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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. YOU !@#$ING ABSOLUTE INCREDIBLE MORON...... http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/12/03/georgetown-university-offers-college-course-on-jay-z/
  2. I doubt that. Look at what the longshoremen did in Seattle a few months ago. And in the end, they would side with the far leftists than go anything that might help management. Like keeping the business open. If there is one thing Unions have proven over the years is that when it comes to tactics, they dont exactly look at the big picture and who they are really hurting at the end of the day.
  3. Yeah, well thats great and must have been fun to type for you (talk about "problems") but WHO IS MY ALTERNATIVE??? NAMES, please. NAMES.
  4. I think they are hunkering down for the winter, laying their plans and will be back in the streets in the Spring. Then it will be a looooong warm weather season and it will be up to the municipalities to crack down and prevent OWS from getting a foothold.
  5. Yes it is. Its nothing. And you cannot compare a skill position like RB to a interior line position, either. Very few players come into the NFL and make an impact immediately. Even less do at non-skill postions. Asking a guy to go from college to being a Pro-Bowl type of NFL player in one season is asking too much. Bruce Smith didnt even do that.
  6. Hes ten games into his NFL career. You expected him to parachute into the NFL and play like Justin Tuck right off the bat?
  7. But youre a !@#$ing nutcase. But Im a dolt, so there you go. Look...I know Gingrich is a BIG GUBMINT conservative. And I know electing him changes NOTHING in terms of how Washington works. But thats not something I care about right now. I want Obama OUT. I have two choices...Romney and Newt. And Ive always liked Newts ideas on solving problems, despite his baggage. Hes much more of a conservative of Romney. So Im supporting Newt.
  8. Buums. The Hiroshima buum. Hey, never said Gingrich was perfect, nor am I looking to have him be the savior.
  9. Reclusive sociopaths is low on the list of "People's opinions I care about."
  10. I love Gingrich, warts and all. Always have. The problem is, "whats wrong with Washington" is not going to be fixed by one mythical candidate who is going to come down from the Heavens and solve everything. I'd rather have a guy who knows the game and can play it well.
  11. Meanwhile, in the real world, two other Bills coaching castoffs, who also were considered "the REAL problem" by all knowing Bills fans are in our faces being successful today. Grey, coaching the defense in our loss and lookee who is running the Giants offense.......Kevin "Killdrive"
  12. Merci. Irrational...fine. Racist? Um, no.
  13. I dont want women driving, either, to be honest. Im on a first name basis with THREE body shops in the area thanks to my beloved. Our friends come over, see the rental car in the driveway and say "Again, huh?"
  14. A lot of racism in my post? Where? Point it out or get the !@#$ out of this forum. If you think youre gonna pull that little lib trick where youre gonna lob an unfounded accusation at me and I have to then prove a negative...youre !@#$ing with the wrong bull.
  15. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45532559/ Now lots of minorities can get that coveted degree in puppetry and take that class at Georgetown about Jay-Z's life. And then join OWS when they graduate, of course.
  16. I did it, Tom. Im STILL renting becuase like I said earlier....layout out massive montly payments for little value just didnt make sense for us. So I continue to rent. Not thrilled about it, but Im in a nice renovated house in a good neighborhood and we continue to scan the online listings for a house that works for us, financially and otherwise. Im dumb...but maybe not so dumb. By the way, thanks for the clarification on officer vs broker, above. Good thread.
  17. I dont know....how much responsiblity does the broker really have to tell the idiots that took loans that would require 75% of their income to cover each month that they are !@#$ing nuts? Plus, there is this....lets say a broker really did stop making loans or tried to talk couples out of bad loans. Black couples.Im thinking the result wouldnt be pretty.
  18. Same thing here....people were getting ARMs or interest only loans on original three bedroom capes on 50X100 lots in so-so neighborhoods for half a million. I didnt buy becuase to me, it made no sense. Im no genius (shut up, Tom) but still could see it just didnt wash. I just looked at the homes and said "NO WAY is this worth 3,500/month....NO WAY." But a lot of people bought under these conditions and are now shocked at the situation they are in. As are the lenders and the govt, too.
  19. This is a very good post. To simplify it....everyone KNEW there was a bubble. I was looking at houses a lot during this time. NOT ONE realtor or mortgage guy failed to mention "the bubble we are in" and how one day it was going to all go away. EVERYONE knew what was going on....the subprime mortgages, the overpriced properties, on and on. The lenders, the sellers, the buyers, EVERYONE. And then when it all came crashing down, all of a sudden everyone was surprised and looking to blame other people? What a crock of ****. EVERYONE bought a one way ticket on that airplane they KNEW had two ****ty engines and a drunk Captian. EVERYONE. And when it crashed out into the cold Atlantic all the dumbass survivors had the unmitigated gall to act surprised.
  20. Why give to a REAL charities when you can give to able-bodied 22 year olds with degrees in feminine literature and puppetry?
  21. Stupid AND delusional......perfect. Please book a flight on a PSA 727 with a ****ty radar.
  22. Its only "fair" that people like this get some of the 1%'s money.
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