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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Yes, it needs to be remedied, but you, as one seeking the change, has to understand why those who dont want to feel the way they do. Until you do that, nothing will change.
  2. The SSM set HAS to acknowledge what they seek to do. They seek to alter one of the pillars of society. Thats big time stuff and those reluctant to it arent all a bunch of "close-minded rednecks"....maybe they just have trepidation about such a massive undertaking and need some help understanding why this is the right thing to do. And this is where the SSM set fails. By the way...the abolition of slavery didnt happen in a few years, either. People didnt just "wake up" and say its wrong. Someone TAUGHT THEM that its wrong. They showed the slaveowners the light. And this is what the SSM set has to do now with this issue. The SSM wants the change. So they are the ones that have to do the heavy lifting of showing why this has to happen. And just yelling "BIGOT!!!!" and glitterbombing everyone who is reluctant to move forward on this issue doesnt even come CLOSE to doing that heavy lifting. Its a complete failure on their part to move those against it toward the light. What do you think will cause change? Embarrassing Rick Santorum on TV with glitter? Or seeking him out and talking to him about why your life partner is dying in the hospital without health insurance becuase you cant marry him and have those married benefits like health insurance? The others position is a mess? big·ot·ry    /ˈbɪgətri/ [/url]Show Spelled[big-uh-tree] Show IPA noun, plural big·ot·ries. 1. stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own. Who is being the bigot?
  3. So in other words.."Its Mark Miller's way or the highway...and if you dont agree with me youre irrational and stupid." How "tolerant", "compassionate", "empathetic" and "open minded." Why try to understand the other's POV and try to convince them that change is the right thing to do, when you can just mock them and call them names?
  4. There is only one rational conclusion. John's gay and needs health insurance.
  5. Understand. I think it goes beyond just boomer dying off, though.
  6. That's naive. Thats my entire point. Nobody is looking into WHY "the other side" feels the way they do. Nobody.
  7. This is a legit reason for allowing it but saying many object to it becuase of traditions that go back thousands of years is "weak." Youre a real peach. Once again, you prove your own bigotry. You really need to look up the definition of that word. So instead of helping those who are against SSM understand why this is the right thing to do, you look down your elitist nose at them, mock them, and minimalize them. Nice. Im aware of that. It was a figure of speech, you !@#$ing !@#$. But thats not what I said. I was trying to explain why people may be against it, without passing judgement on those people. Tried to show you that right or wrong, there is a good reason why people feel the way they do and its goes MUCH deeper than "hatin' on those faggots." It goes to the core of who they are as people and to the core of the society they live in, its cultures and traditions. And such things dont change overnight even when those traditions are odious. But instead of your "triple digit IQ" realizing that, you blathered about dogs and cats living together. Nice work.
  8. You really are as much of a dumbass as you showed in those SB YouTube clips...... Thats a perfectly legitimate reason for one being against gay marriage. Marriage has been defined as being between a man and a woman since the beginning of time. And thats the definition that millions of people are comfortalble with and have been forever. Custom and tradition are very powerful aspects of humanity. And thats the hole in the argument of those pushing for gay marriage. They REFUSE to acknowledge that they seek to CHANGE the very definition of what marriage is. They are messing with people's customs, traditions, their religious beliefs, societal norms, the whole thing. They are messing with their core belief structures, pushing for massive changes in those things yet refuse to acknowledge that they are doing so and are expecting and demanding all of society just follow along. Its NOT going to be that easy. The SSM set is the one pushing for these huge changes. And instead of just screaming "BIGOT!!!!!" they need to lay out their case for why this change is the right thing to do. Whether or not refusing to accept that change is "bigoted" or infringing upon others rights can be debated. The fact that we are changing the definition of what marriage is, cannot.
  9. I always get a kick of out so called "enlightened" atheists who can do no better than childish denigration of the faithful. They are what they claim to despise. Versus tyranny of the minority? Why I cant string Christmas lights across my desk at work becuase ONE atheist like yourself got "offended" by them? Or is it only "tyranny" when its a ruling for something you dont like?
  10. Thats what your missing. This is the first step. The next one will be application of the 14th Amendment, which will rule this measure illegal. Its a long painful process. But it was designed that way. And in the end it works. Its cold confort for those who will be discrimiated against today, though.
  11. Yeah....cases of laws and rights.....rights of the state.....civil rights.......playing out and being determined using the mechanisms put in place in the Constitution by our Founding Fathers. An embarrassing chapter, indeed.
  12. Soulless Michael Corleone from GFII controls your subconscious. Well....at least we now have an explanation.
  13. Oh, Im sorry.....did I insult Daddy?
  14. The United States has waterboarded how many people in the course of the GWOT? THREE? And judging by how those three are acting down in GITMO in that bull **** show trial right now, I really dont think whatever long terms effects were caused by waterboarding did what? Make them BIGGER pieces of **** than they already are? So your whole argument is a red herring because you based it on waterboarding being used as an EI tactic MUCH MUCH MUCH more than it is and used. So spare me the lecture. And take your race card and shove it up your ass.
  15. Top Gun is a "propaganda movie." Holy ****.
  16. Speaking of Elizabeth Warren....isnt the big ballyoo over her comments like.....CRAZY???!!!??? Oh, you didnt notice?
  17. I wish *I* worked in a field where i could tell half of my potential customers to go !@#$ themselves.
  18. if the US Government TRULY controlled me, they would dictate what I eat, where I live, how I live, what I wipe my ass with, what I listen to, what I watch on TV, how my news is consumed, how I educate my children, what my children eat, how I recreate, on and on. If Exxon Mobil TRULY controlled me they would try to get me to buy more gasoline. "I pledge allegiance, to the big oil, in the United States of Exxon...."
  19. Where Obama and his OWS pals say it is. Duh.
  20. Yeah....who wants American based companies to profit and be wildly successful? Thats just "evil, selfish" thinking on our part!!!
  21. Heres my problem with the whole deal. Even WITH waterboarding the United States is STILL head and shoulders above the rest of the world in terms of human rights and dealing with stuff like this. No, our record is not perfect. But how we carry ourselves when conffronted with this moral question is still better and more humane than everyone else. And not for nothing...whats with this "the US should be held to a higher standard" nonsense? What? The rest of the first world, heck...even the second world are a bunch of neanderthal do-do's who, when they mistreat their prisoners and criminals, are to be excused for it becuase they are too dumb to know the difference?
  22. What is the alternative? Except that by using waterboarding, due process IS being followed, as its a form of interrogation, one of the first steps taken when a person with an allegation of crime against him/her is taken into custody. Then you go on about them hating us for "stealing resources." Is that why I have to shell out $75 to get 13 gallons of fuel and a few weeks later the Saudis **** out the same $75 I forked over? Becuase the "evil" United States is "stealing" from them?
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