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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I said INVOLVED US vs Mexico. One yeah...becuase youre NOT a one trick pony, Mr. "I dont vote for candidates from either party and Ill critique those who do while cowardly refusing to acknowledge who I DO vote for." I didnt say they ungrateful becuase they love where they come from. I said they are ungrateful becuase of the way they showed it in this particular circumstance and especially since he floated over on a !@#$ing raft to escape that place he "loved so much." By your dumbassed logic, I should attend my friend's Seder in a few weeks and talk about Christ being nailed to the cross when the time comes to discuss the religious part of the dinner. The hosts cant get upset. right? Im a Catholic and just expressing "the religion I love", right?
  2. YOU DUMMY...all three examples I posted ACTUALLY HAPPENNED at sporting events that involved the US and Mexico. But riddle me this.... Why is it when "they" do it, its just "prideful nationalism" but when "we" do it, its "racist?" Come on, big guy...take a crack at that one....
  3. Chanting it in front of Americans of a "certain ethnic descent" who, if THEY won, would have unfurled MEXICAN flags the size of Puerto Vallarta, and started chanting "Osama, Osama" and flashing gang signs. Yep....Context. Reminds me of the story of El Duque Orlando Hernandez. Escaped Castro's Cuba on a raft, floated here, was given asylum by the US Government, signed by the NY Yankees, became a sensation and embraced by all of New York City and had a special day in his honor in NYC. And during that day, during a special mass for him in St. Patrick's Cathedral, whre the US Govt had his wntire family brought in for the event, what were he and his kids waving in their hands? Cuban flags.
  4. +1. Maher used to be great. Would dish it out evenly to both sides....skewed a bit left,....but you knew he would be fair.
  5. Yesterday on the view this !@#$ said with a stragiht face "go to Media Matters for more information." Nope....just an innocent, naive college kid. Anyone hear the "who is Sandra Fluke" story in the MSM yet? Yeah, me neither.
  6. This is why Im ASKING instead of going "full idiot" and just screaming "Hes a marxist!!!! Seee!!!" But as more of this stuff comes out, the notion that the question can just be blown off is going away. Quickly.
  7. .....associates himself with Nazis, breaks break with them, attends events espousing and celebrating Nazism....does that make HIM a Nazi? And if the answer is yes, how is "Baraka Obama" NOT a leftist, marxist Alinskyite? http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/03/04/obama-alinsky-love-song
  8. So when is Obama gonna call Laura Ingraham for Ed Schultz calling her a slut on MSNBC?
  9. Fluke is a fraud and a plant. She picked Georgetown ON PURPOSE becuase of their stance on birth control and she intended to fight it. But like any good leftard...got punched back (by Rush) in a fight SHE STARTED and then fell to the floor and cried "IM A VICTIM!!!!!" And, as usual...the media plays along.
  10. What did I say thats so "offensive?" There arent liberals right now happy as a clam over this? I can go to DailyKos and to Huffpo and prove they are in about six seconds. And more, did I critique them for it?No. I merely stated a fact and provovide ZERO opinion or critique on it. So go !@#$ yourself.
  11. Yeah, it was a self depreciating joke in light of Farrakhan going on another "white devil" rant.
  12. Hes been off lately on his Twitter feed. More than usual. Sad. Im sure liberals are dancing a jig right now, but I think its a loss for everyone when a true warrior is lost, on either side.
  13. When bicycles are outlawed only outlaws will have bicycles. Then I can really piss Jim off.
  14. Get the troops out NOW and then pull a "Reagan". That is, let it be known either implicitly or directly that if another major attack is launched on the US from Afghan soil a la 9/11 we will be sending ICBMs to pay a visit instead of soldiers.
  15. No it wont...becuase the dumbass Republicans are too stupid to take this and run with it properly.
  16. I can manage that. It would be a good sacrifice.
  17. Farrakhan, Sharpton and Jackson. If any three of them boarded a flight I was on Id be praying for the plane to crash.
  18. Thanks, Poojer. I WANT to like NASCAR becuase I love auto racing. But the constant stops are too much. Im an NHRA fan and there are lots of stops for track prep, blown engines and track oildowns, but the stops are much shorter and often races can go on for long periods of time without an issue. It seems like a NASCAR race, especially the fast ones, there are long stops every ten minutes.
  19. Maybe this is smy poor perception and I know the big fire last night took a lot out of it, but it looks like this is NASCAR now... Start Race. Run three laps CRASH! Caution for twenty minutes Run 10 laps CRASH Caution for twenty minutes Run 15 laps CRASH Caution for 45 minutes Rinse, repeat, repeat. Am I right? It just seems like they cant keep these cars on the track for any extended period. And by 'extended period' I mean.....more than ten minutes.
  20. And having also been in this situation, I can say if you think its harmless to come up on a guy on a bike and slam on your horn behind him from 10 feet away, or pass him at 30 MPH faster than hes going 6 inches from his leg its not. It starles the **** out of you and can definitely lead to an accident. And if you think its funny when a rider goes down.....do broken hips, comound leg fractures, broken backs and death seem funny? Becuase those of the types of injuries that are common with serious road cycling wrecks. A guy in a local club here was killed recently upstate. A friend of mine knows a triathlete that got so screwed up from hitting a car that stopped short in front of her, she will never be the same, physically. And I know THREE riders who got hit by cars and then dragged for blocks by drivers who didnt realize what was going on. I really dont want to get all preachy and lecture people here, but the snarky "Ill just hit him, screw him I have a car" type stuff needs to be looked at properly. Lemme guess.... Newark Jersey City Camden
  21. I hate the hype Danica gets becuase of what you imply. There are TONS of women in NHRA. The Forces, Melanie Troxel, Hillary Will, Angelle Savoie, Erica Enders, etc. And UNLIKE Patrick....they WIN. A lot.
  22. Funny, when people called Obama by his real name, HUSSEIN, you and yours went batschit. I !@#$ing hate you people. Your intellectual dishonesty and hypocrisy know no bounds. You have the integrity of a two dollar whore.
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