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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Yet if someone marched down the street as Zombie Jesus, your liberal ass would be clapping like a trained seal. !@#$ing hypocrite.
  2. Im not falling for your bull **** this time. A lot of it is becuase they dont know any better. They buy bikes and hit the road without talking to anyone or doing any kind of training or reading up on how riding in traffic works. Its dangerous. I had words with a rider you describe once. Was on a charity century ride and he was all over the damned place. Rolled up next to him and told him to learn the rules of riding in traffic or get the !@#$ off the bike. !@#$s like that give all cyclists a bad name and increase the anomosity between car and biker. I dont need that....I have enough of a hard time making sure I dont wind up as a hood ornament. The only thing that torques me about this conversation is the notion by some that cyclists dont "belong." That not true, nor is that mindset fair.
  3. Most cyclists hate the folks your descibing as well. In fact, there is a pretty specific way of doing things and traffic laws and interaction with cars is a serious matter. Im not in the mood to be riding in a paceline at 25 MPH and have me and 5 of my friends taken out by a truck becuase the schmuck taking the pull off the front decided to blow a light.. But the thing is....most car drivers expect all cyclists to obey the rules to a "T" 100% of the time. Alternatively, most cyclists expect car drivers to obey the rules to a "T" 100% of the time. That....will never happen. Humans are funny about that "100% correct behavior all the time" thing. It typically doesnt sit well. So we do out best. For example.....If i happen to be spaced out and BSing with two friends and we are three abreast and Im holding you up? Give a short toot on your horn and Ill be happy to snap to it, alert those in front of me "CAR BACK" and we will then drop back into a single file line. Then you can pass and we can all enjoy our day. Or...if Im riding along and youre making a left without your signal on and you bounce out in front of me becuase darnit...you just didnt know I was there because you were tuning your radio or chatting with your passenger? Ill just slow on down and let you go in front of me, or behind me, whichever works best. See how that works? Was that so hard? And stojan....you DO realize that those "tough" football players you love so much wear spandex knickers, right?
  4. You cant tell the difference between "pro growth tax policies" and "raising taxes on everything, especially rich people", you walking abortion?
  5. Corporations shovelling money to campaigns and politicians thanks to the Citizens United ruling: BAD Unions shovelling money to campaigns and politicians: OK Huh?
  6. The notion of legalizing weed to do away with the black market IMO is a farcical argument. You mean to tell me you legalize it, fold it under the control of the ATF and FDA or whatever other govt beaurocracy needs control, you then see huge tax levies slapped on it and a price jump of about 500% and that is going to do away with the black market? That's nuts. Heck there is still a big black market for booze for this Country, dating back to Prohibition and liquor is 500 times harder to produce and move around than weed. And truckloads of cigarettes, another product much harder to produce than weed, is the same deal. Im sorry, the idea that all these pot smokers and pot producers are gonna become good, little compliant taxpayers the second its complete decriminalized and govt. controlled is nuts, IMO.
  7. I know what we should do! Give Calderon a State Dinner and a microphone to publicly scold us...right from the White House lawn!!!!!! That outta learn him! GOD, I hate this Country sometimes.
  8. Never heard that before. Youre so funny!!!!
  9. 1) Why should birth control be considered "basic" health care? 2) Why should ED pills NOT be covered under the same premise? 3) How should insurance companies absorb the new cost of offering free contraception without raising cost to the consumer?
  10. Can we talk about the real issue here? Since when is birth control "basic health care?" And if so, why arent boner pills covered? And finally (just a comment)....how the !@#$ does this Marxist have the BALLS to MANDATE health insurance providers cover something 100% and add on all kinds of other stuff that must be covered under "basic" health insurance and then whine that health care is expensive?
  11. !@#$ing Dave can even "idiot up" THIS thread. Unreal.
  12. Thank you. And dont get me wrong...maybe Im backtracking a bit here....but its OK. Its fine. Its what you would expect someone like Whitney Houston to sing. It is NOT NOT NOT "the greatest rendition ever" or the Gold Standard of how the song should be sung. Not even CLOSE.
  13. I think its time for us to have a "national conversation" about the popular notion about how "great" Houston's rendition of the SSB is. IT STINKS. It does. Its bombastic, out of time, loud and she makes it all about HER. She sings that dreck any other day besides two weeks after Desert Strom begins and people wouldnt have given it a second thought. This is how its done....here....
  14. Threads that blame others for the shortcomings of the player at the actual position are always fun and amazing. Poor LT play...its the QB's fault Poor QB play...its the line's fault Poor linebacker play...its the DTs fault Poor head coach..its the coordinators fault Poor hot dog quality....its Wise Potato Chip Company's fault
  15. Kate Upton is beautiful. But lets be honest..... She wears bathing suits three sizes too small. Shes doing the female equivalent of Robert Plant wearing skin tight jeans with no underwear. Big deal. And she is also about ONE Happy Meal away from those hips of hers exploding into the next County.
  16. Tom, youre annoying the **** out of me becuase YOU know the right "number" of warheads we really need to have, but youre goading others to give you a number just so you can call them an idiot when they are wrong!!!
  17. This is just the American Way and its been so forever...... 1. Cut budgets, ignore threats, whistle along, focus on pop culture nonsense 2. Fall victim to something that we werent prepared for as a result of #1 3. Self-flaggelate about how "tough" and "can do" we are. Chant "USA!!! USA!!!" 4. Bomb something 5. Overlegislate and overspend to make sure #2 'never happens again' 6. After approx 5-10 years, return to #1
  18. As long as people put up with it, it will continue.
  19. Never has there been a move with such a "wow" factor leading up to it that turned out to be so cringe inducing. Some of the lines in it rival Smokey and the Bandit Part II.
  20. As long as he doesnt go "Oh noes!!! You didnt shoot dat green **** at me" Im fine with it.
  21. Why? So he can shuck and jive through the West Wing like he did aboard an F18 in Independence Day?
  22. I suppose no, given what it would take distance-wise. And the Arabs HATE the Persians for sure. But dont they all hate "the Jews" more?
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