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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Yeah, but its so much easier to find ONE GUY to blame everything on. Speaking of which...hows one of the last "targets" that getting rid of would solve ALL the Bills' problems...Kevin Gilbride....doing?
  2. All that is standing in front of football glory is George Edwards.
  3. Why run the Wildcat (or any other formation) when you can go five wide/shotgun every down?
  4. You think fans really want the team to move? Please.
  5. Shotgun four wide. Never seen that formation before.
  6. Oh stop. I did not absolve Fitz. But the one dimensional play calling is terrible.
  7. Blue fire you're out of line. It's been a snead decade of futility. Any reasonable fan has the right to be pissed
  8. I'm putting this one on Gailey. He throws every down and the defense knows it.
  9. Ya know what the Bills should do? Spread offense. Five wide. Every down. That will definitely work!!
  10. Regarless of all the other stupidity here, I do think the whole "Im not a career politician" line from Romney...crap. He ran for Senator, became Governor, then ran for PUSA. Twice. He's not a career politician like Jenna Jameson is not a career jizz bucket.
  11. Remember...its the "banksters" taking advantage of the workin' man.
  12. anyone who ever uttered the word "mic check" should be shot. By Ted Nugent
  13. Why isnt Hospital management putting out a press release with those facts?
  14. Oh stop. Its not the responsibility of a business to stop selling a product to someone they arbitrarily think MAY be unfit to recevie such product, short of passing credit checks and what not. And in a lot of circles, thats totally illegal.
  15. Alright.......it was an easy one....jeez.
  16. OK boys....next hint, different 1941 movie: FIRE AT THAT INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Yes, probably. But come on....pretty realistic flight ops from a Navy Carrier Deck and Kirk Douglas running the show. Thats military movie gold right there....who could blame you?
  18. Its a damned shame that Captian Yelland didnt get the opportunity to set Air Wing 8 loose on those Jap bastards.
  19. Juniors bike was UGLY but if you look at it closely the work put into it was pretty amazing. Jesse's chopper was well done and classic. Seniors work was advanced but made no sense at all.
  20. The big-eared golf pro didnt know what STATE he was in today. You really wanna go there? Im Im sorry...I made fun of Obama.....was that raaaaacist?
  21. Its this simple...most players dont come into the NFL and are game changers immediately. Not even top picks. So there you go.
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