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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Dear Liberal Retard: We will gladly and happily advocate for the removal of the designation of corporations as "people" and all the political power that goes along with it when you do the same for Unions. Signed, Every single taxpayer thats not a member of a Union...and some who are.
  2. I was gonna play along and retort, but youre so not worth it.
  3. McCain would have watched The Deer Hunter again and then would have tried to launch an offensive into West Pennsylvania.
  4. Youre going to get into a pissing match with your landlord over a $120 repair on a clogged toilet, where you at a minimum carry some responsibility for the repair (even the professional you called in told you this)? Really?!!??
  5. Its going to be about "fairness." Our President is !@#$ing six years old.
  6. A college ball player gets as much as a parking ticket and the coach knows about within SECONDS. But somehow, Paterno had just a passing knowledge of what was going on? Bull ****. I hope hes in a lot of pain right now. He deserves to be.And when he meets God in a few days or hours, hes going to have to answer to Him. Not us.
  7. He turned his back on children who needed help just so his beloved "program" can go on uninterupted. !@#$ him.
  8. Now OWS is protesting "Citizens United" becuase "corporations arent people" and therefore should not have a say in the political process. Of course, unions ARE people and SHOULD have a seat at the table. !@#$s.
  9. How is it ridiculous? The media itself ADMITS that this is their MO and as soon as one of these guys gets ahead in the polls, the 'dumpster dives' behind his office begin.
  10. Thats right...no auto-tune....no overdubs, no nothing. Just four guys playing raw music. I know the last time you saw such a thing was 25 years ago, but give em a chance. You DO realize Dave is 57. What do you expect them to look like?
  11. I figured that where you were going. And if so, I thought you were taking a very simplistic view. if Im off, I apologize. Tom's like Anthony Michael Hall in Sixteen Candles. Hes the "king of the dipshits."
  12. Thats a load of simplistic bull **** designed to allow you to continue with your efforts to make the US decisions in that conflict improper. The US dropped the second bomb in order to send a message to the USSR? Stop it.
  13. Id love to call you a dipshit, but I agree with you. Im also VERY concerned about how this !@#$ marxist, socialist community organizing !@#$ has started a National movement to change how this Country views wealth, how its earned and how our economic system plays out. Its not "give me an OPPORTUNITY to be as wealthy as rich people" anymore. Now its..."I dont want just an opportunity to be as wealthy as rich people....I want their actual wealth." Even the wealthy and rich who have earned everything they have above board, ethically and legally are considered "evil" and "selfish" and having "taken advantage of others" to get that weath. The CEO of Boeing, who oversees an American company going gangbusters right now, making a ton of new hires and opening factories, gets a big year end bonus and hes on the front cover of the NY Daily News being touted as a villian. Its disturbing on so many levels.
  14. I just read that in the late years of the war, Japan had a civilian militia ready to defend the mainland of over 28 MILLION men AND women. The Japanese THEMSELVES predicted over 20 million deaths if a land invasion were to take place. Care to retract your statement....you !@#$ing moron?
  15. No, it doesnt make it right. But again...you cant look at how wars were fought decades ago, when weaponry and tactics were different, through the moral prism of how conflicts are fought TODAY. And thats what some here are doing. Its an impossible comparison. Sorry for the spelling error....ugh. The Japanese....ALL of them...had a very hardline view of their nation. I dare to bet that IF the US tried a typical land invasion of Jaoan, those "innocent" Japanese some are talking about would fight the Allies to the death using anything at their disposal. I think it would have been a guerilla war that would make Vietnam look like a cakewalk. BUt thats just my theory.
  16. Bombing of civilian centers were commonplace in warfare at that time. Youre applying modern military tactics and its morality to how wars were fought 60 years ago. Cant do that. And last I checked, JDAMs didnt exist in 1944. You need to learn yourself some history, son. The Emperial Japanese Army made the Third Reich look like schoolchildren.
  17. PLease tell me youre NOT trying to paint the Japanese in WWII as innocent victims.
  18. Not only the above....but the outrage from the same people who would "swear to God" that if one of their own got killed/raped/whatever they would do EXACTLY what these Marines did is amusing and hypocrtical.
  19. Meanwhile, in North Korea, citizens who did not "properly mourn" Kim Jong Il's death are being sentenced to up to SIX MONTHS in labor camps. Anyone wanna take a guess at which human rights violation is gonna get the lion's share ALL of the condemnation both from the press, human rights groups and the World at large?
  20. Everyone's complaining that the lyrics to Van Halen's 'Tattoo' are too hokey. As if David Lee Roth's songwriting up until now has had such clarity of thought and deep meaning? This is a singer whose most famous lyrical utterance is "I FORGOT THE !@#$ING WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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