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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Yeah...thats right. I guess this some of the "new tone" your hero talked so much about, huh? You are a pathetic little man...if you even are a man in the first place.
  2. Id love another Cold War. Was great for Air Shows. All I see now are a bunch of F18s. "And now! Another legacy Hornet doing a split s!!!" Yawn.....................
  3. If not wanting "fisting kits" given to my 14 year old daugher constitutes a "War on Gays", then call me "Animal Mother", B word.
  4. You think Chan Gailey doesnt realizze Fitz isnt Tom Brady? Really?
  5. Ill play.... 1) Outlawing abortion: Im against abortion but it should remain legal. 2) Making contraception illegal: Nope 3) Building up the military industrial complex: I support a strong military. I dont want to fund every program the Pentagon dreams up whole hog, though. 4) The right-wing has a special relationship with Wall Street and multi-nationsl corporations: We do? 5) Conservatives want to destroy all collective bargaining rights and blame unions for all of the problems: Nope. Just want to limit union's power in politics WRT municipal unions 6) That anyone who is a progressive or pro worker rights is a communist or socialist: Nope 7) Is for a War on Women: Nope 8) Is for a war on illegal immigrants: This is the closest one to being accurate. My general position is this..."welcome legal immigrants, deport illegal immigrants." If thats a war, so be it. And how could a "war" on illegal activity EVER be considered bad?
  6. My car has a handsfree built in. Two buttons on the steering wheel. I dont take my eyes off the road, nor my hands off the wheel to use it. Operating it takes less physical steps than finding a song to play on the radio or turning on windshield wipers for the right setting. If you cant manage to speak and press a few buttons while operating a car...or if you have to make that call and blab to your !@#$ing boyfriend while youre trying to operate the vehicle in bad weather or in a crowded parking lot or while trying to navigate a tricky piece of road youre not familair with...then yes...that makes you an idiot who doesnt belong on the road in the first place. Snowflake. Like Tom said...the problem isnt the device, its how its used. Gee, where have we heard THAT before?
  7. No, its NOT dangerous. Only to rubes and idiots who dont know how to properly do it and/or dont have the proper equipment. Just becuase youre too stupid or too broke to get a car with a proper integrated handsfree device, I should'nt have to suffer.
  8. Translation: I slept through American History classes. All of them.
  9. Dirty little secret is that something like 10% of all accidents where distracted driving turns out to be the determined cause are from cell phone use. Yet, Mr LaHood can do no better than "not everyyone does that" This dumbass law passes and the first thing Im gonna do is get behind dthe wheel, drive about 110 on the Interstate, call Ray LaHoods office, read him Article X of the Constitution, and tell him to go !@#$ himself.
  10. Im confused...were the Pats supposed to try and get WORSE in the draft?
  11. God, she is awful. As NUTS as Howard Dean is, when he was running the DNC and was talking you AT LEAST got the feeling the man had SOME level of intelligence. Wasserman-Schmuck makes Pelosi look smart. Awful.
  12. thank you. I know Im going off the deep end, but I cant take his bull **** rhetoric anymore. The !@#$ing empty suit cant take his morning **** with blurting out "pay your fair share, rich people!" and his Beavis lookalike Debbie Wasserman Schmuck parroting it.
  13. Its amazing....!@#$ing Obama's OWN WORDS were that he wanted to "fundamentally change America." The SECOND he was elected...the FIRST!@#$ING THING this useless community organizer said was "change has come to America." Yet, those who seek to fight that and keep the promise of America alive are considered the "extremists." !@#$ him. !@#$ him for his class warfare bull **** and his goal to turn this Country into something is wasnt meant to be. He should go back to whatever south Asian shithole he was schooled in and eat more dogmeat if he hates what this Country is so much. Yeah...Im fired up. The story about prohibiting children from working on their parent's farms put me over the edge I think.
  14. A piece of **** like that has the gall to stand next to MY flag and smile. Id love to see him hung, drawn and quartered, the liberal !@#$.
  15. No...Fox slants stories to fit their agenda. When MSNBC showed a tea partier with a gun at a rally and said it was due to racism...but it turned out the dude was black...that wasnt a slant...that was an "honest mistake."
  16. But if its a public school, you !@#$ing libtard Nazis wont allow a Theology Class becuase "religion doesnt belong in the public square." Made funnier by the point that you !@#$s think "gay studies" and "fisting classes for 11 year olds" do.
  17. Dude....you cant do 3/4 of the **** you used to. They are going to remake Cannonball Run. If they take out all the politically incorrect stuff, the illegal driving, and of course ,the drinking and driving, the !@#$ing movie is going to be about six minutes long.
  18. Its no different than a politician complaining about Citizens United and all the money corporations can now funnel to campaigns....five seconds after they left a Union-sponsored fundraiser that netted him $250K towards his reelection.
  19. Gonna be great when there are full scale riots and violence. Which, ironically, will reinforce whatever stereotype drove Zimmerman to follow Martin around in the first !@#$ing place.
  20. Do away with IR. Put the game back in the hands of the refs where it belongs. Its a human game, not one played by robots. IR takes the human element out of the game, slows the pace and opens every-single-play up to scrutiny. Ill take the occasional missed call, which nine times out of nine and a half equal out and both teams benefit from, for a faster, better flowing game NOT open to second guessing all the time. I know Im in the minority here, but you can keep your "I dunno Dan...by the replay you can tell half a millimeter of his shoelace is out of bounds" nonsense.
  21. I take it back...you lose. If Zimmerman continues to be contrite...if he lays out a strong case for why he did...and if he still gets a severe convicion....YET....riots STILL transpire and there is STILL calls for "justice" and the race card CONTINUES to be played even though this man has not shown to have a racist bone in his body, Zimmerman will be considered the good guy, so to speak in many, many precincts. I dont think its was incumbent of the Martin family to accept his apology at the moment, mind you.
  22. Winner winner, turkey dinner. This guy lays out a case for why he did what he did and Sharpon continues to go all "Freddie's Fashion Mart", Zimmerman will come out as the good guy,
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