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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. It is lots of events, but they are tight enough to one another to make up one single period in History that you can describe and wrap your head around. They were all close enough that I went into college using a typewriter and looking up **** on paper for my work and left campus four (ok, five) years later using MS Word and email. HUGE jump. There are a few unique events within it, though. AOL mailong a billion disks, which introducted the US to the Internet (NOT the WWW, though) and the launch of Windows 95, which introducted the graphic user interface, married DOS to it and then integrated a web browser. That one piece of software revolutionized how personal computing was done and is still done.
  2. LOL. OK. http://www.statesman.com/news/nation/challenger-disaster-still-haunts-nasa-25-years-later-1214989.html?cxtype=ynews_rss If you dont think it was a big deal, thats your opinion. To say it had no effect is ludicrous.
  3. Actually, its not. For those who remember it, it was huge...and changed everything about how the US populace viewed space exploration and what it meant.
  4. AOL is a good one. Id add the launch of Windows 95 to that. That OS changed everthing in terms of how users utilize the PC, was the first to have a built in browser, etc.Or perhaps the rise of Dell Computer Co. The first to offer PCs to the masses, IMO.
  5. PROBLEM SOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get Nolan in here and all the Bills troubles melt away. Except for the fans, who will need a new guy to have a hard-on for....Im gonna start a movement to get that midget off the sidelines. He sucks and should be fired, whatever his name is!!!!!!!!
  6. I dont think the OP meant things that took place over just one day or so.
  7. Id have to say the technological revolution of the last twenty years (launch of personal computers in mid 80s-today), primarily the Internet and mobile phones (now smartphones and tablets). Its changed how we do pretty much everything, how we buy things, interact with one another, on and on.
  8. They "targeted" latino looking immigrants....is southern Arizona...and that shows bias and is unfair. Think about that for a sec.
  9. I missed that mention of public, but had to assume he's doing other stuff. But the word is that he's not exactly filling up his days, even with the non-public stuff. I also recall most Presidents get the PDB around 7-9AM (latest).
  10. Looking at the whole schedule, its all pretty vague. Im thinking the huge gaps in the day to day schedule are really filled with top secret, high level stuff that cant be made public. Or something. Anything?
  11. http://www.whitehouse.gov/schedule/president
  12. Yeah...stop spending....shut down the US Economy. That will do wonders for the middle class and really stick it to "The Man" who over everything they have to the poor. You !@#$.
  13. You know what would solve this? A really smart Congressman pushing new legislation to ban trains!!! Yeah....that will solve everything.
  14. Stupid reason to pull your ads...becuase some marginal little group told you to. But then again, companies pull ads all the time becuase of pressure from marginal groups of PC idiots. Lowes decision is stupid, but what will be telling is how Kayak is treated. They seemed to have viewed the show and decided the audience wasnt in their target, so they decided to refocus their media spend. This happens about a billion times a day in the marketing/advertising world. Will they get the same "youre a bigot!" treatment? Hope not.
  15. LOL. Yeah, thats a relevant comment. Who are you supporting again?
  16. Whatever happens, Id like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for making me a Bills fan. And to show my thanks to Him, Im withholding any further donations to my Church until further notice.
  17. Why? Becuase for every person who has at least a baseline level of knowledge of the truth, there are 1,000 who dont. And they get a vote just like those who do know whats up. So you have statements like this. She knows they are BS. But she also knows there are a ton of voters who will believe it.
  18. EH? If Newt provided services, even to a Govt. company, and provided a bill for such services, how did that NOT fall under the core principles of capitalism?
  19. Im really happy Marv Albert is calling football again.
  20. Nothing does more for jobs and increasing prosperity for everyone than shutting down businesses.
  21. Dont worry...once we get rid of Joe Pendry Kevin Gilbride Tom Breshnahan Ronnie Jones George Edwards everything will be just fine and the Bills will be great again
  22. Your out of your damned mind if you think acoaching change on defense is going to turn this defense around.
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