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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. OK, this woman now has close to half a million bucks and a free vacation. I think its safe to say whatever pain and suffering she endured has been compensated for in full. If you still feel you need to give money to a good cause, there are a million charities out there that take care of people who have suffered a lot longer than 15 minutes.
  2. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/public/cyclesafety/article3451896.ece
  3. She recevied that through one person who set up a website in support. NOT through organic donations from her PII being posted by anonymous.
  4. I dont care what those kids did. "Outing" minors on the internet with the intent for harm to be brought to them and exposing the personal info of the lady in the video is absolutely vile.
  5. See Big Cat....YOU DESERVED to get hit!!! You probably were 6" into their lane of traffic and didnt come to a complete stop at a stop sign with no traffic around for miles. You need to be sure to yield to cars! You see....those drivers have somewhere to be! And driving a car while jockeying a coffee and answering a text message while going 50 in a 20 is hard to do! But you...Dont you DARE speed on that bike. Bikes and cars? Same thing when they hit something. Same thing. And oh.....dont you DARE roll past that traffic light at 5AM, you scofflaw. And ride on the damned sidewalk....dont you know thats where bikes "belong?" But dont you DARE ride on the sidewalk! And when cars wont yeild to you and drive past you 6" from your shoulder, even when they have TWO other lanes of clear roadway they can slide into, they are teaching you a LESSON! So listen up! And the golden rule.....youre a big sissy in those spandex shorts! Now excuse me while I put on a sports jersey with a 22 year old boy's name on it and pretend Im him while hanging a pair of rubber testicles from my car bumper.
  6. Ah, the usual "might makes right" argument. What are you? Five?
  7. You dont own the roads you !@#$ing !@#$. Good day. GOOD! WRITE THE !@#$ING TICKETS!!!! The more I see morons on two wheels getting reprimanded for bad behavior, the less I have to listen to schmucks like you. It was a hypothetical, dickhead.
  8. Like guzzling a case of cheap beer and eating a buckettful of cheetos while watching men in colorful spandex knickers every Sunday at one and then whining about what you saw, pretending you know better then the head coach, on an internet message board ? A hobby like that? Its called physics, you IDIOT. And what the !@#$ is that shithauling hick doing driving a truckload full of cowshit around so fast that he can barely control his vehicle? Nah...its NOT Farmer Ted in his shitbox Ford with his shitbox overweight trailer with brakes at their wear limits, doing 45 in a 30 while he checks his cellphone for text messages who is the reckless one. Its the two guys on bicycles riding towards the side of the road and had the audacity to blow a stopsign at an empty intersection who are the "dangerous" ones. Give me a !@#$ing break.
  9. No, but Im going about 45 MPH on a carbon fibre pice of machinery with two contact patches about an inch square keeping me planted to the pavement. So there. No, you do not pass on the right. Correct. Hey, PeeWee's Big Adventure is one of my favorite films.
  10. You, in your big F350 cant give a quick toot of the horn and move over a few feet on a wide open country road.... yet the cyclists are the ones being smug and inconsiderate. Good Lord........ By the way...what laws are they not obeying when you roll past them in your hay hauler?
  11. Every one of these items I sided with you. Doublecheck my posts.
  12. Cyclists should never be blowing through lights. At worst they should slow to a standing roll and ONLY if no auto or pedestrian traffic is present, proceed on through. If there is any kind of traffic at all they should come to a full stop and wait for the green. Im well aware of the monkeys who call themselves cyclists who dont have a clue.
  13. Yep. He blew the light with traffic present. Schmuck. m just trying to say that drivers passing cyclists and then making a right in front of them is a dangerous move.
  14. A) Do you ride your car in the shoulder with all the road debris and other stuff there? Why do I have to ride my bike in the shoulder, especially when on some of those downhills on 9W, I can easily be going 30 to 40 MPH? Its not about "giving a damn" its about riding the road properly, as road cyclists have a right to as much as drivers do. Now if I have some clean shoulder space and Im only trucking along at about 19MPH Ill use it. But if the side of the road is a mess and Im on a downhill moving faster, I need to take a piece of road not in the shoulder. B) If you live in North Jersey you should know damn well 9W is a popular cycling route up to Bear Mountain and back. And if so, you should also know that if youre coming up on a pack of riders, a short toot of the horn when youre about 25-50 yards behind them will signal for them to go single file and let you pass. And by all means if they dont move over after you do your part to kindly let them know you want to pass, then tell them to eff off. Dont get me wrong, I know full well 9W can get packed with bikers and some of them dont pay attention. But like I said, do your part to try and be courteous and if they dont heed way, lay on the horn. C) Riding past cyclists and then making a right turn in front of them puts you SQUARELY in the wrong. Its one of the most dangerous moves you can make as a driver.
  15. Most "cycling douches", myself being one of them are actually happy this is going on becuase its bringing the doping issue to light and turning the frauds and cheats into outcasts. VERY few of the dudes in the cycling clubs I belong to are 'sad' that Armstrong, who is is known to be a major league !@#$,is getting his who along with his mentor Chris Carmicheal and Johan Brunyeel, who make up the douchelick trifecta in the cycling world. They were/are basically the 1991 Cowboys of Pro Cycling. That aside, this does seem kind of weird and a strange way to spend energy because the Feds closed their case on Lance a while ago. I think the reason they are going after him again is becuase Lance is looking to race triathlons professionally now and Johan Brunyeel is back running a cycling team, Leopard/RadioShack, which is consdered a powerhouse (although they ave injury issues at the moment). Will be interesting to see where this goes...but I doubt they can take any of his Tour titles away unless they dig up a positive test from one of those races or Lance puts forth an admission. One more thing...its not about the Tour de France. Pro Cyclists race all over the world, and the Tour is just one event, albiet the biggest. LA actually gets a bit of an asterisk on his 7 Tour title streak because its the ONLY race he did all those years, save for a few warm up events. Really, not at all. As far as Pro Cycling goes, country of origin isnt huge when it comes to who to root for. The most popular rider, even here in the states right now is Jens Voigt, a German. But for the USA, there is a whole new crop of exciting riders like Tejay Van Garderen, Tyler Phinney, Ben King and others that are great. Chris Horner, Levi Leipheimer and Dave Zabriskie are very successful and fun to watch, too. They dontt have the same Q factor as LA with the general public, but with cycling fans they are all hugely popular.
  16. The Iranians are just pissed we sold them an overcomplicated maintainence hog of a figther with half the radar system disabled that we dont even fly anymore.
  17. I have no comment on Dave's motives. I really dont care what they are. My sole point is what this guy is saying is no different than what every other ethic group says when "those people" move into their neighborhoods. Whether thats right or wrong, I dont know. Fortunately, I never had to deal with my own neighborhood going through radical changes, having my house torched (twice!) and I wont cast judgement on others dealing with **** I never had to. But I DO know is that if anyone except a white man said those words, it would be a non-story. The Reverend in that news clip understood that. Why cant you?
  18. Heard this AM that this guy had a house destroyed by arson. Twice. Id probably be good for a few angry rants if I was him, too. And I know Ive told this story before.....when wifey and I were house hunting we looked in a few mixed neighborhoods, one even mostly black. The realtor...also black...said right to our faces....you dont want this house you wouldnt be welcome here. Keep beleiving racism and what that guy was thinking about "other people" moving in to communities is a one way street.
  19. Call me nuts, but Id like to see this line actually DO SOMETHING before I start giving it nicknames about how "good" and "fearsome" it is.
  20. Patrice O'Neal End of story...and one with a tragic ending, unfortunately.
  21. It was too perfect. The whole thing just too perfect. From the kids look, to his over the top "IM AN OUTCAST!!" personality, to the crowd's reaction, etc. And then there is this.... The kid had the whole singing thing DOWN. He looked like a pro out there. But somehow his parents had NO CLUE? This kid says he practiced in the house, but his parents, who judging by their appearance at the place with him and the signs and who obviously support him somehow NEVER heard him? EVER? What? Did they think he was just 'combing his hair' all those times he was locked away in his room for hours? Im calling BS on this one.
  22. And if you think this wasnt a chorographed set-up you probably think Pro Wrestling is real, too.
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