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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I gotta bring this up...need to vent.....another kid offed herself in NYC becuase she was "bullied." And of course, there is the hue and cry about how these "monsters" should be locked up for driving this girl to her death. bull ****. UNLESS these kids did something to terrible, so vile, I cant see how being "bullied" can drive one to kill yourself. You get made fun of on Facebook and your response is to jump in front of a bus? Or youre outed....in college....to about ten people and you pitch yourself off the GW Bridge? Look....suicide is sno laughing matter and kids endure some serious ****. I get it. But I cannot help but think that if you are triggered to kill yourself becuase a few people "made fun of you" there may be deeper issues at play. And I FIRMLY think the root of a lot of those issues are how we coddle our children.
  2. The funny thing is....the kids are gonna take classes like this for a gazillion bucks a credit, amass student loans on par with a mortgage...NOT be able to get a job.... and then you know whose "fault" it is? Wall Street's. And Bush's.
  3. If preferring to go for better character players who are not me-first selfish asses doing NOTHING but bringing negative headlines to the team is "dumb logic", I fear what you think SMART logic is. OH PLEASE. First of all, all this talk is in the context of his football game and how he does it. Ive never met the man personally and have nothing to say about that. And lots of this can be considered personal becuase JOHNSON MADE IT SO with his tweets and his talk and all the other antics. He SCREAMS "LOOK AT ME!!!!!"..."REACT TO ME!!!" But now when people do just that, youre going to say its bad? And Second of all, go look back at the posts in this very thread and then lets talk about "name calling" and "attacks" and who needs to "grow up."
  4. You again put words in my mouth. I did not say those elite players had to win Championships. I said they had to produce on a high level. That can be at any point during the game schedule. I most certainly have not been proven wrong because the supporting material you brought to the table to counter my argument is not relevant in the least. When I say "ten cent head" I mean the type of player with ability and a primadonna attitude, but have never produced when the game is on the line to back up the big talk and other antics. Get it now?
  5. All these folks saying that the Bills cannot afford to lose SJ. Im sorry...what is their record of success WITH him?
  6. Wait a second...Stevie does A LOT more than just "celebrating" his TDs. You are misrepresenting the facts to move the argument in your favor. Hes a major disruption ON the field and off it. EACH of the athletes you use as examples, while they have had issues, did one other thing. Win. Produce. They were Hall of Fame level players...all time greats. Heck...look no further than Bruce Smith. He could be the BIGGEST PITA around. Total primadonna. Loudmouth. And selfish at times too. But oh yeah....hes also one of the best players of all time. That little thing. So these types of players...the Rodman's Smith's and Roses DO NOT belong is this discussion becuase no matter how crazy they were, no matter what color they dyed their hair, from the jump ball, or the first pitch or the kickoff they produced on the HIGHEST of levels. Johnson has some good stats and lots of ability, but has NEVER EVER shown he can perform on that high level. Yet there he is still pulling the look at me selfish crap that those other athletes do...but without that other thing that allows them to get away with it....production when it counts. So I guess it boils down to this...... You wanna act like a primadonna? Fine. But first....EARN THE RIGHT TO DO SO. Stevie hasnt done that....not even close.
  7. Those are all TERRIBLE examples becuase when it came to crunch time, ALL those althletes stepped up. They had issues, but they got the job done. Wake me the FIRST time Stevie does. Pete Rose compared to Stevie Johnson? Please. Rose would beat the **** out of Stevie if he coached or played with him and saw him pulling crap like he did today.
  8. You mean the WR who got bounced from an elite franchise for being such a headcase and the Giants picked him up on a whim, then did two years in jail for that fiasco and is now pretty much a journeyman?
  9. Million Dollar Body....ten cent head. Players with ten cent heads win Championships.....NEVER. Bye Stevie....dont forget to pack up your Sharpies and Twitter feed when you leave.
  10. Garbage. They dont deserve two words. Im only giving one.
  11. I have no use for guys like SJ. Let him take his immature "me me me" antics somewhere else.
  12. Wait....Johnson made it about him again, huh? Real winner that guy. Has his head in the right place. Sign him up!!!!
  13. Dead tunes and 'pleasure' should not be used in the same sentence. Kerry King says hi.
  14. Saw this....got momentarily outraged...then realized that if the schmucks in her district keep electing scumbags like this, they get what they deserve. But yes...more proof that the system is rigged. But why point to actual PEOPLE and take action when you can drum up a boogeyman like "Wall Street." I wonder if this woman will be paying her "fair share" of taxes on this windfall.
  15. Yup....thats why Obama says "Republicans want to destroy the environment"...or liberals run ads showing Paul Ryan throwing grandma off a cliff....or why masses of liberals are parading around the streets, shutting down ports and calling for the hanging of 'banksters.' And for that matter, why Olbermann, Maddow, Garafalo, O'Donnell and best of all, Ed Schultz are so calm, collected and reasonable all...the....time. They are just showing their 'educated', 'refined', 'compassionate' side, you see.
  16. I was gonna go somewhere similar....thinking that those in academia, either as students or professors, often wind up working in the media profession. Fourth Estate. This proves that just becuase youre paid to do something, it doesnt mean you know a lot about it. VERY weak sauce, JW. You SHOULD know better. Im shocked you dont. Either that, or youre just pulling our legs.
  17. Very mature. Youre right...people drinking alcohol NEVER do anything to those around them. A few million battered wives, familes affected by alcoholism and those who had their spouses and children clipped by drunk drivers may feel a WEE BIT different than you...but hey.....you smelled a whiff of tobacco from someone 30 feet away. And thats just...TERRIBLE.
  18. Look...Im sure there are LOTS of poor folks, the elderly, people in remote areas, where getting an ID could require some work. But there is ZERO excuse why the Feds could not leverage the current infrastructures in place....the Postal System, the census system, the IRS, etc. to get people to ramp up and get an ID. A 1800 number to call, visit a post office,etc. Heck, have someone come to your house! If they can get in touch with every household in the US every ten years for the census and send a tax bill to everyone's house every year (at least figuratively), there is zero reason why they cant reach out to ensure everyone has a "voter card" or whatever the hell you want to call it.
  19. According to a lot of liberals, blacks CANT....thats right....CANNOT get a picture ID. They are physically unable. The soft bigotry of low expecations. Did the quick Google for this.... http://latinodecisions.wordpress.com/2011/05/24/the-disproportionate-impact-of-stringent-voter-id-laws/ We contend that while instilling greater confidence in our election system (the primary benefit of Photo-ID laws) is a worthwhile goal, it is equally important to examine the impact that more rigorous identification requirements may have on the law abiding electorate. In our research we hypothesize that adding photo-identification requirements would create a substantive barrier to voting for racial and ethnic minorities, as well as foreign-born voters. We base our theory on the clearly established relationship that institutional burdens to participation have on individuals who have fewer political resources. Obviously....taking a bus to a DMV or a local library or Post Office (where easy "ID drives" could be set up) is now an "institutional burden."
  20. Yeah....the refs are intentionally doing a bad job. BB never disappoints.
  21. Call me nuts, but Im guessing that the NFL and the networks, all muliti-billion dollar entities, somehow managed to put a coupla hundred grand together to hire a few lawyers and accountants to do the math to ensure your little theory doesnt come to fruition.
  22. Im convinced Ralph is pulling a "Rachel Phelps." Worst owner in pro sports....or at least in the top 5. He wont be seeing a dime of my money. Not one dime.
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