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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Buh buh buh...he has baggage! He, like.....served his dead wife divorce papers right before her funeral.....or something. So he sucks.
  2. Tell it "I need a blow job" and it will give you a list of escort services close by. My ass, its crap. Its !@#$ing great.
  3. Not for nothing, but if Fitz plays a couple of more good games and they bounce back from the mid-season debacle I think the year turned out pretty good, for a rebuilding club.
  4. 1bills...youre whole point is that Newt is unelecable because of baggage the MSM would have a field day with. But your answer is to run a Trump/Palin ticket. Nah...those two are bulletproof....the MSM....the late night talk shows, the pop culture creeps....nah...they wouldnt have a field day with those two.
  5. Dude..the stats from Super Bowl 27 were pretty close, too. Come on.
  6. Im waiting for 1bills or dave to come back with "hes a poo-poo head." And then say that Gordon Ramsey would be a better candidate. Wait.....wrong reality show.
  7. Yes, but its against Michelle My Belle. So its bad. And evil. And racist. Meanwhile, Jimmy Fallon's !@#$ house band blindsides Michelle Bachmann and not a word from the PC police. The beat goes on.
  8. Are you serious? Newt's ALREADY answered that charge and would retort with about a billion charges of his own against Obama and everyone he ever looked at. And doing contract work for Fannie and Freddie is really not any kind of "scandal", especailly when its written fact that those organizations didnt take Newt up on his reccomendations.
  9. Newt has written a ton of books, has been a speaker, a consultant, a Fox News contributor and has run his American Solutions website for a long time now. Thats a lot of work for someone who 'doesnt like to work.'
  10. I think Newts a threat. I dot not beleive he is a perfect candidate. But he is at least a realistic one. Trump....is not. Im sorry...look at his postion on things. Telling China to go !@#$ themselves is NOT a real foreign (or economic) policy. Its a soundbyte to rile up Fox and Friends viewers.
  11. Youre writing off Gingrich becuase he did contract work for Fannie and Freddie and is a Washington insider, but you like DONALD TRUMP???!!!??? Thats like saying youre opting for the 72 Pinto becuase the 09 E Class has two flat tires. If you dont dig Newt, fine. But Trump over him? Come on.
  12. Newts got baggage, but he runs from none of it and welcomes scrutiny. And like its been said, he knows the facts cold, has a solutions-oriented campaign (whether or not they will work who knows, but the man actually has a written plan, not just nebulous, trite slogans like "change") and is a master debater (lol). The right will line up solidly behind him and the independents will be forced to give him a day in court. Why? Becuase if you throw some real ideas at people with an "America FIRST" restorative narrative they will have a hard time NOT at least listening to him. I think he is a serious threat.
  13. If youre going to sneak song lyrics into your post, I suggest ones more in line with the Bills' play and management. I suggest "Stripped, Raped and Strangled" by Cannibal Corpse.
  14. There IS no corner. Thats the point. DUH This really is amazing....how could those NASCAR fans boo the wife of someone who implied that they are all a bunch of bitter gun totin religious whackos?
  15. Lib friend of mine is all bent out of shape at the "dehumanizing" comments from Newt. This would be the SAME lib friend who calls me (and pretty much everyone to the right of Stalin) a "terrorist teabagger." Unreal.
  16. I agree 100% Fitz was off and IMO a HUGE reason for that were the bad snaps. In the second half, they were so off target and slow I think the Fins D-line was able to get just an extra half second jump due to how poor they were.
  17. Probably the SAME !@#$ who thought it was a good idea to prance Princess Nancy through a Tea Party event carrying a huge gavel to go vote on Obamacare.
  18. Not me...I NEVER though he was some genius. I thought he was a good coach, however. After yesterdays showing in the second half, Im not so sure anymore. Im not one to typically second guess coaching decisions, but that was terrible. To leave a player who simply cannot play the position at all...and worse....run an offense that is very demanding of that position just defies logic. Im aware he didnt have many alternatives, but he had some. He could have went to a base offense of some sort and put Fitz under center....and he sure as hell DID NOT have to run a QB sneak at the goal line.
  19. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. Bills fans loooooooooove to have a scapegoat.
  20. The man got old is all. Its just unfortunate becuase hes straddled with a library of music to sing that he just cant anymore. I do think he could tune down a bit more and stop trying to force some of the notes. Hes a clip of Geddy when his voice was INSANE...
  21. Can someone smarter than me please explain why FAILey kept a player at a position where he was inept and worse, ran plays that expose the inability even more? Levitre was physically unable to play center. He could not snap the ball. He just couldnt do it. Yet, Gailey continued to run a shotgun formation, exposing Levitre's incompetence even more. And when he finally puts Fitz under center at the goaline.....they run a QB sneak. Did Levitre insult Gaileys mother or something? Unconsionable to me. I can no longer say the Bills are "well coached" after seeing the pathetic decision making yesterday.
  22. Levitre was inept today. Incompetent. But the man has never played center so the blame falls on Nix and FAILey for leaving him in there. And to play shotgun the whole game and then run a qb sneak with him at c was a fireable offense in my book.
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