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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I was called a 1%er by someone in my cycling club, with all seriousness, becuase I own a pro-level bike and he does not. Funny...I dont remember gaming the system or screwing anyone over to buy the bike, a Specialized S-Works Tarmac. I saved a bit, sold my old frame and bought the new one. But to this clown, I own something expensive and kind of exotic that he does not. So Im in the 1%, regardless of how I obtained this thing. This entire movement is about NOTHING but envy. And the best part is...the President is the pied piper of the "cause."
  2. So much for that... http://www.cnn.com/2011/12/22/world/meast/iraq-violence/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 Pull out every single soldier at once, like a Band-Aid gets ripped off, despite warnings from your military commanders about going this route. Nice move, Barry.
  3. Come on...TWO MONTHS!!!!!! Throw this at those job creators, yell "change" a few times and the jobs will come rolling in, what?
  4. Ill say this about those at the top who "rig" the system in their favor....at least they pay taxes and contribute to society. And the only way I get !@#$ed by them is if I happen to buy from the 1 out of 1,000 who is corrupt. Meanwhile....the welfare queens at Wal-Mart with their food stamps and dog-eared welfare cards from the Bush I Administration suck money out of my pocket on a daily...and I dont get a single say in that. And what do THEY contribute? Im getting it from both angles, those above and those below....but at least with the rich, I know they are kicking in to the kitty.
  5. If that were true, then all those middle people wouldnt be screwed over by all those banskters. And stuff.
  6. Yeah, but then the American product has to be superior in the marketplace. Id LOVE to own a Chevrolet, but compared to my Japanese-made Honda, they are absolute ****.
  7. He should be fired for how he managed the Fins game down in Miami, alone.
  8. Super Bowl five years from now....Bill are in it....late in the game.....Bills need a big play Do you see Stevie Johnson: A) Calmly and in a calculated fashion making the big play and catching the ball. B) Dropping it becuase he was too busy worrying about what "dance" he would do IF he DID make the play....and then after the game whining about it all on Twitter and Facebook. You ALL know the answer deep down and dont you DARE say you dont. Buh bye, Stevie.
  9. bull ****.....its not the "1%" putting geniues like Maxine Waters, Patti Murray and Charles Rangel into office year after year.
  10. I understand. My point is that me, personally....I dont like building teams around guys with ten cent heads, even when they have a lot of pure physical ability. Twitter drama, dropsies, fines, on and on. IMO, hes not producing enough to tolerate such behavior all the time and certainly not enough to warrant top pay.
  11. Evans, Maybin, McGahee...yeah those three are really lighting up the NFL. How will their new teams ever survive without them??????????? Seriously, who is running SJ out of town? We are debating the merits of paying him like you would an elite player. That now qualifies as irrational behavior around here?
  12. And thank you very much....you just proved our point.
  13. Perfectly stated. The guy has got talent...hes just doesnt have "it"....that winning attitude and killer instinct that is just ingrained in an elite athlete.
  14. Thats pretty damned funny. I did steal it for my FB page. I said it wasnt my work.
  15. How dare football fans go to a football fan board to discuss a player's abilites and weigh the possibility of re-signing him to their favorite team!!!?????!!!!
  16. So now there is a immature, young, vastly inexperienced guy who was sheltered his entire life, wiith a bnuch of equally inexeperienced yes men around him with his finger on a bunch of nukes. Oh wait...that's Obama. What about North Korea? They discover the light bulb yet or something?
  17. No.....Ralph Wilson doenst care....just one of the greedy one percent. And he purposely drags his 90 year old ass a few weeks after major hip surgery, not to watch the team, but just do laugh at all the common folk in the stands.
  18. Stud? Monster? Hes not even ranked in the top 20 of the league. Hes good. Got a lot of ability. His immaturity is tough to take. And hurts the team at times. I dont think the Bills should cut bait right now, but I wouldnt pay him like a top receiver, either. Not now.
  19. Stevie Johnson is NOT a winning player. Million Dollar Body, One Dollar Head And aint worth a nickel. Resigning him will be a collossal mistake. Worse than the Fitz debacle.
  20. Yes...George Edwards is the problem. LOL.
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