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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. "The Wealthy" are the only ones who take advantage of tax loopholes and write off business expenses? ORLY??!!!??
  2. Howard Stern played out that joke ten years ago. Hey, at least you didnt call me a "raaaaaaaacist."
  3. Boo terrible plays, cheer good plays. If you got a huge raise and subsequently screwed up for six months after it would your coworkers or boss give you a cookie? Why should pro athletes be different?
  4. The problem with your assinine statement, is that you and the rest of the statists think that by driving on a road or calling 911, we are somehow "dependent on the government."
  5. Ya know, Ive gone to RC Church my whole life and I never once heard a word about any of that stuff. Theres that whole "body of Christ" thing. I wonder is thats one of those "dog whistles" or something.
  6. TuneIn did not work for me with this issue. Not shocked the NFL is pulling another money grab.
  7. So David Lee is 'the guy' for this year that the Bills need to FIRE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! to be good. Got it. Thanks.
  8. IMO, the sight lines at RWS are amazing. But leave your seat and its a **** show. Way too crowded and tough to get around. Not sure this can be fixed, but damn they should try. I do agree with the sentiment about all the other frills, though. Some good food, a good seat, ability to take a leak and not have it take a half hour and thats all I need.
  9. Dude...NOBODY wants to hear about any "good side" to Penn State right now. NOBODY.
  10. As interpreted by Dana Millbank...that fair and balanced reporter. Give it up, Joey.
  11. Right...becuase the rest of the world looks so favorably on us. But hey...let them call us "ugly", "fat" and "stupid." We will just respond by kicking their collective asses in the Olympics and landing on Mars.
  12. Ill say this...what they are building down where you are is everything it should be. Its grand, its beautiful, its soaring, its a great momument to those we lost and our ability to persevere.
  13. Said it in another thread. As if Williams is the first DE to go against a LT with frisky hands? And your first game in WNY you put on that performance and then whine? Shut up and play.
  14. Flying for business today and they do a 9/11 moment of silence in the terminal. And who is yapping the whole time? A bunch of TSA agents.
  15. What? Is Mario Williams the first DE that has ever had to deal with this stuff?
  16. I checked out that Honey Boo Boo thing last night. That family should jump in a lake and anyone who watches it should join along. !@#$ing horrid people. Horrid.
  17. Theres a plak.....it says "Paul Revere started a ride." !@#$ing moron.
  18. Menino...this marble mouthed idiot? LOLOLOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArNNBsKg4-o
  19. If you dont understand even basic tax laws, go back to Honey Boo Boo.
  20. Or Not: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/48907952
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