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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. "Plunder" and "screwing over" is code for having the audacity to ask one of the lower classes to actually DO REAL WORK for their money. That why liberals HATE businesses. Instead of just handing out money...they "force" people to acutally earn it. I know.....terrible.
  2. So youre upset I made assumptions about your point, but then you go on and assume what I was thinking. Brilliant.
  3. Companies hire when they are doing well and profitable. I know...its a tough concept to understand. Guy....a piece of advice...getting your updates on the economy from someone banging a pot on a streetcorner while barking "1%!!!!!" at anyone who walks past him wearing a suit....yeah...MIGHT not be such a great idea.
  4. Will the liberals line up for the Republican candidate becuase Obama turned out to be so much less like them than they thought? You should try 'thinking' every now and again. Its pretty cool.
  5. Lots of people are lobbying hard for tax reform. They then typicallyy get put into ads wheeling gramma off a cliff.
  6. You have no clue as to why English is the most common language in the world do you? Hint: It has LITTLE to do with us "evil, selfish, myopic" Americans. And to that point, yes...America is the only Country on the globe where its citizenry and government look out for themselves first and think its the best place on Earth. Only Americans do that. To that end...name me another Country on the globe who would do this: http://worldnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/01/06/10005159-despite-tensions-us-rescues-13-iranian-seamen-from-pirates
  7. CANNOT be Williams'. No way he would alienate his lib Hollywood friends like that.
  8. True, but not where this took place. This was in Chappaqua/Pleasantville, where the road is three lanes in each direction...plenty of space. The accident took place at the bottom of a turn, and the entrance/exit ramps are a bit weird at that exit ( used to go mountain biking right there) so I can see someone getting confused. But there is plenty of signage in case you go the wrong way. Unless youre out of your skull, youll know pretty quick...WAY before you get on the highway.....youre doin\g something wrong.
  9. No its NOT. The question was "Who would you like to see them make a move for?" Schmuck.
  10. Youre obviously not married! Besides...I got all my "personal" money tied up in bicycles.
  11. I witnessed this crash, kind of. Was on the Taconic northbound about four miles behind this family. Saw the accident scene, the covered bodies on the ground as I crawled by in traffic. Just.....nasty.
  12. Why SHOULD it bother him? HIS GUY is the one doing it. So its OK.
  13. Audis are badass, but prices are high. If I was gonna get one, Id go this route, so I can haul my bikes to rides and races and kid(s) to their stuff: http://www.audi.ca/ca/brand/en/models/a4_avant.html
  14. FIXED. LOVE my Acura (Honda) TSX. Second one Ive owned and now looking at a third. Reliable, refined, well made, economical and holds value very well. I took a hard look at a loaded Chevy Malibu before I got my last TSX. I like the design and I wanted to get a good ole, American made car. But I got in one, took a knock on the cheap plastic on the door panel, took a hold of the defroster switch, which was so loose I almost pulled it right out of the dash, and ran out the door of the dealer. Even the Chevy salesmen were like "You drive an Acura? What are you DOING here??!!??" And the worst thing is....the almost criminal thing? A lot of Hondas and Acuras are made in.....Marysville, O-HI-O. Whjat does that tell you, both about American union labor AND management?
  15. "Boom" what? Its now GOOD that the gubmint is subsidizing them? I thought you and the OWS loons hated gubmint subisidies for businesses. Not for nothing, but getting a new car for Christmas is VERY "1%" And good for GM...but I STILL wouldnt buy one.
  16. Would you rather drive a: 2012 Ferrari 2012 Caddy CTS 1971 Chevelle LS6 Keep your current 07 Toyota Camry
  17. The Jets have a good young QB while not Peyton, and has had some issues, has already shown he can be successful. The Jets have MUCH bigger needs than QB.
  18. Thats probably true. sadly. Again...the "everyone wins" mentality. I formulated this opinion based on one thing....the week after that Rutgers kid pitched himself off the GW Bridge and "bullying" and "being outed" was blamed for it, I found myself on the walkway for that bridge and took a look down. I couldnt help but think NO WAY this kid lept off this thing solely becuase a few dorm mates made fun of him becuase he was gay. Especially in this day and age where homosexuality doesnt hold one ounce the stigma it did even 25 years ago, especially for college kids. These kids have something else going on and something else wrong with them.Shoehorning "bullying" in as "the problem", that if suddenly, magically done away will stop these kids from killing themselves, is extremely short-sighted and naive.
  19. "Rich" as defined by OWS and the new Left: Anyone with more than me.
  20. Yes, Countrywide's lending practices had a part in the crisis. Thanks for stating the obvious.
  21. PERFECT TIMING... Just days before Christmas, the Obama administration gave Bank of America a big lump of coal, levying a hefty $335 million dollar fine on the company for discriminating against minorities in its lending practices. Supposedly Countrywide, a mortgage company bought by Bank of America in 2008, had not given out enough low interest rate loans to minorities from 2004 to 2008. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/01/02/obama-has-learned-nothing-from-mortgage-meltdown-mess/#ixzz1iUQbU200 Whose "fault" is all this...the drunk driver? Or the guy sitting next to him with a gun in one hand and a bottle of moonshine in the other, screaming at the driver "DRINK THIS!!!!!!"
  22. You would say that........friggin Deadheads and their mailorder nonsense. I keed, I keed. The day I got over the conveneince fee thing was the first time I scored tickets to a show by sauntering up to my PC in my pajamas at five minutes to nine and having tix in hand six minutes later. Dont get me wrong....I agree that Ticketmonsters rates are obnoxious...but they ARE providing a service that has value. Same thing with a lot of these conveneince fees. People whining over airline ones bug me the most. People DEMANDED the airlines lower their fees to a few hundred bucks, even for a cross country trip. Airlines get nickel and dimed down to five bucks on airfares...but then consumers get pissy when they have to pay for stuff a la carte? You cant have it both ways, folks.
  23. Well, if you dont want to pay a conveninece fee for a concert ticket, we can go back to waiting on line outside some deli with a Tickemaster machine at midnight until tickets go on sale at 9AM the next day. Or God forbid....you have to drive to the box office! Oh...the horror!!!!
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