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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Not to say it isnt good, but if you think 'The Big Lebowski" is "the greatest movie ever" you might be an !@#$.
  2. Rush Limbaugh is a conservative pundit with a nationally syndicated radio show, very popular with right-leaning people. or Rush Limbaugh is a big fat drug addled idiot who I never listen to, EVER yet I know everything about his show. Take your pick.
  3. One of the DNC keynotes is a 30 year old professional activist who registered at a specific college so that she can go toe to toe with its core values as a "victim" olf those values and then got in front of CONGRESS and pretending she was a poor college student who couldnt afford a $10 box of birth control pills to talk about it. The man nominating Barack Obama is a former Democrat President who famously wagged his finger at ALL OF US about how he didnt have sex with "that woman." Wanna talk about "lies"? Yeah....lets.
  4. My God, could you imagine the fallout if someone called Obama's speech next week "dark?"
  5. Romney in New Orleans today to survey the damage. Barack goes Monday. BIG "win" for the Romney camp. They did a very good job this week (not perfect, relax) and out of the gate the next day they get a 15 yard completion on first down.
  6. Im predicting Clint doesnt give a rat's ass. Which is one of the things that makes Clint great in the first place.
  7. It was funny. It was weird. But funny. He made the salient points where he had to and in typical "Clint" style, just got up there and winged it. It was a tough listen at parts, but it was him being him. Jeez...when you throw a "whatever" in a speech, you know the guy giving it doesnt really care about how articulate he is. He cares about the point, thats it. Not if his words come out right. Its like Ditka. Ditka doesnt even finish his last word out of his mouth before starting a new one. But you still understand what he's saying and like Clint, Ditka has the cache and ability to say "Im Mike Ditka, YOU figure out what Im trying to say." Youre going to get on Mike Ditka or Clint Eastwood about proper diction and being articulate? If you tried, they would activate your dental plan and they know you know it. It was fine.
  8. "We" have Clint Eastwood and Jenna Jameson "They" have Micheal Moore and Sandra Fluke WE WIN.
  9. While playing GOLF on a MONDAY in CHICAGO.
  10. Im not a big fan of putting every player who has had a modicum of success on a team's "Wall." IMHO, that stuff is for the all time greats and legends. The few really standout players....not every one who had a good career or just a few good years with the team. Beebe and Fina? You cant be serious
  11. Have it on order from Amazon. Already leaked that bin Laden was NOT shot point blank by a SEAL but through a window or something? Kind of takes soem of the "romance" out of the operation, but who gives a !@#$....hes dead at the hands of a U.S. Soldier.
  12. In general, the cycling community thinks the UCI is an abolute joke. An inept beaurocracy of the highest order. But a HUGE part of this case is how the UCI runs cover for Lance. Lance is close to former UCI honchos and has made financial contributions direct to the organization. There is massive conflict of interest there and few think the UCI would rule impartially in any case that could result in sactions of any sort against Lance. If anything, its the USADA with a higher credibility rating. You have to see the 60 Minutes piece. Its critical. Look up 60 Minutes Tyler Hamilton interfew on YT.
  13. Following up on this...all your questions answered here, INCLUDING the "but he didnt fail any tests!!!" one. http://www.sportsscientists.com/2012/08/the-armstrong-fallout-thoughts-and.html?m=1
  14. Once again, the current admin wants the makers to provide to the takers.
  15. The President jokes about it, late night comediennes joke about it, everyone jokes about it. But when Mitt Romney jokes about it, its suddenly "sick." People who think like you worry me.
  16. Thats the soft bigotry of low expectations, a hallmark of the left, at work right there. lybob.....OWNED Not reading the thread again, I see. The Ryan pick has NOT scared away seniors. The scare tactic of "Ryan's gonna change medicare as we know it!!!!!!" is actually working well. Becuase anyone who can add realizes the current system is unsustainable.
  17. Its regional, for sure. Still not huge in the American sports conscience. But growing. More races, bigger crowds at them. For example, the Harlem Crit race used to get a small crowd, now its a major event. But youre not going to see that on the back pages of papers anytime soon.
  18. Its as simple as this.....like baseball had its steroids period in the late 90s and early 2000s, cycling had the same. Riders dope to this day, but from about 1995 until about about...oh...2009, drug use was rampant. Frankie Andreu said it best. He was a support rider for Lance and said how one year he was riding in the front and the next year, the same clowns who couldnt touch him were now doped up and blowing his doors off and he had to do drugs not to win, but just to stay employed. Thats a powerful statement. Jonathan Vaughters who was also a Lance teammate and now runs his own squad had a good piece on it in the NYT. http://www.nytimes.c...?pagewanted=all The thing is...they were ALL doping. So the best guys were still on top, no matter what. The difference is for the lower tier guys. Im not condoning this behavior, or excusing it. Im just trying to show the rationale for it. Like Chris Rock said.."Im not saying its right, but I understand."
  19. Just becuase he increased the interest in the sport, that doesnt exempt him for his crimes. And theres a bit of a disconnect in your theroy in that LA has been retired for years now and although he recruited many for the Spandex Mafia, present coompany included, cycling is still enjoying record growth and the races are bigger and more populated than ever. SECOND place? How about down to like, TENTH?
  20. That, Im not sure of. Long story short, if you know the threshold for a postive test is X, you "dope" up to X minus 1. Small amounts, but STILL enough to make a difference,
  21. “Numerous witnesses provided evidence to USADA based on personal knowledge acquired, either through direct observation of doping activity by Armstrong, or through Armstrong’s admissions of doping to them that Armstrong used EPO, blood transfusions, testosterone and cortisone during the period from before 1998 through 2005, and that he had previously used EPO, testosterone and hGH through 1996. Witnesses also provided evidence that Lance Armstrong gave to them, encouraged them to use and administered doping products or methods, including EPO, blood transfusions, testosterone and cortisone during the period from 1999 through 2005. Additionally, scientific data showed Mr. Armstrong’s use of blood manipulation including EPO or blood transfusions during Mr. Armstrong’s comeback to cycling in the 2009 Tour de France.” http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/usada-bans-armstrong-for-life-disqualifies-all-results-since-1998
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