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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Wrong. It would have to be a lesbian (has to be a woman), homeless illegal alien, black and non-white hispanic who is a single mother but had two abortions and just pulled a double shift at a GM plant sea otter.
  2. He had to....if he followed that line, he would have parked the jet with the two sbd engines over the grass. That taxiway is really close to the runway. Like I said, its an old GA/former military airport.
  3. Not shocked about the "cheating" thing.....the left did the same thing to Bush, accusing him of putting a radio under his suit jacket so the answerscould be piped in to him. The left are !@#$ing children.
  4. Go easy on the pilot, he was putting a four engine jet on a GA ramp, at night.
  5. Adding to the lunacy, I asked my BiL who is in the finance side of the PetroChem business in Houston outright.....would the Keystone Pipeline have made a positive impact on gas supply and prices and his answer... Yes, beyond a shadow of a doubt. !@#$ you, Obama.
  6. Here is Jet Clipper Ella taxiing to the ramp at Republic. The idling engines and rotating beacon really make this video. In the background is the American Airpower Museum which is housed in one of the remaining Republic Aviation hangers, where the P-47 was made. When this plane came in, myself and around 20 spotters really followed it around. The running joke was that even if Travola was flying, the 707 was the "celebrity" we wanted to film.
  7. I said one only becuase there have been two wins since the Jets game. But overall we agree.
  8. One bad loss and the coach has lost the team? Really?
  9. My inside sources DEEP within the Bills organization tells me that until he gets on the sideline and yells like Carl Mauck while wearing gloves, a headset, a bandana and eating a breakfast cereal with his name on the box and buys three houses in Buffalo, he will be a lousy coach.
  10. We get an old 727 used for transporting horses into Republic Airport pretty regularly. The thing is gawdgeous. And yes...its called "Air Horse One." http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?cx=partner-pub-8297169501225184%3Aa05n2n-tzky&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=air+horse+one&sa=Submit&search_active=1&search=&sheadline=&search_field=datedesc&submit=&siteurl=www.airliners.net%2F&ref=&ss=1752j328512j13 Speaking of old planes, I saw John Travolta's 707 when it was here on Long Island, exactly a year ago...hearing those old JT3s whine is awesome....
  11. I hereby publicly accuse the UCI, McQuaid and Verbruggen to have concealed cases of doping, received money for doing so, have accepted money from Lance Armstrong to conceal a doping case, have protected certain racing cyclists, concealed cases of doping, have engaged in manipulation, particularly of tests and races, have hesitated and delayed publishing the results of a positive test on Alberto Contador, have accepted bribes, are corrupt, are terrorists, have no regard for the rules, load the dice, are fools, do not have a genuine desire to restore discipline to cycling, are full of ****, are clowns, their words are worthless, are liars, and are no different to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
  12. I believe that the Union Cycliste Internationale, Patrick (Pat) McQuaid and/or Henricus (Hein) Verbruggen have concealed cases of doping, received money for doing so, have accepted money from Lance Armstrong to conceal a doping case, have protected certain racing cyclists, concealed cases of doping, have engaged in manipulation, particularly of tests and races, have hesitated and delayed publishing the results of a positive test on Alberto Contador, have accepted bribes, are corrupt, are terrorists, have no regard for the rules, load the dice, are fools, do not have a genuine desire to restore discipline to cycling, are full of ****, are clowns, their words are worthless, are liars, are no different to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi!
  13. Its not pertinent. What IS pertinent is the upcoming third person account of Romney calling a kid in his 6th grade class "poopyface" , theyby prooving what a bully he is.
  14. Big deal. Mitt Romney...when he was 4....burned ants with a magnifying glass. Theres a video of it, I swear. Will be all over the news by noon.
  15. And the same thing was said about Kevin Gilbride. THE EXACT SAME THING. Two Super Bowls later..........................
  16. If I was the opposing pitcher, Id throw a high, hard one and brush him back. Where is Don Drysdale when you need him?
  17. This is akin to looking at a baseball hitter and just looking at doubles. Or a pitcher and just looking at strikeouts. Doenst give even HALF of the picture of what the player's true performace is. One thing in my dumb head Ive noticed, as CB has pointed out above is that he seems to be handled quite well with just the single-team. Kind of surprised by that. I didnt expect a Bruce Smith three on one and still get through type of deal, but I expected to see...I dunno....more "attention" paid to Williams by opposing OLs. And one more thing.....in LOTS of sports, it always seems it takes the flashy new free agent a good amount of time to get acclimated, comfortable and produce. How many of US start new jobs, even if fields we are well-versed and just start producing big right off the bat? Not many. I still think Williams is in that awkward stage with his new club.
  18. I flew on that plane...its an old Champion Air charter. It was in really nice shape, sad to see it come to this end. I dont know about this "experiment." Appears to be much more of a controlled hard landing than anything else. When I think of crashes, I think of massive systems failures that lead to total loss of control. That never happenned here. Still interesting, though. WORST crash of a 727 has gotta be PSA192 over San Diego.
  19. "Takeaway the takeaways" and the Bills win SB27. Seriously....go look at the stats. Except for the NINE takeaways, they are almost dead even with the Cowboys!!!!
  20. Do youself a favor.... When youre driving along alone.....just....in that fat welfare queen's voice yell out....OBAMA PHONE!!!! Its pretty funny.
  21. Michael Jordan effect. Big stars get the calls. Sucks, but a fact of pro sports.
  22. I think that planes should only have ONE pilot. Who needs two, anyways?
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