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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Havent dug too deep into the numbers but from what I did see, a lot of Union households voted for Walker and for the "pro-choice" thingy. That says a lot.
  2. LOL. Whenever I manage to get on someone enough to come after me like this out of nowhere its "mission accomplished."
  3. Malkin is really hot, but like LA she's starting to grate on me. She just has this "needs a good dicking" tone to her. Outraged and annoyed over everything. Relax Malkin.....the new Disney movie casting an oil exec as the antagonist is not a liberal plot to indoctrinate our kids.
  4. LYBOB gets DC Tom to show his human side? LYBOB???!!!????? What the !@#$ is the world coming to????????????????????????????
  5. That is not my intent. My sole point is that atheists need to practice what THEY preach. My observation is that they do A LOT of what they claim to despise.
  6. So your answer to my question of why many (not all) atheists practice the hate and intolerance they say they are against religious people doing is "well, they started it"? Weak.
  7. Yes they did...Go back and look. Putting up a billboard during the holiday season that calls Christmas a "myth" isnt "attacking religion." ORLY???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????? “Every year, atheists get blamed for having a war on Christmas, even if we don’t do anything,” he said. “This year, we decided to give the religious right a taste of what war on Christmas looks like.”, - David Silverman, the president of American Atheists and the man behind the billboard, http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/11/29/for-the-holidays-an-atheism-billboard/ Sounds like an "attack" to ME. Bingo.
  8. Is that why Atheists have resorted to putting billboards outside NYC tunnels and on the side of buses attacking religion? It amazes me how atheists refuse to look in the mirror. A LOT of this in that thread, isnt there? The idea that all Americans since the founding of the Country are "dumb and jingoistic" and the rest of the world is "open minded and diverse and smart" is just as ridiculious as "the world was created in six days." The problem with THAT is that many many atheists are just as close-minded and feverent in their beliefs as those they claim to despise. You see it in this very thread. You see a level of bigotry and hatred that, according to them, only "those religous people" practice. I can see why people would not want to follow religion or question God or disconnect from being faithful all together. When the non-believers say things like the population of the religious "should be thinned out" is where they lose me. Seriously...thats a !@#$ed up statement and Id like one eof the so-called "enlighted" to explain how its any different than some of the horrible proclimations of intolerance we hear from the religious zealots.
  9. Some sport bikes can definitely go that fast. Heck, some production cars, namely Vettes can with a little engine work.
  10. And DIET soda...FIFTY times worse than its sugar-sweetened counterpart...is also omitted. But in a twist of irony, Bloomturds girl fell in an NYC pothole and broke her ankle this AM.
  11. One of the things I LIKED about Obama was, from the get-go, he said he was going to go after bin Laden hard. And he delivered on that. He stated it was one of his objectives when he was elected. He accomplished the objective. Credit is his.
  12. If that bow-tied !@#$ was on my airplane, Id be one of the first men in history to wish for my plane TO crash.
  13. I know I get pretty vulgar sometimes....but this is really beyond the pale. Shame on you.
  14. I !@#$ing LOVE getting lecutured about how "looks dont count" from the same !@#$s who inject race or sexual preference into every !@#$ing discussion about every !@#$ing social topic imaginable. "Looks dont count"...tell that to George Zimmerman or Fat Nick.
  15. BMWs are fine. But just dont ever own them to the point when youre on the hook for repairs/maintainance.
  16. Oh yeah....$250 for an oil change and $1,300 for a front brake job. Not overpriced.
  17. Acuras. I wouldnt be caught dead in those overpriced Panzer-wagons.
  18. Justification for aggressive neighborhood watch tactics by Zimmerman right there. This case is heading right to an aquittal. Wow, you really told us.
  19. I think hes going for the Elizabeth "Tonto" Warren way of thinking.. A guy...who became rich.....took the bus to his office every day. So now his wealth belongs to the bus driver too. Becuase if not for that bus driver...the rich man never could have gotten to work to become rich in the first place. Marcel...is that right?
  20. If Romney thinks the message of a "bridge to nowhere" will get people to not vote for Obama, hes nuts. If there is one thing EVERYONE understands is that failed projects like this span all political activities and have literally ZERO to do with the PUSA. NOBODY believes that stuff like this will go away when a new President gets into office. Nobody. Romney has to hammer Obama on Obama. Things he touched. People next to him. People he picked to run his administration. His decisions.Not hokey bull ****. I do think going after CA is smart, though. Hes not winning CA and its a liberal state. So hold it up as a model of how liberal tax and spend governance in the US fails. Then contrast that with a conservative state where business is thriving.
  21. Nobody is saying that, you ass. What we ARE saying is that the narrative of "innocent black boy getting gunned down like a rabid dog by a racist man and the racist police looked the other way and racist racist racist America laughed along and every white person is guilty" the media and the racial hucksters who both have REAL skin in the game have put forth has now been shot to pieces.
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