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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Zimmerman gets bail and apologizes to Martin's family on the stand. And the first thing the Martin attorneys do is not keep their traps shut about it, but tell Zimmerman to take his apology and shove it. Gotta keep the "rage" factor up, I guess. Sad though. Everything points to the fact that this man is contrite and sorry for what he did. Martin's family and their handlers better be careful or this may be the first case in history where the killer winds up being the good guy when all is said and done.
  2. First the Sandra who gives a Fluck thing blows up in his face when it comes out he accepted a $1 Million check from Bill Maher and now the Romney dog thing blowws up when it turns out he ate the dog that ate his birth certificate. For a "really smart man" hes really dumb.
  3. Whats the amount of time it would take this piece of **** hypocrite to call me a 'racist' or an 'intolerant bigot' if I posted something similar in ghetto tone ebonics?
  4. This !@#$ing hack marxist doesnt believe in private rights of citizens...does it come as a surprise?
  5. Oh dont you worry...about eight seconds after NYC kills its "stop and frisk" program due to pressure, the same idiots who applied that pressure will whine about how the crime increase and how its due to the "racist cops" who dont care.
  6. Dude....its a !@#$ing internet anonymous discussion board. Get over yourself.
  7. No, it wasnt.That clown's post was nothing more that the scribblings of a white-guilt ridden cracker who is willfully ignoring half the facts of the case just so he can pat himself on the back and proclaim to the world (and himself) how "not racist" he is. !@#$ him....I have as much use for his ilk as I do for the race hustlers, media trolls, politicians and the zombies who nod along to their every word, no matter how morally and factually bankrupt they are. And meanwhile....in Bobby Rush's district...http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/03/hoodie-wearing-gunmen-kill-1-injure-5-in-bobby-rushs-district/
  8. Got to thinking a bit about this last night.... You would think black people...SOUTHERN black people to be more specific....would be sensitive to the idea of a man being denied due process, judged by a mob and then that mob seeking to find him and cause him harm in the name of "justice." Yet, even so-called "educated" black people....Oprah !@#$ing Winfrey, for example, are fashioning themselves as judge, juror and executioner in this case. This is a sad time in this Country. Ive never seen a single situation bring out so many bad qualities in so many people at one time.
  9. Yes...someone giving the finger as part of a joke and laughing. Exactly the same as someone giving the finger as part of an effort to look thuggish.....which is EXACTLY why Travon the "no limit nigga" was followed around by Zimmerman in the first !@#$ing place. !@#$ing moron.
  10. Can we have a frank discussion here? Maxine Waters, Frederica Wilson, that idiot who got nailed on CNN, Rangel, Cynthia McKinney, Shelia Jackson Lee. On and on.... What the !@#$? These are the best people these communities can elect into office and worse....KEEP electing into office year after year to represent and serve those communities? And worse...with brainiacs like this in charge....somehow its "the white man's" fault those communities, for the most part, look and feel like downtown Beirut in the 80s? Its should be the Congressional Batshit Crazy Got My Degree from a Crackerjack Box Caucus. And this is why I could give a care less what happens to these people who are represented by this ilk. You want a lunatic race baiting incompetent representing you for the next 30 years? Then as far as Im concerned you deserve to live in a shithole.
  11. If I were those radio hosts who got reprimanded and suspended for calling her a "crackho" Id sue for back pay.
  12. If you think all the energy given to this case is simply about "wanting justice" I have a bridge to sell you.Right now, human beings are trying to suck political power, money and even election votes out of Trevon quicker than the maggots are trying to suck the blood out of him. If you cant see that, youre blind.
  13. Sad? Feel bad for me? Dont feel bad for me, pal. I REJECT the latest dog and pony show faux outrage clown car circus of agenda driven societal stupidity and Im feeling pretty good about it. Pretty damned good. So you go and waste anger and angst and energy participating in the bull **** that this case is. I'll be out enjoying my weekend.
  14. !@#$ Al Sharpon. !@#$ the media who LOVES these stories and stokes the flames to sell papers. !@#$ Jesse Jackson. !@#$ Obama for sticking his nose in the situation AGAIN. !@#$ white guilt-ridden !@#$s who feel the need to pat black people on the head to show how "not racist" they are. !@#$ black people for getting all "outraged" over this while stepping over the bodies on their own sidewalks littered with bullet holes put in them by other black people, !@#$ Eric Holder that incompetent shitbag for getting involved in this, but ignoring worse criminal cases and !@#$ lybob and other liberal !@#$s just on general principal.
  15. I love how since the shooter was Hispanic and cant be properly demonized, that now its the police's fault.
  16. This. We leave immediately and in no uncertain terms, state that if another attack on the United States is staged from their Country, there wont BE an Afghanistan five minutes after the smoke clears. We should have done this the first time. The US had the military and even more imporant moral RIGHT to use nukes at Tora Bora. That would have ended the war action immediately and sent THE message that the US is NOT to be !@#$ed with. But nah...we handed the action to the....lol....Northern Alliance. And the rest is History. One of the all-time !@#$ ups in Presidential history.
  17. When they take cell phones out of cars, Im done. THATS the one thats over the line, IMO. Handsfree device, especially one integrated into the car does not require you remove your hands from the wheel or your eyes from the road to operate. If you cant handle speaking and driving, while maintaining two hands on the wheel and two eyes on the road, you deserve to be killed. Violently.
  18. The issue is not these kids taking a trip. Its that their father portrays any private citizen who has the means and does the same thing as "greedy" and "evil" and someone who, instead of sending their kids to a luxury resport on a private jet, should instead be giving that money to the Government becuase thats the "fair" thing to do. All Presidental families go on lavish vacations. But its only THIS First Family that partys every other week, dines on whatever they want, and jets around the globe on their own private four engine jetliner...all while EXPECTING AND MANDATING the rest of us slobs to stay home alone sitting under a compact flourescent lamp eating FDA appoved 'pink slime.'
  19. The good thing about kids is that you can throw them a toy and watch them twitch and squirt around. Very entertaining.
  20. This quote deserves its own thread. "401Ks are total bull ****" David...please explain this comment
  21. The statement "a bad team needs to overpay to attract free agents" is not "bias" or "disrespect." Its a fact.
  22. Terrell Owens...none more "big city" and "Hollywood" than he said he loved playing in Buffalo. Enough with this "nobody wants to come here because its a lousy place to play" nonsense.
  23. I dont want to get all "Jesse Ventura" here (conspiracy loon, not pro wrestler) but am I the only one that noticed that George Stephanopouslosuspos threw a contraception question WAY the !@#$ out from left field earlier this year at one of the debates and then a month later its THE subject in our "national discussion?"
  24. The Catholic Churhc does not believe that, for married couples, sex is only for "making babies." Not even close. So why would Santorum? He's a Catholic.
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