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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Like Felipe Calderon did about a year ago? And nobody said a damned word about it?
  2. Well, you want to welcome bums, this is what you get. Have fun living in your own ****, SF.
  3. Yeah, even the most ardent pro-gay folks are thinking that what these Mayors are doing doesnt fly. Doesnt help when one mayor crows about "diveristy" when hes running one of the most racially divided cities in the Country...and another crows about how CFA doesnt meet his cities "values"....and then ge calls in Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam to help with the city's security
  4. Yeah, thats what I was going for. !@#$ing moron.
  5. As a white male christian hetero right winger TEA party Fox and Rush watching/listening guy, Ill just save you all the !@#$ing time and take responsibility for this happening. Youre welcome.
  6. Where are Obama's college transcripts? Why did it take him YEARS to release his so-called birth certificate? !@#$ off
  7. Daily Show vs YT, and now MSNBC is getting bought out by NBC completely with Vivian Schiller, formerly of NPR and firing Juan Williams fame is going to be running the show. But yeah...Fox is the real biased source of news.
  8. So Jim and FSD...is this how you dress? So MANLY!!!!! http://www.adobenido.../04/costume.gif Be sure to describe how the "long chocolate rod like tannins roll around your tounge and the back of your throat." Oh...Jimmy and FSD...one more thing.... When youre out there in the fancy vineyard with your white short shorts and pink collared shirt letting things roll around your tounge and mouth. When youre done sipping your pretty rose...You GOTTA let us know... DO YOU SPIT OR SWALLOW?
  9. I dont blame Chris Rock. Ever since his "!@#$s vs. black people" routine he caught hell for from his peeps, hes been trying to curry favor with them.Thats why he then shucked and jived through his next special and tweeted bull **** like that.
  10. Critical Mass? lololololol. I dont know of any cyclist that likes or participates in Critical Mass. In fact, cyclists despise it for the same reasons everyone else does. Its OWS on bicycles. Literally. But nice try though. Oh...speaking of ghey clothing.....is the pink ascott you wear to the winery on Saturday nights out of the cleaners yet? And do you set up your pretty polka dot blanket on the vinyard lawn while you pontifcate about how you can taste "hints of chocolate over your tounge?" Ohhh.....how maaaanly that is! Oh....MADONNA.
  11. While I get the sincerity of this, its the application of it thats the problem. Becuase when you strive for your noble principle to be achieved, we often DONT move forward and instead get political correctness. You get people like "Fat Nick" spending major time in jail becuase he threw around a few derogatory words during a common fistfight. Or you get comedienes blacklisted and held hostage and often their careers ruined for telling an ethnic joke. You get a hyper hyper hyper sensitivity to discussions of matters of race with people livingg in fear of speech police and power hungry special interests. Not good.
  12. Ill remember this post when my white ass walks through Brownsville, Brooklyn on a hot Summer night.
  13. Bingo. I gave up giving a flying !@#$ about all this when I got a good look inside a minority community and found out they are as prejudiced and biased and as capable of bigotry just as much as the "majority" is. It was actually refreshing to be reminded that people are people.
  14. I think youre some kind of deviated prevert
  15. So now companies that dont lose money to keep employees are greedy, too huh?
  16. Ill come pick it up, hang trucknuts on the tail, put a transformers sticker in the back window and drive around. That will make me "tough"
  17. Bikers and people at the "rainbow parade" both wear leather jackets and chaps, not cycling shorts, my friend. Just remember.....when you guys were all watching the Super Bowl this past year beating your chests drinking your Schlitz with your faded Jim Kelly jersey on your chest talking about how 'manly' you are......you also were all attending a MADONNA CONCERT. There us NOTHING you can say that changes that. Nothing. I win.
  18. No...you wear leather. Which, as previously pointed out...is MUCH more of an expression of homosexuality than wearing spandex is. You need to pay more attention.
  19. Chris Brown has acknowleged.... http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2012/06/25/former-bills-cartoonist-passes/
  20. Only one of the most popular bloggers about cycling at large and in NYC, with a few best-sellling books published. Nah........no credibility.
  21. I blew four lights, flipped off six drivers and slowed down an old lady on her way to Church yesterday. It was a good day. FAN IN DAGO.......this one's for you!!!! http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.com/2009/03/anti-veloism-weird-creepy-bike-hate.html
  22. Whats "weak" is that you took a call for others to have some perspective about the situation and think about their generosity a bit and completely misconstrued it and worse, went partisan. But carry on.....maybe she can clear a cool million. Becuase a child called her fat.
  23. I was all for support. It was heartwarming and a nice thing for folks to do. Its over the top now. Shes banked close to 600K so far and a free vacation becuase a bunch of kids on her bus got mouthy with her (and she did nothing about). Its wonderful that she got some support, but if people right now have a burning need to be generous, there are other places and people that need help A LOT more than this woman. Somewhere right now a Wounded Warrior who did three tours in Mosul is reading the Karen Klein story and thinking to himself "Really???" Its about priorities.
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