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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. The Israelis cant take care of Iran and their 1985 vintage military, no worries there. Its just that we are gonna get dragged into it one way or another along with China and Russia. Thats the only thing that bothers me.
  2. Ruh Roh.... http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/iranians_suspected_in_botched_thai_J6P2rYMhZHZO1KdNopxl4J Getting to be more than just sabre rattling.
  3. Groups do it all the time and more or less make it public. Where have you been?
  4. You dont think white people havent done the same thing? You really need to brush up on your history, son.
  5. As if blacks in 2008 were the first ethnic group to vote for someone solely because the candidate was "one of their own." What honesty. Good for him.
  6. Gonna be so much fun watching the the "celebrities" have their big circle jerk over her death tonight...when they wouldnt piss in her throat if she was dying of thirst when she was alive. And in kind, Im going to enjoy watching the press who mocked her in life every chance they got now hail her life and mourn her. Houston was tossed to the side like yesterday's trash by these cretins and NOW they are gonna take the high road? Bunch of !@#$ing phonies.
  7. Great DM band. I like Barnes' Six Feet Under better. Best DM band of all time is still Obituary, though. And of course, anything Shuldiner did.
  8. Nah...the Colonel... "All Ive ever asked of my Marines is for them to obey my orders as they would the word of Gawd." Oh...is that all?
  9. Animal Mother is one of the best characters in a military film ever and you know it.
  10. Writing three short posts on a subject, all in response to pre-existing threads, is "throwing a fit" and "getting bent out of shape?"
  11. People bent out of shape over this ad and/or what Giselle Bunchen yelled at some hecklers are a bunch of c-nts.
  12. Big Cat and those blasting her are acting like she purposely called for a media forum to tacitly called out Brady's teammates. She did not do that. She made a clumsy, poorly-worded off the cuff comment in an elevator to a bunch of typical fan losers who somehow felt better about their nothing lives to heckle her and that just happened to get caught on video. If you cant tell the difference, youre an idiot.
  13. Winner winner, chicken dinner. A) Giselle was right B) All the jizzbags whining about Giselle would be screaming "RIGHT ON!!!!" if it were, say, Jim Kelly's wife doing the same thing in the moments after one of his wonderful Super Bowl performances and a couple of !@#$ Cowboy fans were heckling her. I say good for Giselle. A bunch of gorillas were heckling her and she told them to go !@#$ themselves.
  14. The kicked around the idea of a wind farm off the coast of Long Island. The cost was astronomical. Almost a billion dollars. For about 5% of LIPAs needs to be fulfilled. I dont know about any of that other crap...but with most "alternative energy" ideas...the cost wasnt worth it.
  15. I love infowars. The dude that runs that site was on Opie and Anthony recently, defending Jesse Ventura. He was a hoot.
  16. Have you heard about Jim Moran or Thaddeus Matthews this week? Of course you havent. Journalism is dead.
  17. "Boom?" What are you? That idiot in the Nissan Juke commercial who the boss sends out to go get donuts for the office, and he drives that little piece of **** toy around to pick them up and then thinks hes going to !@#$ his coworker becuase he thinks wearing red leather shoes with no sock and a suit is hip? Go !@#$ yourself.....boom.
  18. Yeah, Romney's the only guy out there who itemizes. Youre an idiot.
  19. Using hot sauce (with other ingredients) on fried chicken wings is a great tasting, unique recipe. Slapping hot sauce on other stuff and calling it "Buffalo" is usually the mark of a lousy cook and insanely HACK, especially when done by resteraunts and food companies who should know better. When are we gonna own up and acknowledge that?
  20. Im sorry, Im not watching a commerical so I can watch a commercial.
  21. Lets add it up....a young, naive (probably in bed, too) gripe filled Latina (oh how not nuts THEY are). PASS.
  22. http://www.examiner.com/conservative-in-spokane/liberals-call-brewer-confrontation-with-obama-racist-advocate-violence
  23. Newt did his usual Newt thing vis a vis the moon colony. He made a good idea sound crazy. But if you think about it, how bad of an idea is it in terms of driving the economy forward? I live on Long Island. Basically this whole Islands economy was focused on defense and space in the 40s-90s. Grumman, Republic (then Fairchild) plus a multitude of subcontractors made up the bulk of the economic engine here. All that driven by the DoD and NASA.
  24. The "Rev." Jesse Jackson can go !@#$ himself. The End
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