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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. No. Im saying a religious institution has the right to determine who gets married and who doesnt within the confines of its doors. Thats it.
  2. Isnt the DNC being held at Bank of America Stadium? Ya know...BANKS....those evil Wall Street BANKS? The lines are writing themselves for Romney.
  4. Supporting the premise of a law, but being against which entity took it upon itself to make that law IS possible, you know. \ Just becuase he (and I) dont think its the Fed's job the be in the marriage business, that doesnt mean we want all gays to burn in hell. Or like the debate Im in with those two nimrods on this board....just becuase a religious institution wants to limit who they marry to men and women, that shouldnt affect a gay couple from being allowed to marry through one of the many other channels to do so available to them. Why cant liberals figure this out?
  5. I heard something today...probably BS, that Martin has a rap sheet and important to the case, for burglary in that complex. Anyone hear that? Beyond that, one thing IS clear...this is NOT a case of an innocent minding his own business black kid being "shot like a rabid dog" or for "walking while black" by a crazy racist, as its being portrayed.
  6. Oh yeah....the faithful have to question and change to YOUR ideals and if they dont, they are bigots and idiots in your opinion. Stick to saying stupid **** like "DALLAS IS GOING DOWN GARY!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Thats clearly the height of your intelligence.
  7. Thank you, Jim. My whole thing here is simple...I hate pretentious !@#$s and I hate hypocrisy. 95% of my posts here are based on that premise. This guy probably has done a lot of work in the area but he comes off as a total look down upon others douchebag. I cant stand that. When I call someone an idiot its becuase Im comfortable in my OWN idiocy, too. And when others feel the same way, it comes through even when they dont try. Most fit into that camp. But some like this guy and people like DiN....they are complete idiots but also think they know it all. I have no time for that.
  8. What are you a !@#$ing librarian? Hey, YOU are the one who made a factually incorrect statement to forward your agenda, not me. Thank God for that. You sound like a hoot at parties. And youre just a regular Joel Osteen, arent ya? Watching The Thornbirds and discussing it over a cheesburger with your one capitive friends doesnt count as "study and debate" And I spend lots and lots of times in the woods. It doesnt make me a lumberjack. AND BINGO...THERE IT IS. Admit it, sweetie....the knock on academia I made is what got you in a knot, isnt it? I hate to tell you, but saying "who the !@#$ am I" really doesnt cancel out all the other stuff youve already said proving youre a total pompous ass. Speaking to a million priests and nuns and monks (monks??!!!??) doesnt reveal this. Two open eyes do. So because I can look up why Van Halen is cancelling tour dates on a computer, religious institutions should change the underpinnings of thousands of years of doctrine. Brilliant. Um...the Earth was proven to be round hundreds of years ago. Your point holds ZERO water. But I do....hold on, I gotta pee. I know what you mean...Ive been asking "God, why the !@#$ am I wasting my time with this dullard?" for fifteen minutes now. Youre right..toss those Bibles, and Torahs....who needs em!!??!! Yeah...you have a "deep respect" for religion with statements like THIS. Not what I said. For a real fart smeller...er...smart feller....you didnt get my basic point?
  9. Im done with you.....Get the !@#$ out of my face.
  10. That's incorrect. The Nazis rose to power by making the Communists the outcasts and it was earlier than 38. It wasnt until Hitler and the Nazis had firm control of Germany that they turned their attention to the Jews. To folks like yourself, people who use their faith as the basis of their moral compass and think differently than you are having their "judgement clouded." But liberals and non-beleivers who get their "religion" and moral compass from academia, the New York Times, or whatever the latest trend is, according to folks like yourself, have it all right and are as clear thinking as they come. Its an elitist way of thinking, in its purest form. And another flaw in the thinking. This idea that religious people are "discriminating" against homosexuals. Who is the Church discriminating against by holding this view? Religious institutions dont make policy beyond its doors. And religion has firm rules up and down affecting things much smaller than marriage and guess what? have a list of "rules" a mile long for men and women to get married. Im a Catholic and had to marry a girl, also a Catholic, in a Church, had to attend 'marriage classes' before we were able to and also had to have reached other milestones in my religous journey like Confirmation, first. Not being gay is just one of MANY criteria one must meet in order to be married in the Catholic faith. Do Jews "discriminate" against pig farmers? Do Catholics "discriminate" against meal lovers during Lent?The list goes on.
  11. Im leaning towards this. It seems that the effort is to not towards injury prevention, but injury elimination. And if thats your objective, then it really is a zero sum game where the end of the sport is the only thing that will meet that objective.
  12. So what if it is. Many of the other boards I pollute swing totally left. In fact, most do. So this is like the Fox News of discussion boards. All we need is a "leg chair" and we are all set.
  13. Out!@#$ingstanding. Im sure this will be written off by the left as 'desparation.' Ya know....the SAME left that felt a hit piece about a teenage Mitt Romney with shady facts, questionable third party testimonials and full of innuendo was"hard hitting investigative journalism."
  14. Not only do you continue with your elitist approach, you continue to misconstrue the points many were making in that other thread you reference in order to forward your agenda. You then talk about the"hypocrisy" of the faithful and how intolerant they are while at the same time showing a level of bigotry and intolerance twoards them on par or worse than they have ever shown towards homosexuals. You wont even acknowledge the moral conflict many are having with the issue as their positions change and evolve over time. You wont respect why they may feel the way they do and where those feelings come from. Evidently, only Barry Soetoro is "permitted" to "evolve" on the issue. The rest of us are just knuckle-dragging bigots and always will be, according to you. You really are a complete utter !@#$ing !@#$.
  15. Ill "tolerate" the guy in assless chaps shaking his ass against a drag queen in the public park during "pride" events when YOU "tolerate" a church group signing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" in the same public park on Christmas Eve. Deal? As far as that boxer goes, you DO realize he was misquoted and PACQUIAO NEVER MADE THAT STATEMENT, right? http://blogs.laweekl...te_timeline.php
  16. All I know is, I was reading an article about Dave Mustaine wanting to start a "supergroup" with Lars Ullrich and James Hetfield and the idiot writer had to inject Mustaine's feelings on gay marriage. I cant even read about a thrash metal band without hearing about gay marriage. Of all the things that need to be worked on in this Country...the obsession is gay marriage. Enough about !@#$ing gay marriage.
  17. Read up on the Axelod thingy here.. http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=47438 Its dirty politics at its' worst.
  18. Fair enough. I take back my comment then. It was fun screwing with DiN, though.
  19. Joke flew RIGHT the !@#$ over your head. Morans http://forums.twobil...ht-in-virginia/ And the best part is, you took part in that thread. So I guess BS namecalling and labels is only "bad" when its toward one of your sacred cows. Thanks for being part of the problem. I may not have any class, but unlike you I have integrity.
  20. http://www.nydailyne...ticle-1.1076395 Nice! The Democrats better start sending political hacks into the bathhouses to grouse out more faggots and unemployed illegal alien college grads with their "women's studies" degrees or they are going no where with Barry.
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