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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. There are eyewitness accounts and sworn testimony that would come out if this went to arbitration.
  2. It looks like WADA granted the USADA power to do it. And then if the UCI, the "NFL" of cycling goes along with the ruling, its all but done. And the UCI WILL go along with it becuase if they dont, then WADA can tell the UCI that cycling is out of the Olympics. Crazy political stuff.
  3. My friend, you dont know LA very well. The guy has LIVED to win those tours. That was his LIFE. His reputation is shot. AND...he cannot race moving forward, something he was trying to do, getting back into Triathlons. He was scheduled to race the Kona Ironman this year before he was banned. So he did have a financial stake in this. Being stripped of his titles and being banned from future racing is BEYOND huge to him.
  4. if you want a good rundown, this is it. Some of the info is outdated. For example, it says George Hincapie has been supoenead (I cant friggin spell). As of today, he ehas testified. http://www.bicycling.com/news/pro-cycling/you-jury
  5. You had absolutely zero idea what youre talking about. None. Go do some research. I have. Im telling you I follow this sport closely, have read a lot about it and have follwed LA's career closely. Not his apperances on The Tonight Show. His actual racing career. But you just dismiss my opinion like I have no clue? So OK......go do some research on your own and get back to me. Google is your friend. Tom, there is sworn testimony made against LA. http://www.cyclingne...ferrari-in-2006
  6. Seriously? THIS is your response to what I posted? I gave you a !@#$ing list of the allegations against him since 99. Did you even bother to click? And whats "hearsay?" You DO realize there are sworn, sealed testimonies made by former teammates that would have come out if it went to arbitration, right? You do realize LA made a $450,000 payoff through a swiss bank account to Michele Ferrari, considered the "Dr. Feelgood" of Pro Cycling two yesars after Ferrari was banned from the sport and LA swore off ever working with him again? Of course you do!
  7. Whats damning for LA is the fact that there are a ton of former teammates, racers, soigners (assistants on the team) who have, from what Im reading, are ready to testify against LA. Still, its odd to me that the USADA has the jurisdiction to strip him of his titles, especially without an admision or a failed test from that specific event. This isnt the NFL with one governing body. Theres the USADA, WADA, CAS, UCI and the race organizers, ASO who all have a say. Confused yet? Yeah, me too. As far as testing goes, be careful. The "never had a failed test" thing is a weak argument. Its bloody EASY to foil a test, especially back in the day when Lance raced. All he needed to do was carefully keep his doping "doses", if you will, below the testing threshold, which wasnt hard and would still provide an advantage to him. I was a HUGE LA fanboy. And I watch the entrie pro cycling calendar from the Tour Down Under in Jan, right through the Tour de Faso in late Fall. I think there have been few riders with the talent, natural ability and mental edge that LA has. Think Bruce Smith's physical talent with Jim Kelly's brashness, leadership and "head for the game." He is that good. So its not like some punch and judy competitor "stole" anything. Doping or not, he was still one of the best ever. Even back when he was a kid, he would show up at local races and ride the whole field off his wheel like they were standing still. But with that said...he also did stuff that would be borderline impossible to do WITHOUT doping. He and the others racing in the early 2000s were going so damned fast it was insane. I can watch this year's tour, go back and watch a clip of the 1999 tour and see the difference in the flat out speed clear as day. NO WAY they werent all doping. And the fact that virtually every rider LA raced against has been dinged for doping confirms that. And there is a mountain of damning evidence and stories that is just too much to ignore. Its a huge list. Here is is.... http://www.cyclingne...-over-the-years Bottom line, its a sad day, but one the pro cycling world and the regular riding Spandex Mafia (proud member!) have been waiting on for a long time. There are some tears and a bit of anger, but mostly relief and feelings of justification.
  8. Why is Bayless an "asshat" for suggesting a top tier athlete is taking PEDS in a sport where hundreds of others take them for their own performance enhancement, for injury recouperation, to stay on the field day to day, to remain competitive with their peers, or to extend their careers? As far as benefit of the doubt, have you met Mr. Lance Armstrong? Tons of his fans swallowed his brash claims of racing clean for decades now, present company included. Hows that working out for him now? Hey...Jeter is a great athlete and a great ballpayer. Personally, Id be surpised if he did. But if you think he is somehow "above" even being questioned about taking PEDS in a sports culture where they are popped like candy and spoofing tests is easy to do, youre nuts.
  9. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/08/17/13333450-no-papers-no-fear-illegal-immigrants-declare-themselves-on-bus-tour?lite
  10. I guess its "racist" of me to say I think minories are flat out stupid for letting these politicos talk to them and openly mock them in this manner. And they swallow it up and hoot and holler when Hillary puts on a drawl, or Biden starts shucking and jiving. Even the President, himself does it. Unreal. I guess we all get pandered to in different ways, but at least if Biden showed up in Dyker Heights or Bensonhurst and started going "Uh...hey....yo Vinny! Get me some of dat Obamacare with sum tomata sauz from your mutta's house", he would get booed off the stage. Do these folks at these rallies have NO sense of pride and are they that brainwashed by the Democratic machine that they just accept being mocked? Right to their faces?
  11. OK, the HUGE hole in your argument is that youre saying my kid really isnt a victim of a system now rigged against her (and me, as her parent) becuase "she has the opportunity to go somewhere else." But why should she be forced to go somewhere else so an illegal immigrant can get the spot in her school of first choice? Thats been covered. But the bigger issue is this....financial. Why should illegal immigrants now be given a leg up financially over an American-born child....white, black or whatever?
  12. Tgreg...read both articles and then explain to me why this girl and those like her gets a spot in line for college and government favor before my child does. I would like a clear answer in plain language so I can understand it http://usnews.nbcnew...gal-status?lite http://www.nydailyne...ticle-1.1135794
  13. Well, youre wrong. I may not be a rocket scientist, but Im smart enough to know Im not being "oppressed."
  14. Wrong. I didnt say Im being "screwed." Im saying that people like myself, working class whites, are the ones who will NOT be on the receving end of whatever "check" Obama wants to hand out in the name of "sharing." That when he says "share", hes talking to me, the average taxpayer. Obama is pandering to the recipient class, not the producing class. its so funny how liberals love to say they "have enough" or can "give more." Last I checked, they use HR Block, too.
  15. Thank you. TGREG's answer was typical and expected. But thats how he and other liberals think. That its now "our turn" to take a beating. That the poor immigrant kid deserves that college spot or loan or job more than mine for no other reason than that kid is a poor immigrant. That when a school or a neigborhood is "too white", as judged by THEM, its somehow "bad" and "evil" and "unfair" and must be changed, in the name of "diversity." Tell us, TGREG....how should my so-called "wealth" be shared. Not what I said or implied and you know it.
  16. Prosperity is shared, to me, means one thing...that as a natural born American, white, middle class (to many of Obama's people, "wealthy"), heterosexual Christian male, Im at the BOTTOM of the list of who gets a piece of that "shared" pie. Back in the boomtime of Wall Street a few years ago, it was widely reported that even the most basic skilled craftsmen in NYC had a backlog of work, thanks to all those "evil" rich people on Wall Street who were making bank and as a result, hiring those craftsmen to remodel their homes. Here on Long Island, a buddy of mine who sells beer to resteraunts, and knows every food joint in Nassau County says that as Wall Street and the economy goes, so goes the food and beverage business. "Turns into nothing?" Hardly. This is not rocket science.
  17. More or less what the Founding Fathers did.
  18. If you think Russel Brand was "good" in any way shape or form, youre part of the problem.
  19. A former client told me that one of her coworkers...a Senior Project Manager..was a black lesbian. And that thanks to the HR-induced identity politics in the office, she could take a **** on the CEOs desk and still not get fired. And she knew it. Aint "diversity" grand?
  20. Sounds scary and it is, but it will never happen. Youre not "forcing" suburban residents to do anything. You cant build a Wendy's in the wrong spot without the suburban locals wigging out. You think they would just go along with Soetoro's liberal robinhood dreck?
  21. http://misfitpolitics.co/2012/08/chick-fil-a-tastes-way-better-than-your-stupid-boycott/ If you’re so ridiculously offended by how a private corporation decides to spend their profits to the point of boycotting, then you should apply the same mentality to everything. In addition to how they spend their profits, you also have to research how they manufacture everything they sell, and how they treat all of their employees. Cause let’s face it, if you don’t, you’re probably directly supporting genocide, pedophiles, child labor in sweatshops, and puppy murderers. You’re not really supporting it, but that’s what you believe so I’ll go with it. I’m being tolerant. So enjoy your smug feeling of self-righteousness. [/thread]
  22. MILFS are a rare breed? Hit up any decent resteruant with a bar on a Thursday Night where I am...its MILF city. One place used to be called "Sagamore"....now effectionately known as "Saggy Whore." Not that I would know....heard from a friend. Seriously. Speaking of whores....NOBODY will drive the point home of "representing the everyman" than an ultra-liberal Alynskyite 30 year old professional activist and college student who can manage to attend an elite school, but not pay for The Pill campaigning for you.
  23. So I was walking into a local hospital on Sunday and FORCED my wife to ask me "A hospital, what is it?"
  24. Take an institution that has stood a certain way for thousands of years. State youre changing the definition of it. Then call those who seek to keep with the traditional definition of said institution "bigots" and "haters." Interesting.
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