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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I thought that crap TD call in favor of Brady was the turning point. It demoralized them, IMO. Good thing the real refs are back, huh?
  2. I was drunk and making an ass out of myself while blurting out rude crap I shouldnt have in front of mixed company. So....acting more or less how I do here.
  3. NO team is better? Now youre just being assine. I dont buy this becuase when the Bills were winning, they had zero problems getting talent to come to Orchard Park. There are other "meddling" owners in Sports and coaches dont have a problem going to those organizations, either. I think the wildcard is the current instability of the ownship situation, which wasnt there ten years ago. Would YOU go take a job where the ownership could change and the entire place possibly moving literally any secord now? I know I wouldnt. Right, becuase there have never been good coaches who manage the game from upstairs.
  4. Fire the coaching staff, bench the $100 Million free agent, give up on the entire season. Might as well push ALL the chips to the center of the table on this Monkey-brained Monday.
  5. Forgetting Ralph is alive, pining for Perry Fewell, pining for a "Rex Ryan D", which got popped for 34 points today, and saying Fitz' picks had nothing to do with the loss. This forum NEVER dissapoints after a bad loss. Ever.
  6. If those !@#$ are going to get pissy about the "flaunting of military might", may I get pissy about the flaunting of men in bad-matching tight outfits and women with too much patchouli oil?
  7. Terrible. Youre breaking up virtually ALL the big division rivalries. For example.... If you were Ralph, would you sign up to lose the Miami game and its guaranteed sellout? If you were any team that played the Cowboys, would you give up that game and its guaranteed sellout? From a fans perspective, its terrible too..... For example, there would be riots in KC if you took the Raiders and Broncos games away from them. Frankly Im shocked anyone who is an NFL fan can look at this "plan" and say its good.
  8. Im having a lot of fun with the Romney thing on my FB page. I post a picture of him with a kid and caption it "creepy photo of Romney before he kills and eats this poor child." or just a simple photo of him at a rally with "Mitt shares with the crowd his recipe for Roasted Dog-on-Car, basted in baby of parent fired from Bain Capital job's blood, cooked over a low flame of burning $100 bills. " I know....Im a regular Don Rickles.
  9. Sorry to revive this....whats the solution to listening to the GAME broadcast on a mobile app?
  10. http://offthebench.nbcsports.com/2012/09/24/if-this-video-of-a-chick-working-her-hula-hoop-magic-doesnt-go-viral-there-is-no-justice/
  11. So basically ANYBODY who plays even just above average for more than a few years is gonna get on the Wall and his number retired now, is that it? Bruce Smith...Jim Kelly....Ralph...Jack Kemp....and Moorman. Yeah.....that makes sense.
  12. Dont worry....as long as youre an illegal immigrant black mexican lesbian who collects food stamps and needs a free third term abortion between shifts at the local GM plant, youre all set. The rest of us....well, you need to kick in your fair share because you dont deserve what you got, in the first place.
  13. Im happy to see him go. Becuase as the only shining star on a ton of crap teams and with a career of perfect punts, you KNEW that if the Bills ever got good and a playoff game came down to a punt....Moorman would pick THAT MOMENT to muff it.
  14. What kind of a bunch of self-righteous c-nts think kids want to eat hummus and black beans?
  15. Ohhh...a petition on change dot org. Youre only one step away from blocking a Chinese Tank, there Skippy.
  16. Thats always my favorite part of the argument. They loove to get on the wealthy for taking advantage of tax loopholes and deductions.....as if they are not running full speed to a tax accountant every Spring, themselves.
  17. Selling black babies.....duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
  18. You know what? Id rather the wealthy "not give a **** about me" than "know whats good for me."
  19. Only liberal statists would think that coming from a good background and becoming successful on your own is a "myth."
  21. Whats the rationale for those making media income, by the numbers, NOT kicking in something in income tax? Cant those folks contriubute just a bit?
  22. Where I live and where many other do too, $200K household income is FIRMLY "middle class." It gets you about 1500-2000 square feet on a 100x60 lot with two cars@30K each in the driveway, money for yearly vacations and enough to SAVE to put 2-4 kids through college. Nice life....but HARDLY one of "wealth." Your argument doesnt make sense becuase you picked Rochester and.....Alaska to make your point?
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