Hey...isnt that what they are protesting against?
  6. I played Madden last night. Then took a copy of the gameplan I created in it and forwarded it to my sources DEEP within One Bills Drive. I will report back later with the results.
  7. Pretty much nails it......the Bills still have a lot of holes to fill.
  8. Why should they? If theres one thing thats clear in this Country (and the world)...is that the law is never equally applied. Those who run with the agenda of those in power can do whatever they want, those who dont pay the price. Take this issue for a second....the next Tea Party rally in Oakland? Someone jaywalks and the cops will be busting skulls becuase the Tea Party, in that case is on the wrong side of the local govts.' agenda.
  9. Dave...even the liberals who are reading this thread are laughing AT you. Loudly.
  10. The funny thing is, if you called the Kenyan's supporters "Communists", Dave would throw a **** fit.
  11. What galls me is when libs act indignant when someone questions Obama's motives. Excuse me......BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA was the one who said he wanted to "fundamentally change America." Those are HIS WORDS...and to say that they cannot be questioned or approached with concern is.....absolutely retarded.
  12. No, that would be "racist." But its OK to put in a travel guide that "all white people living in this area are bad." Good thing there is never any bigotry against whites.
  13. I say !@#$em. If this is what Ohio wanted, good. And next time I see some unemployed Ohio couple standing in front of their shithole house in their shithole town the municipality and state cant afford the upkeep for, becuase most of its budget is going to pensions for some "worker" who banked ten years of sickdays, I can simply point at the TV and laugh. Congrats Ohio! A real "win" for the middle class!
  14. Put me in the camp that says that the Bills just got blown off the ball on the field. Chan could have put in a different gameplan, that wasnt going to change the fact that the Jets secondary was airtight and they were able to then stack the line. They had the Bills' number on Sunday.
  15. I say if Ohio wants to run the state into the ground let them. Same with Bloomturd and turning downtown NYC into a sewer thanks to OWS.....or San Francisco with basically everything. One of the LAST pure freedoms left in this Country is the ability to move where I dont have to deal with this type of crap. Its like a ****ty neighbor. I could care less if they are one step away from an episode of Hoarders and living in filth inside their home. As long as I dont see it or smell it, let them wallow in their own filth. If the people who live in these places want this type of stuff.....let them have at it.
  16. Its a damned shame the woman wasnt black and this wasnt a Tea Party rally.
  17. SOOOO agree with this. The Jets kicked the crap out of the Bills on the field. Lombardi, himself couldnt coach this Bills offense to a win today.
  18. The Bills got beat up ON THE FIELD. The Jets defense was great today. their secondary airtight.
  19. Funny...they are the ones shredding documents, but its FOX who is the one who is "lying."
  20. Seriously...I dont understand the end game as to what these people want. They are not going after the scumbag bankers who gamed the system. Now, it seems the "target" is ANYONE with money, even those who earned it fairly and ethically. ANY company that turns a fair profit is fair game. A bank forecloses on someone who simply overextended themselves and cant pay their bills. The lender did the right thing and provided a straight down the line 30 year fixed mortgage.... but its STILL the lender who somehow "took advantage" of that homeowner and therefore is "greedy." Im sorry, NONE of this makes sense to me.
  21. No way in hell. Chris Spielman summed it up best....domed stadiums are a Communist Plot.
  22. That was a very rough interview. Really tough to watch. Madoff left a trail of destruction, to be sure. I dont think the wife knew and Im not surprised she didnt. Think about it....your spouse know EVERYTHING youre doing 9-5? You could be doing a ton of stuff s/he will never know about.
  23. Felt good to stick it to Shanahan, but be honest....if you were him you would pass on Buffalo and go to DC, too.
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