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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Nah, not really. Just saying that this place really doesnt need moderation. Its a tough place for big boys and girls. But its not a cesspool of filth and hate. Ive seen other political boards that are much much worse.
  2. Oh, I have have it very correct. You see....despite its quirky way of operating, things on PPP hum with a pretty good rythmn. So if a moderator came in here cold and awkwardly busted the place up, in the end it would reflect poorly on the moderator's actions and ability to do his job, not on the people who might have gotten banned. 'youre an idiot' is not a 'personal attack.' And throwing down the race card without backup is a "BS accusation." Then turning tail and running is cowardly.
  3. My only concern is what Ill tell all my co-workers tomorrow as an excuse for the sure to come embarrasing way the Bills will blow the game.
  4. Im in the middle of the "schit" here on Long Island. I heard from a friend that an out of state crew was at a job site waiting to start work and was told they could not until the LIPA crew arrived at least an hour later, due to Union rules. The out of staters were ready to move at 6 but were told that they could not start until 7.
  5. Seriously, why would this place need a moderator? Personal attacks, except for the occasional "youre an idiot" are few and far between, usually reserved for those who say something truly dumb or like I said, make a BS accusation of racism or something. For most political forums, its fairly calm and respectful.
  6. There were a few others, too.
  7. Moderators walking into this forum is like a sherrif walking into an old western town. It aint gonna end pretty for the Sherrif. Who complained? Who else? A lib who came here to start a fight, most likely then accused someone of racism, got destroyed for using that bull **** tactic, then pulled the typical lib-Alinsky move of curling up in the fetal position and crying "victim!!!!!!!!"
  8. Going to send some good tranny porn to the Moslems. !@#$ them.
  9. Hold on, shes in my shower. Ill ask her how she feels about it as soon as Westie posts the examples of post-election 'racism.'
  10. NOBODY is disputing that racism exsists. Neither is anyone disputing that racism is a motivating factor for some.....SOME......SOME in terms of who they voted for. What is being outright rejected is the notion that it was the motivating factor for the vast majority of people who voted against Obama. Its time for those who throw around this accusation to either back it up.....or shut the !@#$ up about it.
  11. Its amazing.....Ive voted against Democrats my entire life. In elections of all types...local, state, federal, school board, fire districts even. I think I voted against a kid in sixth grade running for hall monitor becuase his last name was "Carter." But suddenly I vote against THIS Democrat and its becuase of 'racism.' Yeah....ok.
  12. Please post examples of racism put forth by right leaning participants of PPP in reaction to Barack Obama being re-elected.
  13. I stand corrected. Thank you.
  14. Please post examples of racism put forth by right leaning participants of PPP in reaction to Barack Obama being re-elected or shut the !@#$ up.
  15. Ha! We mock what we dont understand.
  16. Attorney-speak. Sepaking of a group of people "so damn unpalatable to so many"..............
  17. Youve posted some of the most angry, hate-filled stuff Ive ever seen in this very thread....and you got the unmitigated balls to lecture others on "hate"? Get the !@#$ out of here. Quickly.
  18. Entitled "soft bigotry of low expecations."
  19. No, becuase one has nothing to do with the other.
  20. I fail to see how this has anything to do with a modern "entitlement mentality." Kids working **** jobs always do stuff like this dating to the beginning of time. At the Friendlys I worked at in HS, we used to go into the refrigerator and wrestle, often beating each other over the heads with the bags of food off the shelves. Then in college we all got a job at a lovcal hardware store with a big masons yard in the back. We used to have "wars" with the Bobcats. Two people driving Bobcats and two people who ran around with huge wooden bats to try and fend them off. I must say...you really havent lived until you try to send your best friend to the hospital with a small bulldozer. Adolescent on the job hijinks are hardly a new phenomenon.
  21. George Bush's legitamacy was never questioned by the left, after the SCOTUS ruling making him President??!!??? WOW.....you are really on a run here.
  22. That may be so......but at least Im not a lowdown POS who needs to bring racism into discussions where it has no place.
  23. Of course youll leave it alone, becuase I took your pathetic race card, tore it up and threw it back in your !@#$ing face. So youll now go run home like the kitty you are.
  24. Right, becuase white guys who were President never got shot. !@#$ing moron.
  25. There IS no more Jersey Shore. Not on TV Nor in New Jersey.
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